Getting Started Strategy Guide

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

Introduction is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG). awards players various in game resources for their efforts that can be used to advance the game in several ways with the ultimate end goal being the accusation of Dark Matter. Dark Matter, can be exchange for the real-world cryptocurrencies Monero (XMR), ZCash (ZEC), Bitcoin (BTC), Dogecoin(DOGE), and Litecoin(LTC) with the in-game exchange. This is often people’s main goal when playing though it doesn’t have to be the game has plenty of fun options to advance that may be worth more to some players then the financial gain. The game also features an auto-faucet that players may use to gain real world cryptocurrencies as well.   People can upgrade their Spaceship’s and increase the level of their character to become more competitive in competition. There are many ways to earn resources in, people can mine resources using their PC, they can complete offers from the offers wall, they can directly farm them from the time-based resources section of the site, or they can complete the various options offered by the game. Whatever path players choose to take this guide will provide some incite with its tips and tricks. I think this game will make some noise in time to come. It really is not that old it has pretty much just begun.


Getting Started Selecting a Race

Upon registering for the game players will be required to select an in-game race. There are several to choose from and although this may change the race you currently select seems to have no real impact on the game, so it is just your preference. Select wisely, the race of the character later may not be changed later. 

Setup Your Wallets

You need to link all your Wallets to to be able to take full advantage of all the features such as Explore Planet, an auto faucet feature on the game. If you do not have a account, you should sign-up for one HERE right now.

Spaceship: Now or Later players may want to wait to purchase a ship through a ship does unlock many features of the game a player can earn a lot of resources without one. It may be a good idea to collect resources and earn from the in-game offers wall before purchasing a ship. PLAYERS CAN ONLY BUY ONE SPACESHIP AND CURRENTLY CAN NO SELL IT SO THE FIRST ONE THEY BUY IS THE ONE THEY WILL USE FOR THE REST OF THE GAME. There are tons of choices to choose from when players are selecting a ship. They vary in price, appearance, and the stats they boost. I got the least expensive one and it is working fine for me. Once players have purchased a spaceship the can explore space, complete jobs and battle other players in the Battlezone section of the game. The ship can be repaired and upgraded in the Shipyard.


Game Play

Resourse Managment

One of the first things players should get started on is producing resources in the resources tab where you can farm Energy, Crystals, Metal, and Dark Matter. Deuterium the other in-game resource must be earned from the offers wall or by completing other in-game missions. Though all the resources are needed to play the game to its fullest Deuterium is the most important resource for in game play. In the Merchant section of the game you can sell your Deuterium for any of the other in game resources which can be very helpful at times when you don’t want to wait for them to come from your resources farm. 

Energy Production

Energy is needed to do almost anything in All that is required to mine it is time, however. The most efficient way to produce energy is by selecting the middle selection:
30min that produces 60e at 2e/min.
The next on the efficiency scale:
45min that produces 85e at 1.89e/min.
With the least efficient being:
15min that produces 20e  

Crystal Production

Crystal is used to do jobs and upgrade your spaceship in It also gets consumed by the Planet Explore auto-faucet. Producing it requires the use of energy and time. The best production cost and time selection depend on what a player’s production goals are. The selections produce in the following ways: 15min  5e option produces 4 c/e at  80 Crystal/hr.
20min 10e option produces 3 c/e at 90 crystals/hr.
30min 15e option produces 2.67 c/e at 80 crystal/hr.   
40min 20e option produces 2.7 c/e at 82.5 crystal/hr.
59min 25e option produces 2.8 c/e at 70 crystal/hr.  This means the 15min 5e option is the most energy efficient to produce crystals while the 20min 10e option will produce the most crystals per hour.

Metal Production

In metal is used for the same things as crystal though in different quantities. The different options for production all have their pros and cons. The following break down should help you decide which option best fits your production needs. 15min 4e option will produce 6.25 m/e at 100 Metal/hr
20min 7e option will produce 7.14 m/e at 150 Metal/hr
30min 11e option will produce 6.81 m/e at 150 Metal/hr
40min 15e option will produce 6.67 m/e at 150 Metal/hr
59min 20e option will produce 6.25 m/e at 125 Metal/hr This means the 20min 7e option is the most energy efficient to produce while the 20 min 30min, and 40 min options will produce the same amount of max metal per hour making the 20min option really stand out as the better choice for metal production. It is good to not that it takes more clicks to do so if you lag on the restart the 59min option may be the best option for you as it has the highest rate of production per click. 

Dark Matter Production

Dark Matter is the in-game currency that you can use in the world explorer and Exchange to make or buy real cryptocurrencies. It is the ultimate resource, it reaches into our world. It is worth about 1 BTC satoshi. You can produce it with the following results from the resource section of the First, it is good to note that you can buy Dark Matter in the Exchange for 12.5 Deuterium/DM, so paying more or even near that to produce it would be silly. Keeping the fact, you can buy Dark Matter at that rate only two options really make sense to use.  15min 100d+20c+10e option consumes 10 d/DM, 2c/DM, and 1e/DM
Depending on your view this could be a better deal then the exchange however if you are purchasing the resources from the exchange instead of producing them you would be better off just directly purchasing the Dark Matter from the exchange the cost to buy directly is 12.5 d/DM vs. 13d/DM to produce plus the exchange is instant but 3d/DM of that cost could be taken away if you produced the Crystals and Energy yourself. 20min 150d+30c+15e option consumes 9.375 d/DM, 1.875c/DM, and 0.9375e/DM
This option produces Dark Matter in a way that is more efficient then buying it from the exchange even if you buy the resources for production from the exchange. This is my favorite easy way to get Dark Matter in   

Dark Matter Reactors
Dark Matter reactors can be purchased with Dark Matter or Deuterium. They provide a return around 110% - 150% though somewhere in the middle is most likely. You can only collect form them once a day and it is important to be punctual with the timing for 30 days or you will not get in all the collections and own the reactors at a loss. If you play regularly and will be around to collect for the 30 days, then these reactors are a way to get to pay. You can only own one of each reactor at a time. The go up quite high in price so it shouldn’t be a huge issue. Reactors are common rewards for wining completions. The most expensive of them being a rather worthy prize.


The Merchant section of allows people to convert Deuterium into the other game resources. Deuterium Traders at 8DM/100d so 100d produces 8 DM. The rest of the resources Energy, Crystals and Metal trade at 1:1. Traders will find themselves trading Deuterium for these 1:1 option rather often as when they are in a hurry it is not a bad deal. Traders tend to be able to get a lot of Deuterium for your efforts while you can only produce so much of the others at a time. People can also convert their Dark Matter into Deuterium at the rate of 9DM/100d so an input of 9DM produces 100d. I try to stray from this option as the end goal for me in is ultimately to cash out my Dark Matter to bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency.


The Shipyard is where players will first purchase their spaceships. Later it will also be where they upgrade and view its stats such as level, experience points, weapon power, shield power, speed, maneuverability, artificial intelligence, and pilot charisma. They all have their different effects on the outcomes of PvP and Dark System battles. Players will also repair hull damage from being damaged in battle at the Shipyard.  Players are granted a certain amount of free hull upgrades per hour, but I know a neat trick so that you can make them always just cost metal and not consume any energy to do. Simply do your repairs 4m at a time and they all cost 0e.This is an easy energy saving trick so be sure to remember to use it when the free repair is not quite enough.


The explore section of allows players to do the tasks Space Explore, Space Expeditions and Explore Planet. Space Explore is a minesweeper type game that allows you to wager an amount of Deuterium with its accompanying energy cost to try your luck at it. It is my experience that it is best to stay away from the offered games of chance including this one. It is fine to play for a little if a player thinks it is fun, however if you aim to profit in this game this option is not a real profitable one. Unless of course you guess so good you never pick the wrong one.

In Space Expeditions are a time-based mission where you pick an area to explore and your ship sets off to explore it. Players will not be able to do jobs or battle with their ships while they are off exploring. Only one exploration can be done between jobs. Items can be found to upgrade your ship and resources can be made. As you level up and do more explorations your bonus for doing so will increase in increments that so far for me are 1% at a time. Perhaps it is a bonus for doing missions for consecutive days, bonus for these types of games are often awarded for not missing days. I have not missed one, so I don’t know if this is how it works but it is a good guess. Just don’t miss a day and you will not have to put this thought to test.  Complete as many of this option a day as you can. Ship upgrades will greatly advance players games giving them the upper hand in battles, however they are a rare find. Typically, one can expect a reward like follows:
 +4DM ( + %Bonus)
+90D (+ %Bonus)
+20 XP (Player Experience)
+4 SXP (Ship Experience

Explore Planet mode is's auto-faucet. 

It is one of the neatest features in and is a fun way to get a little crypto out of the game. Players can select a coin and a time interval, and the game will automatically deduct the indicated amount of resources from the users account and deposit the reward indicated to their connected wallet. If you need a account, you can get one here:


The Battlezone section of is where players can fight their spaceships. There is not a lot of strategy here beyond how you level your ship. You can go all out and max a few stats or max them all though that is expensive. Perhaps go heavy on the shield and low on the damage to keep your average low. It is good to keep what your average is in mind compared to your level as you build your ship.  

There are competitions in that award players point for winning battles against players that have lower average stats then them. The battles are automated however so there is no game play skill involved beyond the strategy used to level and build up a ships stats. I have noticed that a higher rated ship with a lower average can win a fight buy having a real high shield strength stat with not so much on the weapons strength. This way they can take many hits from an opponent that perceived this to be an easily defeated target due to the lower average this creates. Competitors can get points in competitions when they are attacked by and win against an opponent as well, so a key strategy to winning the competition would be to make your ship appear to be very easily attacked and defeated when it is not. 


In the number of attacks a person can do a day is limited to 20, but they can be attacked as much as other players decide to attack them. I do not know the perfect recipe for this but will update this guide as I persist to building a better ship for competition purposes. 


The Jobs section of is straight forward. You select a job to complete and the selected cost of the job is deducted from your resources and then it is completed in the indicated time rewarding workers with Dark Matter and sometimes other rare awards that can be used to enhance the games play. The Lucky Worker job is a good deal and can only be done once a day, so I recommend doing at least this one as the rewards vs. cost ratio is rather high. You can gain ship upgrades through the completion of jobs on rare occasions.

New Atlantis

 The New Atlantis section of has four time-based tasks that take about a little over 14mins each to complete. You don’t have to do anything beyond click them and set the timer into action. They can be done at any time the previous task just needs to be completed, however the entire round of four tasks can only be done once in between jobs. This rewards quite a lot of Deuterium for the effort it takes so be sure to complete it anytime you are playing it is worth the time.


Mining is a great way to give a players Deuterium supplies a nice boost and give plenty of mining options for their players to use. 

Browser Miner 

The mining interface is at:
From here you can access the browser miners using the miner interfaces. It is as simple as pressing start then leaving the tab open and letting it run. The more you mine the more you get reward for it. For every 1000 hashes players will receive 1 Deuterium.

Desktop Miner

Console or desktop mining is really the way to go in Players will miner the maximum amount of Deuterium using this method of mining when compared to the browser mining option. Further instruction on how to get this set up and running is at the end of this guide in the section “Setting Up The Miners”. It is worth the time it takes to get your game in overdrive.

Maximizing Your Real Crypto Earnings

 To really take full advantage of all the ways to earn with players will need to keep several tabs of the game running that way they can do more then one task at a time. One window will run the auto-faucet planet explorer found in the explore section of the game.  

 Another thing that players will want to keep running is a tab with the Console miner running as this is a passive way to earn even while players are not actively at their PC.  Always be producing and collecting your resources in the most efficient ways described in the resources section of this site. It is best to just have this on its own tab to, so you don’t have to click around to open it and don’t forget to collect. Get enough ahead of the planet explore and you can planet explore all day. Before doing a job do both a space exploration and a full collection from the New Atlantis section of the game. You can only do each of theses game options once between jobs, so you may as well do them both so when you do one job, they both reset. 

That is why I also have the space exploration and New Atlantis open in their own tabs too. As well as the jobs section that way you can click between all the open tabs and make sure everything is as it should be.  Then I like to have another tab that is just for my Battlezone and Shipyard. I navigate between the two as I need for game play. It is important to note you can not fight with your ship if you are actively doing a job or an exploration with it. If you want to earn from battle you have to wait until those are done and do your fighting before starting another one. 

Then I keep a tab for the offers wall and slot machine and general looking around the site. Some may find this method a little too busy, but I like to keep them all bookmarked in a folder so I can open them all in their own game window at one time and then just keep it open so I do not forget to play and mine. Just click through each tab and check what you need to do. This is the best way to stay busy, so you do not miss collecting a thing. You may even want a tab to help collect the rains. The more tabs you are using the more you are collecting. I think you get the idea. Players can configure their auto open bookmarked tabs however they would like. This is just to plant the idea with them.

Top Screen Selections Home 

Clicking the “Home” top screen selection while playing is a good way to get to your main selection screen. You can always click it to get to a family spot if you get lost navigating. You will use it a lot when you play the game. Don’t worry about getting lost with too many clicks. Home will always be in this same spot and do the same thing. Home is always home so if you want to go there then click this thing.

Free Deuterium Offers Wall

 If players click “Free Deuterium” on the top of the in-game screen they will be took to the offers wall. Completing these various offers can greatly speed your game play. The offers wall is totally optional and not necessary to use to play every part to its fullest potential. Completion of offers grants players Deuterium but that could be concerted to Dark Matter if a user wished to just complete offers and then cash them out. People can earn a good bit of Deuterium fast by completing the right offers here. The different offer sites are always updating the offers available, so it is good to check on what is available from time to time to see if any interest you. Taking survey has always been a good free way to earn. However, completing paid offers tends to pay the largest rewards.

Daily Bonus and Its Options

If players click on “Bonus” at the top of the screen various way to earn will also be reviled the them. I wouldn’t play slots with my Deuterium, but I do try to take the 3 freerolls that are available every 2 hours. They can win users a lot with luck with each freeroll bet counting as 10 Deuterium. You will notice that there are various Paid To Click (PTC) offers too. The PTC can be a good way to earn some quick Deuterium. Just click and earn. It is that easy to do. The other bonus tasks are in game play options players typically do. You can try to complete all the tasks and earn the bonus prize however I find that it would be rather hard to do. Plus, bonus receivers would earn so much more than the bonus grants by completing all the tasks that it is a silly amount but still a bonus that will help.

Star Rain

Another option for selection at the top of the screen is “Star rain”. This is just a place where players can enter for a chance at getting their part in free resources provided by the site and other players. You can choose to contribute to the rain to. It is not that much but it is something, so you may as well enter in the rain when there is time too. Rains could get large if people contribute a lot. You never know someone may just be in a generous mood and they share by raining there Deuterium down on you.


The final top of screen selection is “Referrals”. In this tab gives information on current referrals contests and the prizes for wining them. They also give your stats on referrals and the break down of what affiliates can earn from what their referrals do. When affiliates sign up a new referral their referral gets a bonus 500 Deuterium and the affiliate gets a bonus 750 Deuterium too. Affiliates also earn 25% of what their referrals earn by playing in the game and 10% of their offers wall earnings , then 5% of any thing they mine. Anything up substantially. With thousands of active referrals, it could bring in a good income. If you have a good way to produce some referrals go and sign up some. Anyone can share the link on Facebook or any other social media that they choose. It can earn a lot it just depends on referrals level of activity.

Setting Up The Miners

The most difficult task that offers is beneficial though not 100% necessary would be the setup of the desktop miner and getting the configuration of the config.txt files correct for the miners to work on your PC. recommends XMR Stack as the best CPU Miner because it is the fastest and best optimized for the task. Download XMR Stack HERE: Once you Have downloaded and unzipped the miner all that you should have to do is open it up by clicking the XMRStackminer.exe file. The miner will ask you what coin you would like to mine. Type in:
Press Enter When prompted for the pool address just input:
Press Enter When prompted for the wallet address just input something like this:
Press Enter That is my wallet address yours can be found in the example configuration of the mining page on site here. When asked for the pool password input:
Press Enter The program may close if it does just try and re-open it and then the miner should begin to mine for you. Now you are earning Deuterium as fast as you can with your PC. You must click collect on the Webpool miner interface to collect your Deuterium earned from all mining sources.

Once you have set up the miners you collect them from the webmining pool even though you are console mining it is collected here. The collection button is noted in the picture above.

When you collect your Deuterium collected from mining you will see a screen indicating there is an error. The error is the error. If it looks like the picture above you have sucessfully mined and collected some Deuterium.

Conclusion is a fun engaging game that allows its users to compete and battle with their spaceships while they produce various in game recourse by completing missions as well as in many other ways. The game allows users to produce real cryptocurrencies by consuming the in game rescores they produce in the Word Explore Auto-Faucet mode or through the exchange of Dark Matter for the real-world cryptocurrencies. By becoming a thing that you can spend I without investing more then time I bet people will be playing any time they have a minute or two. You will be hanging out with friends and here hold on I am collecting from dude. 

Register for HERE right now to earn real world crypto.  

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BTC 81960.88
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USDT 1.00
SBD 0.79