RE: holoz0r's A-Z of Steam: Consortium
I was frequently asked to "dumb down" my reviews, because I like to use a lot of a words and write pretty long sentences.
Allow me to introduce you to part of my author bio...
She enjoys tormenting readers by using the British Dictionary, writing with obscure words that require said dictionary, and the Oxford comma.
No worries about the convo! Happy to finally speak up. :) It's something I need to do more of here - slowly climbing out of my shell and interacting more.
Always happy to find other Aussies on here! Alas, I'm a dastardly Queenslander and no-where close to where all the action happens. Maybe one day! :)
Cheers for the follow - I hope you enjoy what I have to post! It's mostly just five-minute freewrites, the occasional babble, and maybe the odd gaming related thing. Doing a Sims Legacy Challenge at the moment. :)
Hope you have a wonderful day, also! :D