Pokemon Public Trades, June 10th (holy Tapu Lele!)
Howdy y'all, one thing that I learned a few months back is that people put up CRAZY trades on public. I left the craziest trade for last so that you have to scroll down ;)
This first trade really excited me because Weavile is one of the best 4 Legacy decks, will probably always be, and this leaves me 1 closer to getting all 4 Weaviles foiled up.
No genius required to notice that 5 ultra rare cards like this is worth more than 3 of almost any trainer; in this case, the Umbreon GX alone about matches the value of the 3 Flare Grunts
While this trade may not seem great, this kind of value is what increases a collection really fast. Maybe some day those cards could theoretically be worth more than this, but that is drastically unlikely.
This trade was INSANE. 4 EX/GX per Virbank, I feel like no way it could be wrong, and if it is well I still have my foils.
This trade... 3 of a terrible card for 4 of one of the best cards of all time. Actually the only trade I ?_?ed at. When trades are lopsided, players are usually trading fast for something they actually need.
And here it is - the best (or close) card in the game, a Tapu Lele GX for absolutely free! It would be one thing if it were just the Tapu Lele GX for the other cards - at least then I would only be getting around double or triple on my value. But the other 2 cards I received basically match the value of the cards I gave up.
Anyway hope you enjoyed reading, or that this lets you know a good way you can improve your collection, or that you just enjoyed looking at all the weird cards involved.
what's the name of the game? As a Pokemon master I should try it.
PTCGO / Pokemon Tarding Card Game Online downloadable for at least Windows, Mac, tablets, unsure on phones and Linux