League of Legends - Teemo Mid-Lane Carry/Guide #DiamondPlayer

in #gaming7 years ago

What's up guys, it's me Ggt and with this post we'll be checking out mid-lane Teemo!

Some of you avid League of Legends players might be already sitting there and scratching your heads saying; "Mid-lane Teemo, huh? How does that even work?" Believe me, when I was first told this by my younger brother I thought this too until I tried it out for myself. Normally it wouldn't work, but with the mage items re-work/new additions, Teemo is now stronger than ever and can now be built as a sort of mage assassin which works out great for a mid-laner.

I've played with Teemo around a few games and tried out a few builds before finally figuring out the best one to use when bringing him in the mid-lane. Of course it took some trial and error, but trust me when I say the results were definitely worth it.

Yea, yea I know. I'll stop teasing you guys and get straight to it!


There's the game where I mastered the build and popped off as mid-lane Teemo. As you can see I did 15/1/10, doing the best on my team by far and having a very high percentage kill participation, which is always something great to have. Using Teemo's ultimate, his mushrooms, I was able to shred apart the enemy team in group fights and booby trap the enemy jungle, making it very hard for the enemy team to rotate around the map to defend objectives.

It also helped my team secure kills and was one of the main reasons I had such a high kill participation. A good tip for Teemo players out there is to use their ultimate and passive invisibility ambush ability to cause havoc behind enemy lines.

So let's take a closer look at the items. I know it's kind of small, but you can see them to the left. The build is mainly AP, but has some AD and attack speed with the nashor's tooth and Gunblade. When going over the build path, I suggest rushing the new Liandry's due to the insane damage it does with Teemo now before building either a nashor's tooth for more damage or Gunblade for more sustain, whichever you need more at the time. Afterwards build the other one you haven't built yet before finishing off with a Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff for that extra insane magic damage.

With this build you'll be shredding the enemy and doing some serious damage, especially with your mushrooms. Your poison dart (Q) ability will also do an insane amount of damage and should be used to either blind melee or ranged champions targeting you or your allies, or executing low-health champions who try to get away due to it's extra ranged compared to Teemo's auto-attack.

I mean if you don't believe that Teemo can do so much damage, just check the charts from my game below!


And here are the runes I used on my mid-lane Teemo!


Most people would go either Aery or Comet on Teemo for that extra AP damage and normally that would make sense. Not a lot of people use Phase Rush, but let me explain why it's necessary for this certain Teemo build. Teemo is a fast champion but doesn't necessarily have any gap closers. Since you won't be building a Frozen Mallet on this build or anything to help Teemo stick to enemy champions you'll need Phase Rush to help fill in that gap with that massive burst of move speed and 75% slowness resistance buff.

Otherwise the rune-page is pretty standard with the ultimate cap for more shrooms, celerity for that extra move-speed/damage, and gathering storm for the scaling damage throughout the game. The two precision runes, Alacrity and Coup de Grace are to help Teemo execute/scale better into the late game.


The DTube Video.

For anyone interested in watching my play-style or seeing the build itself in action, I uploaded the full unedited gameplay onto DTube for you guys to check out. Be warned, because I didn't edit it there is some swearing between me and my two friends playing. Otherwise, you can see a Diamond elo player tear it up in Gold Flex on one of his smurf accounts.

Thanks for reading guys and I hope y'all have a wonderful day!


▶️ DTube

I hate teemo since it usually gives a lot of problems and it's really hard to play against it. But he is a good champion with chances to win high.

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