League of Legends - ADC News, Tips/Tricks, Patch 8.1 - Ggt

in #gaming7 years ago


About the Writer

Before every post I like to give a small introduction on myself to give the readers a better understanding on who I am and what I post, so without further-a-due lets get right into it! I'm ggteixeira, or just Ggt for short, and I'm an active member of the Steemit community whose been around for about half a year now. I mostly post in the gaming section where I share game-plays, guides, reviews and just about anything related to video games! Some of my more common posts have to due with two of my favourite games; League of Legends and Player Unknown's Battlegrounds. If by any chance you find yourself interested in any of these games or topics, feel free to check out my page @ggteixeira for more related content. It's also always appreciated!



The Double T: "Today's Topic!"

For today we'll be covering a short informational guide on League of Legends covering some of the latest tips and tricks to do with the ADC role. We'll also be checking out the "meta"and some of the stronger champion picks for those of you who want to climb up the League of Legends ranked ladder faster! A quick disclosure before moving on is that all information presented here is considered personal opinion and gathered from some of my recent matches in the past week in-game. I'm a Platinum V ADC main for anyone interested in any credibility.

With all that out of the way, let's get into the ADC meta as of:

Patch 8.1!

Playing it Safe, too Safe...

A strange new meta has emerged for the ADC in the bottom side of the Rift that has been sweeping the lane 9 out of 10 times if not counter-acted with the exact same build, and that's a relic shield start. . . For the ADC? Yes, the Relic Shield paired with the overheal and flight of foot runes has become the most dominant start for all late-game ADCs.

Why does it work so well? Well the math's simple; the ADC with the relic shield and runes becomes harder to kill, granting them a strong source of sustain and survivability which allows the ADC to farm usually unbothered by poke. This makes it harder to shut down these snowballing monsters early, making it so they snowball harder into the later game and dominate the match so much more easier than how they would in a riskier normal build.

Another plus side to this new build makes it so in the mid-game, the ADC gains the reward passive from the relic shield which with paired with Overheal grants the carry a large shield that makes them significantly harder to kill, especially in team-fights. If you're an ADC, I definitely suggest trying this strange new build out and abusing it for as long as it works. I promise that you'll be winning a lot more games, but I don't know how long this new build will last before Riot steps in.

Lethal Lethality!

The name says it all; Lethal Lethality!

Lethality as of recently has found itself being popularly used on ability-based carries and for a good reason, it's incredible damage! Before we get into the specifics and who lethality works on, we should get what lethality is out of the way. Lethality is a special sort of armor-penetration that works especially well with abilities.

So, if you take it and put it on champions like say Jhin or Varus, who have abilities that can do a lot of damage, you'll be dishing out some serious damage to all of those who oppose you on the Rift. Hell, lethality even works well if not the best on Draven, a late-game snowball-based carry whose spinning axes and ultimate scale crazy with a full lethality build.

If you find yourself playing any of these champions and haven't already tried it, try picking up full lethality in your next match and I promise you won't regret it!

The Best Picks!

This is what you all have been waiting for, the best champions to pick right now who are currently the strongest. The picture here shown to the left has a pretty accurate portrayal on who is the best and who is lacking in the current meta.

The only real switch I'd make to that list is moving Tristana further up it to the S section, because with the Relic's Shield, she is seriously one powerful pick to choose right now. Other carries that benefit from the Relic's Shield start like Twitch, Jinx, and Vayne are also pretty high up and solid picks who can easily carry games due to the safe-route build.

Jhin I find though is one of the best carries to pick right now due to his such high damage output. If paired with Relic Shield, Jhin can snowball into the later parts of the game and do some serious damage to the enemy team. I haven't tried it yet, but I can really see a mix of full lethality and Relic's Shield doing some serious damage on the Rift when used on Jhin.



That about wraps it up when it comes to the latest in anything ADC come patch 8.1. If you have any questions or just want to leave a comment, feel free to do so in the replies section below. Thanks for reading guys and I hope y'all have a wonderful day! See you guys on the Summoner's Rift!


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