Game Review Nightmare Busters .. - Elzed -

in #gaming7 years ago

Hey Friends !

Between the reopening of its pre-orders and the rather enticing announcement of a collector's addition, Nightmare Busters is the Super NES game of the moment, the one that makes the buzz on the Web and pushes fans to the most passionate comments. And we understand why. Developed in the mid-90s by Arcade Zone (a small studio that I already spoke to you during the tests of Legend and Iron Commando), announced in the specialized press (in particular in Consoles +), the game was in the starting blocks, ready for an outing, especially under the banner of Nichibutsu in Japan. But finally, it will be nothing.

Nightmare Busters Super Nintendo screenshot 01Different reasons have been mentioned to explain this fatal destiny: a Super NES that, in 1995, was on the decline, unsuccessful negotiations between the developer and potential publishers ... Nightmare Busters could very well have stayed at the forgotten state of play, if fate had not decided otherwise: a game PCB reappeared on a famous auction site, a dumped ROM distributed on the Net in the wake, and now our action game / arcade is gaining a growing reputation among fans. Since then, the Super Fighter Team has acquired the rights of the game and will distribute it in the form of Super NES cartridge rezoned, but in a very confidential way, since only 600 copies will be produced (already all reserved, they should normally be sent to their happy owners in 2013). So it's a nice revenge on the past for this game which, we'll see, does not lack qualities ...

RQ: The game has never been marketed, it does not have a box. The illustration in the right column was made by Kotomi for one of his cartmods.


Nightmare Busters Super Nintendo screenshot 02Flynn and Floyd are two "nightmare busters" (literally, nightmare hunters). These two little beings (leprechauns? Leprechauns?), Who wear a suit and a top hat immediately thinking of the accouterment of the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland, have been assigned a noble mission: s' to invite small "children" into the tormented dreams and drive out all evil spirits. As might be expected, the evil spirits in question take the form of ugly creatures such as gnomes, trolls, goblins, but also "critters" more imposing like big demons, a huge werewolf, a spitting ... Our duo will have the mission to "clean" five stages: a village in flames at the beginning of the adventure, followed by a thick forest, a deep cave, a gloomy castle ... All these places have for a common denominator a very dark atmosphere, obviously punctuated by very dangerous situations.

Nightmare Busters Super Nintendo screenshot 03As I said, Nightmare Busters is above all a soft action / arcade, characterized by a very very fast pace, which brings it quite close to games like Super Turrican, Contra III or Rendering Ranger R². It can be traveled solo (with Flynn and his purple suit) or duet simultaneously (the second player then taking control of Floyd, all dressed in yellow). To overcome their nightmarish opponents, and although they are mini riquiqui, our two heroes have more than one trick in their bag, or should I say "more than one card in their game", as they are experts in throwing playing cards! Available in unlimited quantities, these cards can be thrown forwards, upwards, and even downwards (provided you jump first and press the "down" arrow on the directional cross).

Nightmare Busters Super Nintendo screenshot 04These are not the only projectiles in the game: "upgrades" hidden in chests, barrels or crates will increase the firepower of our elves. Double shooting, burning cards, big balls of energy DBZ style are all formidable weapons that will come well in the heart of the fight. They have marked differences, especially in terms of power and rate of fire, the two do not necessarily go hand in hand.For example, energy balls or double fire are powerful, but compared to simple cards, their rate of fire is lower. In the margins of cards and other projectiles, Flynn and Floyd will also be able to use magic. Especially effective against the bosses, it is materialized by three spells: the whirlwind (a mini-tornado that sweeps the entire screen), the explosion (which occurs just in front of the character) and the flying disc (which strolls through everything the screen, in all directions).

These three spells can not however be used at will: the player receives a number at the beginning of the game, and each new "credit" used in case of Game Over grants only a few of each. To build a larger stock of spells, the player will have to find items "magic", hidden most often in crates and other chests. Finally, our two little heroes also have a wide range of movements: jumping, sliding, ability to hang on platforms at arm's length ... They can also "dasher", provided to "load" the blow beforehand (a gauge is provided for this purpose) and to have some in reserve since, as for the spells, the dash is available in limited quantity. This movement is especially useful to run into a group of enemies or to pass through a dangerous area (the examples are not lacking: spades on the ground, bounding flames ...) without being hurt.


Nightmare Busters Super Nintendo screenshot 06The life of the elves is symbolized by two small bars of red color. Yes, you read correctly: they do not have a life gauge. Just two little bars of nothing at all ... Being hit twice, they lose a life on the field. Potions, very frequent, are fortunately present in the coffers to restore a barrette of life possibly lost. But even with the generous attention of the developers, you will understand that the app immediately announces the color: the difficulty, or even the difficulty to excess. This is not the only element that makes the Nightmare Busters experience bitter. Already, from the beginning to the end of the game, the enemies attack in number and incessantly. Staying on the spot to hope for a lull is a very bad idea, as the flow of enemies only stops very rarely. To go forward again and again is the only possible way to hope to reach the end of the stage.

Nightmare Busters Super Nintendo screenshot 07Then, the elements are unleashed around the little heroes, whether in the form of inflamed beams, large rocks, lava balls or various traps ... All these obstacles are not only dangerous, but most importantly, unless they have extraterrestrial reflexes, they are almost impossible to avoid. Finally, some passages more delicate, because more platform-oriented and a little more technical, are difficult to address because of the large size of the sprite of the person who, for once, becomes rather a disadvantage. In short, lives, we lose, whether we like it or not. And the 2 player mode will not be too much to put the pill and make Nightmare Busters a little more friendly, although in this case, good coordination will be essential between the two players. The presence of a big extra sprite on the screen (that of the second player) will not arrange things in terms of readability of the action and comfort, but it is a lesser evil ...


Nightmare Busters Super Nintendo screenshot 08Nightmare Busters never found the way to the department store and other specialty shops, but it still displays an unusual plastic that propels it directly among the most beautiful games of the Super NES. The artistic orientation borrowed by the app is very successful, creating a special atmosphere, unique, both very dark and very mature. No detail seems to have been left to chance: beautiful big sprites for all speakers, beautiful scenery, cool illustrations between each stage ... What also strikes, from the first minutes of play, is the large number of sprites who jostle together on the screen: enemies, maps launched by the hero, different items, effects, explosions ... Everything goes very quickly and the animation does not weaken!

Nightmare Busters Super Nintendo screenshot 09If we want to be a little more critical, we can still pin some small details not necessarily flattering, like the relative slowness of the character when he moves (I quibble), the slight amount of time that 's sometimes flows between the moment when there are no more enemies on the screen and the one where we can access the continuation of the level when the word "Go" appears, or again, and there, one s' would have gone well, the "recycling" at the end of the adventure, bosses already defeated. But these few reproaches do not weigh very heavily against the rest of the technical sheet of the game. If it were really necessary to remember only one of its faults, it would be no doubt its too great difficulty. As such, Nightmare Busters is a very demanding app, but also very well done, and the fact that it has never been marketed is all the more regrettable.


Nightmare Busters Super Nintendo screenshot 10Accompanying Flynn and Floyd in their adventures is an exhilarating experience that will melt away any fan of the Super NES. Nightmare Busters is very beautiful, and technically, he tutoie the best achievements of the console. The pleasure of play is also palpable, with a very nervous and intense action that only a too high difficulty comes to tarnish a little. And then, there is also (and especially?) The fact of embarking on a new game that few people know and / or have had the opportunity to try. With hindsight, we even come to think that with all its qualities and some minor faults, the game Arcade Zone would probably have made good sales on Super NES, going to get his audience among fans of games. action and fight. If you have the opportunity to approach (in a retrogaming event like the future PGR 2012, or in a few months, at a friend who would have ordered a cartridge ...), go out of their way to try it out . It is unlikely that you will be disappointed!

Final note

Technical -

Nightmare Busters excels on many points and tutoie the best: beautiful scenery, large sprites for characters and enemies, a fast animation that keeps pace ...

Music -

Quality, the music is finally quite discreet, which is a "plus" when we repeat the same course several times. The sound effects are numerous and well made.

Gameplay -

If the various possible actions come out without problem, it is especially the size of the sprite of the perso which poses problem, in particular in the passages more platform ...

Life time -

Badly difficult, the Arcade Zone game makes no concessions: difficult traps to avoid, enemies in number, and a management "all" personal life of the hero.

Innovation - 

With a very strong personality, Nightmare Busters has little equivalent on Super NES. His unique universe and his achievement at the top are all invitations to embark on the adventure.

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