[Game Review] Grand Theft Auto Liberty CIty Stories - Mobile Game #37

in #gaming7 years ago


Haloo steemian gamers!!!

How are you guys? Hope you all are always in a State of healthy and always bless Almighty God. OK welcome back to the blog @bossundonno, which, on this occasion, we will do a review of mobile gaming, namely Grand Theft Auto Liberty CIty Stories. How is the initial impression of this game? Okay just in this review refer in a nutshell.

Haloo steemian gamers!!!

Apa kabar guys? Semoga kalian semua selalu dalam keadaan sehat dan selalu berada dalam lindungan allah SWT. Oke selamat datang kembali di blog @bossundonno, yang mana pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan melakukan review sebuah game mobile, yaitu Grand Theft Auto Liberty CIty Stories. bagaimanakah impresi awal game ini? Oke langsung saja di simak ini dia review singkatnya.


As reported at the beginning of his release on the PlayStation 2, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City (call it "GTA:" LCS ") was the last Grand Theft Auto series which used the engine from GTA III. So if asked a question about his graphic, GTA: LCS having a taste of typical graphics GTA III. Of the few games that use the Engine of GTA GTA III. I feel GTA: LCS has a visual style similar to GTA III but slightly spiced flavor of GTA: San Andreas.

Seperti yang diberitakan pada awal perilisan nya di Playstation 2 dulu, Grand Thef Auto : Liberty City (Sebut saja "GTA : "LCS") merupakan serial Grand Theft Auto terakhir yang memakai engine dari GTA III. Jadi jika ditanya soal grafis nya, GTA : LCS memiliki cita rasa grafis khas GTA III. Dari beberapa game GTA yang menggunakan Engine GTA III. Saya merasa GTA : LCS ini memiliki gaya visual yang mirip dengan GTA III tapi sedikit dibumbui rasa GTA : San Andreas.


His graphic presentations on Smartphones is quite good although there is still much to be found here and there of jaggies. But it was not too disruptive because of the pace of games GTA itself very quickly so the jaggies can be a little subtle. Jaggies will not disappear even though you guys play with high-quality graphics with a high resolution once did, so it is advisable to adjust the resolution and quality of the graphics with the Smartphone traffic you guys so as not to waste battery power occurs during play. Try all combinations of existing visual so that you can get the best visual quality with the FPS in the eye.

Presentasi grafis nya di Smartphone pun cukup baik walaupun masih banyak ditemui jaggies disana - sini. Tapi hal itu tidak terlalu mengganggu karena pace game GTA sendiri yang sangat cepat sehingga jaggies yang ada dapat sedikit tersamarkan. Jaggies ini tidak akan hilang walaupun kalian bermain dengan kualitas grafis tinggi dengan resolusi high sekali pun, jadi disarankan untuk menyesuaikan resolusi dan kualitas grafis dengan kemapuan Smartphone kalian agar tidak terjadi pemborosan daya baterai saat bermain. Cobalah semua kombinasi visual yang ada agar kalian dapat mendapatkan kualitas visual terbaik dengan FPS yang nyaman di mata.


GTA: LCS again brings the landscape of the city of Liberty City in GTA III. The good news, the graphics used are already clear as GTA: San Andreas. As I said above, GTA: LCS is the reincarnation of GTA III tastes of San Andreas.

GTA : LCS kembali mengusung landscape kota Liberty City yang terdapat pada GTA III. Kabar baiknya, grafis yang digunakan sudah jernih layaknya GTA : San Andreas. Seperti yang saya katakan diatas, GTA : LCS merupakan Jelmaan GTA III yang bercita rasa San Andreas.


What about the gameplay? Although the quality of the graphics is already the same as San Andreas, its gameplay is largely still tastes of GTA III. No its features a dip into one of the big punch that dropped enough value to this game. Indeed the concept of this game is another version of GTA III, but fair enough to add little features such as swimming and exploring the ocean. Fortunately, the main things that become one of the selling points that is driving his system has been like GTA: SA so the drive in this game feels pretty nice. Complementary features such as radio can still you guys find in this game. His sweetheart, if you was a psychopath and a cheater, you cannot enter a cheat it directly on the Android version.

Bagaimana dengan gameplay nya? Walaupun kualitas grafis sudah sama seperti San Andreas, tetapi gameplay nya sebagian besar masih bercita rasa GTA III. Tidak ada nya fitur berenang menjadi salah satu pukulan besar yang cukup menjatuhkan nilai game ini. Memang konsep dari game ini merupakan versi lain dari GTA III, tapi cukup adil untuk menambahkan sedikit fitur seperti berenang dan penjelajahan lautan. Untung nya, hal utama yang menjadi salah satu nilai jual yaitu driving system nya sudah seperti GTA : SA sehingga berkendara di dalam game ini terasa cukup menyenangkan. Fitur - fitur pelengkap seperti radio masih dapat kalian temukan di game ini. Sayang nya, jika kalian merupakan psikopat dan cheater holic, kalian tidak dapat memasukkan cheat secara langsung di versi android nya.



Controls on GTA: LCS is one of the best for the Open World genre on mobile platforms. All layout controls placed in fitting position. If you are less comfortable with its default control layout, you can also do the setting, because this game offers a range of variation of the control layout can Y'all choose. It is recommended that you guys use the classic layout and touch steering with type button for precision control. This game also supports external gamepad if you guys want to use him.

Kontrol pada GTA : LCS merupakan salah satu yang terbaik untuk genre Open World di Platform mobile. Semua layout kontrol diletakkan pas pada posisinya. Jika kalian kurang nyaman dengan layout kontrol default nya, kalian juga dapat melakukan pengaturan, karena game ini menawarkan berbagai macam variasi kontrol layout yang dapat kalian pilih. disarankan agar kalian menggunakan touch layout classic dan touch steering dengan type button untuk kontrol yang presisi. Game ini juga support gamepad eksternal jika kaliian ingin menggunakan nya.




Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories connect older GTA series existence on mobile platforms. The controls are accurate and the classic flavor of his owned make this game very we recommend leisure time to accompany you. the graphics are also given a nice sting. However, this game is a great game that is less complete because there were his typical features of GTA are not owned by him. for advice, better you guys install the GTA: San Andreas if you indeed wanted more freedom. But, if you guys want to reminisce about this game, this game is highly recommended.

Grand Theft Auto : Liberty City Stories menyambung eksistensi seri GTA lawas di Platform mobile. Kontrol yang akurat dan cita rasa klasik yang dimiliki nya membuat game ini sangat kami sarankan untuk menemani waktu luang kalian. grafis yang diberikan juga sengat bagus. akan tetapi, game ini merupakan game bagus yang kurang lengkap karena ada nya fitur-fitur khas GTA yang tidak dimiliki nya. untuk saran, lebih baik kalian menginstall GTA : San Andreas jika kalian memang menginginkan kebebasan lebih. Tapi, jika kalian ingin bernostalgia dengan game ini, game ini sangat kami rekomendasikan.



Okay maybe just so we can pass on to you the steemian gamers. Hopefully what we share this can be useful information for you guys. Thank you to all of you who have been willing to stop by and read our posts, we would be very grateful if you guys do our postings upvote. If there are things that would like to be able to write you guys delivered his comments in a column and do not forget to do the reseteemed. Okay to meet again at the @bossundonno blog here. keep Yes!!!







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