Dragonball FighterZ DLC Character Discussion
Dragonball FighterZ was recently released to massive amounts of hype, but one thing I have mixed feelings on is the upcoming DLC. On one hand, more characters is always good, but the way they promoted the season pass months before the game even came out almost turned me off to the game entirely. Well, I bought it, and it's really fun, so I'll probably end up buying the DLC as well.
There has been a supposed leak for the DLC characters, including Broly, Bardock, Zamasu, Vegito, Cooler, Android 17, base Goku, and base Vegeta. I really hope this is not true. We already have two playable Goku (three if you count Black) and two playable Vegeta, and Zamasu and 17 are already in the game (as attacks for 18 and Goku Black). This seems pretty lazy and not worth the $35 for the season pass.
Broly and Vegito make the most sense for DLC characters. Both are pretty iconic characters. I could see Cooler (especially the metal version) and Bardock as well, but the rest just seem like wasted space or easy outs. One character that should absolutely be included is Jiren as he is most likely the final boss of Dragonball Super. Toppo would work as well with a transformation or ultimate pushing him into God of Destruction mode. Janemba would be a cool addition. His dimensional powers would make an interesting moveset. I picture him having an attack like Gengar in Pokken Tournament.
Those seven characters mostly add something new and unique to the game, so for the final character, an additional version of an in-game character wouldn't be so bad. I would love to see Super Buu in the game, but I understand that Fat Buu and Kid Buu added more variety than Super Buu would have. They could include another double-fighter like Android 18 by adding Great Saiyaman 1 and 2. It would be another Gohan, but his playstyle would be much different.
Either that or just add Mr. Satan.
Crash Plays every 8-bit Dragonball game!
Ok gan mau nyobain dulu mana tau keren game nya ....