How to save money on Game Of War - Fire Age!

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Game Of War.jpg

Game Of War - Fire Ages is probably one of the most addictive games out there to play on your phone or tablet, and it's also one of the most expensive games to play out there too. It's not like the game has amazing graphics or audio, in fact it reminds me very much of the old games I used to play on my Amiga 500, like Populous or Civilisation. But once you start building up your empire and making friends online it gets very addictive. When you 1st start playing the game you can get by without paying anything for quite sometime! If you join an alliance you'll make plenty of new friends and be part of a community. You'll get tons of help from other members, but unfortunately their help can only take you so far before eventually you'll end up having to buy a pack to continue.

Initially the packs will be reasonably inexpensive, but after buying a couple of packs you'll soon see a very large jump in price. The packs will range from $5 to $100 each and in order to keep up you will inevitably have to buy the larger packs at some stage in the game.

To put this into prospective of just how expensive this game can be, below is a link which tells a story of how a kid used his grandfathers credit card to buy packs on Game Of War - Fire Age to the tune of $46000. This kid is so lucky that his grandfather didn't have a heart attack when he found out!

Click here to read article!

As this game is so expensive I've decided to share with you three tips on how to safe money on Game of War - Fire Age!

1st Tip! - The Best way to save money!

The 1st tip is by far the best way to save money on this game and the answer is so simple... If you can, stop playing and delete the app from your phone. Trust me you'll save a lot of time spent playing it and a lot of money too. The game is forever progressing and levelling up and each time it does, you'll need to buy more packs to give you more items or resources to do so! Every-time you think you've caught up, the developer will release something new forcing you to pay for more to keep going. It will never end till one day, like myself you'll get hooked on something else (ie: Steemit!) and finally see the light. If however you are hooked on the game and just can't help yourself but still want to save some money then please read on.

2nd Tip - Do your research!

Before buying a pack be patient! Have a really good look at what your getting and ask yourself is it really good value for money. Most of the time the answer is no. The marketing team will try their best to make it look very tempting, but when you start to look in more detail and research online what you need to level up for things, you'll soon find that it's missing stuff which you really need to progress and more often than not it includes a lot of redundant junk that really won't help you. Don't be in a rush to purchase. The people who market this game are continuously adding more to the packs they offer each day! So hold out as long as you can.

Final Tip! - Save over 33% on every purchase!

Don't buy using an iphone! Buy on an android device instead. The packs are over 33% cheaper on an android. If you don't have an android, you can pick one up fairly cheaply online. Or even better do what I did. Download an android emulator for free on your computer. On top of using an android device you can also use Amazon coins to purchase the packs. Every Amazon coin is worth 1 cent/penny, to reflect which ever domination you are using on your account. You can purchase amazon coins via the amazon website and there will usually be a slight saving on the purchase for example $4.90 for 500 coins.

If you do decide to use amazon coins, then I would advise you to do your research 1st, as in some countries they will apply a tax when you make a purchase. I bought mine in the UK and did not pay any tax, but I can't comment for those who purchase elsewhere, so make sure you check the terms and conditions first. You'll also need to have the 'Amazon Underground' app installed on your android device to use the coins.

A word of warning! The game is extremely laggy when using an android device even more so on an emulator. Make sure your battery is fully charged and that you don't have anything else running in the background! Be patient, give the payment time to go though before moving away from the screen. Once the payment has completed you'll see a confirmation, followed by a picture image of what was included in the pack. From then on you are good to go.

I hope that some of you found these tips useful. I know most of you will probably skip the 1st one, even though deep down you know it makes sense. The developers want your money, they don't care about how much effort you've put into building up your empire! With me I was really lucky as my alliance was a fantastic group of people. I spent hours and hours chatting to them and making new friends. I still log on every now and again to keep my shield going and to say hello! So I know how hard it is to resist.

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