How To KILL Jason Voorhees (Friday The 13th Game)

in #gaming8 years ago (edited)

Friday the 13th: The Game, released just a little bit over a month ago on PC, PS4 and Xbox One has had people uncovering all kinds of neat little tricks and tidbits of info about both the game itself and the movie's previously established canon. Even if you aren't too familiar with the franchise itself, you may have most likely guessed that the hockey-mask wielding, machete-swinging mass murderer isn't exactly a walk in the park to put down and kill - it has been done in a handful of films, and the developers of the game seemed to have taken careful note as to how it is done.

So if you have a bunch of friends you trust well enough to take down one of Hollywood's biggest badasses, keep on reading!


Step 1 - Acquire Pamela Voorhee's Sweater:

If you're already familiar with the general plot of the Friday The 13th films, you may already know how much of a mumma's boy Jason tends to be. Whether this smelly, old garment is actually possessed by the spirit of Pamela, or is simply a token reminder of what he once had, might be something you'd have to ask the big man himself. What is more important though is putting said big man into a six feet deep hole, and this is one of a couple of items you must possess.


The improvised shrine to his mother can be found inside the spawn-point of where Jason starts. As each game map is mostly procedurally-generated, I wouldn't be able to guarantee that it will be in the same location each time. If you do track the shack down, please take note that only female characters can equip and make proper use of the sweater - Jason may have had a few bumps on the noggin over his career, but he isn't silly enough to think a man's voice was his mother's.

Note: The moment you enter Jason's shack, his mother will wail to him in distress as a signal. Move fast! Or you may find himself in his grip in a matter of literal seconds, sometimes.

Step 2 - Radio Tommy Jarvis

While some films had a scantily-clad woman be the slayer of Jason, there has been a small handful of films where a character named Tommy Jarvis delivered the killing blow instead. Surprise, surprise, Tommy Jarvis is required to also put an end to Jason within this game. In order to summon Tommy, one of the survivors will need to enter a certain cabin (Usually marked with a red-and-white radio tower standing beside it) and use a ham radio to send out a distress signal.

Once this has happened, usually the first or second player to die at the start of the round will be chosen to also play Tommy once he spawns - by default, he is equipped with a shotgun and has the best player stats in the game. Don't let this fool you, Tommy is no lone wolf, and his entire purpose is to help the already-surviving players escape by using his superior character to fend off Jason... Or in this case, help outright kill him.


Step 3 - Confront Jason!

Okay, so a teammate of yours has been the sacrificial lamb to become Tommy and you now also have a female survivor donning the musky ol' sweater. It is finally time to confront the big man himself! This is probably the most challenging part, as how successful you will be purely is dependent on not only your own skill, but the skill of your team and the person playing as Jason.

The next most important part is to knock off Jason's mask... While a lot of players are still speculating on the exact way to achieve this, it has generally been found that hitting Jason in the head with a baseball bat or machete produces the best results. If it doesn't happen straight away, rinse and repeat! Jason needs to be an undisclosed amount of hp first before his mask is removable.


Step 4 - Use The Sweater, End Jason

Steps 3 and 4 tend to usually blend into one giant, chaotic panic. If you have managed to de-mask our famed killer and still have both the character wearing the sweater and Tommy Jarvis still standing, congratulations! You have gotten further than most.

It is now important that the character wearing the sweater activates it, no differently than any other common item, in Jason's direction and close proximity. She will start to speak to him like his mother, causing him to lower his weapon, another playing being required to attack him and stun him. At this point, it is vital that Tommy Jarvis specifically attacks Jason with a machete. Once this is done, a neat little cutscene will play and you have won the round! Not to mention bragging rights over slaying Jason Voorhees himself - something that happens very rarely in this game!


There are a wealth of guides and videos about the internet if you need more specific information on the spawn locations of Jason's shack, the radio tower, etc. but by reading this you have just eliminated sifting through 90% of the more rumoured or outright false methods. Enjoy!


Fuck yeah awesome post! I've been wondering how to kill him or even if you could! I'm an absolute noob though!

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