Computer Gaming in the 80's - Things has changed a bit

in #gaming7 years ago

I grew up in the 80's when computer and console gaming basically started off. It is amazing how things changed during the years. I believe the only way to present the actual experience is by the way of images, so I will not say much :)

Way back in 1979 and the 80's we had a savings account at school and every Tuesday morning, we took money to school to pay into the [PostBank]. The money was provided by my parents and I will be forever great full as in 1980 I bought my first Atari game console, which provided me with great pleasure for many years.

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Let's take a trip down Memory lane

Atari game graphics

The graphics was just amazing. The younger generation might think that it is terrible graphics, but at the end of the day it was the best that was available.

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My dad, was king of Atari Pac Man and could play for hours :)

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And I am sure my sister @giantbear till today will hate Atari's Combat as I was always the champion.

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My next console was a Nintendo and it was all about Mario Brothers.

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Then it happened .. A portable console :)

We had the original donkey kong hand console

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And we had Donkey Kong II

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And also Donkey Kong Junior which we can show in real time play :)

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This was the days of gaming back in the 80's and we enjoyed every second :) Anybody else here with the same experiences ? What did you play?

Happy Steeming!


I'm an old fart compared to most of you and remember driving from Naples, Florida to Miami with my father as a kid to purchase Pong, our first TV video game.

We were on top of the world and spent a whole weekend drinking Dr. Pepper and playing Pong.
Nowadays my kids and I have made a point to save every platform of video game we've had since they were born.

Excellent post, thank you!

EDIT: Most of us are old farts these days :) Great to meet you and followed you by the way. I am sure we can learn a lot from each other :)

Thank you for the comment

And Pong is before my time :) you win :)

It's a win best not to win(lol), but my wife will attest that I certainly haven't grown up yet and when my son asks me to play Battlefield or Call of Duty with him I still kick ass and take names.

resteemed and followed

I am with you and my wife can also attest that some of us will never grow up :)

I loved the 90s of gaming - the time I grew up in. We had Jagged Alliance 2, Settlers 1, Realms of Arcania, Monkey Island, Commander Keen, Mech Commander, Total Annihilation, Starcraft 1,... I could go on and on with the list :)

Thanks for the comment @thatgermandude. I loved Monkey Island!!!

You fight like a Dairy Farmer!

Love vintage gaming and everything to do with it! I used to collect Nintendo everything and used to blog about it on my now dormant blog The 72 Pin. haha Loved this article!

Thank you very much for the comment @artedellavita. Maybe you should start the 72 Pin on Steemit again :)

Gotta dust off the powerglove haha Enjoy your day!

So cool. I´m a bit younger, but I remember Donkey Kong and Super mario. I had a Commodore 64 in the mid 80s as a 6 year old. Later I played a lot of old school games on PC like wolfenstein, larry, police quest etc..then later Loom, Lemmings, monkey island, Amazon, commander keen...Such amazing times.

Great memories you mentioned there :) You missed the best that was around the time of Lemmings ... Syd Meyer's Civilization

Ah..yeah, that´s worth a mention. Probably one of the best games ever made, although not a favorite of mine. I´ve tried several times. I loved playing age of empires and sim city back in the days. Im currently still playing baldurs gate..more of a late 90s rpg. But I just cant seem to find similar gaming experiences in modern games. Sure there are some great modern games, but you need a friggin nuclear reactor to run them and theres more emphasis on graphics than story and general "feel".

100% agree about not finding similar experiences. I have a X-Box One nowm but we use it more for Netflix than gaming. The closest I got to the golden old days was Halo on the 360. My wife and I played at some stage from 05:00 in the morning till like 01:00 the following morning :)

Cool :D I gave up gaming some years ago. I was hooked on call of duty and fallout 3 for a while ( another great game is Fallout 1 and 2 btw). Now I just run baldurs gate on my macbook and have a beer and play Gran turismo 6 with my brother now and then. My plan is to take up the gaming when i retire :)

My gaming days ended when the kids came :) Now I still play Clash of Clans and recently started playing Golf Clash, as it is short and sweet :)

Haha. Same here :)

I think nowadays kids don't know how to open GBA or Gameboy.....

Ooh this post made me so so nostalgic. I am a big computer gaming fan and will always remain one. We used to have these video gaming parlours which had coin operated machines and as a kid I remember saving my pocket money to go and play. I have played a lot on Atari and even remember having dreams about games. Taking turns to play and compete with friends was the idea of playing over network back then. I miss those days!

@gyanibilli, we also had those. It used to be 20c per game, way back then. I was always wondering if anybody else in the world is also playing the same games... Zygar was one of my favorites of all time.

Ha the Atari 2600 was my first game console.
That was Epic!!
I think my first adventure was raiders of the lost ark, Indiana Jones and pitfall lol.
I even had a sex game, yes that was revolutionary in those days.
All other pictures of those handhold consoles gives me the chills, it's a blast from the past.
Its great to see them again, from my childhood.
Let's say we are the first pioneers of gaming!!!

There was also the commodore 64 and then the Amiga 500, that was epic with Larry and micro soccer.
Damn the 80s was a great time but...... what i see now on this moment is just insane.
My 7 year old son play games what i dreamed of, but hey in those days, we had nothing better and just filled the rest of the game and graphics with our fantasy, that was good enough.:)
Great post!!

Hi @sinzzer, I also had the Commodore 64 and will never forget Gyrus :) The sound effects was awesome ... For those days I mean. But before my Commodore I had a ZX Spectrum 64K :)

LOL Zx Spectrum 64k.
THen you are a elder in gaming!!

That was before my time, i am born in 77 and i got the atari 2600 when i was 9. I begged my father for months lol.
But a friend of mine had the commodore 64, aah those days where fun.
We had to w8 ages for the game to work, with those tapes.
And always those fast moves with the joystick when we played a game like the olympics, but mostly we played micro soccer, or player manager.
Everyone created his own teams, and then we play with each other.
Yep the good old days, and now i am play games together with my family lol
Me and my woman and two kids play blackops zombie haha

All gamers will never grow up and I do not have any problem with that :)

Lol yes indeed.
My and my woman played World of Warcraft for years, side by side.
And our kids played it to.
I mean there is nothing wrong with having fun and just have some fun with your family, i am doing that and it's GREAT!!!
But i also learn that gaming is just to clear your mind, not to make a sport about it. its a reward after doing something for yourself.
I wish i had that when i was a kid, but at the end of the day, i got what i dreamed of as a kid, and that is playing games with my family and nobody is complaining about that i play games. :)

lol back in the days, what are you doing behind the tv??
Let me watch TV, stop playing and go outside!! Stupid games blablabla
So i know exactly what my son feels and play along with it :)

My first games console was an Atari, and I sold it on ebay, to invest in bitcoin! I didn't want to sell, but it was worth it.

That surely was a great investment @rhino :)

I had the Nintendo and loved the Mario Brothers. I like the older version than current one...just seems different and more fun....or maybe because I was much younger than. :)

I also prefer the older versions

Can you still hear the music in your head?

The games now look amazing but back then the games were more challenging and more fun

Those were the days my friend