Sonic the Hedgehog Origins | Section 1

in #gaming4 years ago (edited)

Sonic the Hedgehog Origins Title.png

Title screen by SEGA. Edit by me. Rough Concept. Might needs updated Sonic sprite.

Hey everyone!

So, I've had this idea in mind for a while I wanted to share with the world about my favorite games series.

What I did here was take in account as much information I could find from the original Sonic 1 to 3&K games themselves, their beta versions including recently discovered ones, and even some fan creations surrounding the game that I thought were great ideas and would fit perfectly in this type of game. I'll even add some of my ideas for music and level design among this as well.

So sit back, grab some popcorn, grab your drink, and enjoy my little brainstorming of ideas here. LOTS of thought, research, and work have been put into this but I'm sure it won't be exactly perfect so any new ideas I find or hear from y'all could be helpful for this! I really just want to open source this out to y'all so hopefully if there's a Sonic fan developer(s) or whoever (maybe Sega too?) that stumbles across this or get led here, y'all can make this happen! I can't since I don't have much development skills, my talent is in drawing arts. lol

Below is plenty of YouTube links to various soundtracks, video examples, and cut-scenes. Also below is source links of the images and links to examples that explain what my idea is closely.

Note: I had to break these into sections due to post size limits but these are all for one game idea!

Game Description:

Relive the origins of Sonic the Hedgehog in a way you never seen before, featuring more extras and gameplay that brings the old adventure back to life in a way that's like a brand new adventure!

  • Play through all 36 various theme zones from Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, and Sonic & Knuckles includes never before seen prototypes editions in one seamless, gigantic epic adventure!
  • Experience Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 levels in a new way that also features new "Act 2" environments and experience the "Director's Cut" zone order of Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
  • Hear all your favorite old soundtracks plus remastered prototypes and even some fan creations!
  • Fight against some new bosses and be challenged with some more difficult older bosses.
  • Play through the game as the "Origins Edition" or customize your game and it's music the way you like it!

Menu Themes

Title Screen Theme
Main Menu Theme
File Select Theme
Time Attack Theme
Competition Select Theme
Player Results Theme
Options Menu Theme

In Game Themes

Intro Theme and Ending Title Card Theme
Speed Shoes
Invincibility Theme Sonic Option 1 (Preferred option)
Invincibility Theme Sonic Option 2
Super Sonic Theme
Hyper Sonic Theme
Act 1 Clear
Act 2 Clear
Minor Eggman himself bosses and cutscenes.*
Major Eggman cutscenes/Inter-Arc Cutscene**

Note: Stars denote usage wherever seen among levels below.

In Game SFX


Sonic 1 | Sonic 2 | Sonic 3&K


Some SFX uses I would suggest to use specifically.

Using mostly Sonic 3 sound affects.
Also used for Wood Zone boss hitting saw
Also used in Casino Night zone mini boss fail selection.
Also used in Casino Night zone mini boss success selection.
Boss hits.
Chanderlier Drop
Chandelier Lift
Crashing Sounds and Piston Smash. Also used for Wood zone boss landing on conveyor belt.
Lightning Bolt for Cyber City Zone
Long Door Close sounds
Long Door Opening sounds
Regular Shield Collect
Short Door Open or Close sounds
Small laser
Various Wood Chop
Waterfall Ambience

Game Dev Notes:

  • Things in this post may still be updated as more ideas come to fruition.
  • "Genesis format" used in descriptions means pixelated design like the original genesis coloring scheme.
  • Zones and acts that will use EXACTLY already established bosses AND use established arenas won't have extra description for them to save time on explaining.
  • Shades and dark areas of levels if possible with have darken sprites and tilesets.
  • Super Peel Out will be an optional move for Sonic.
  • All shields will be available: regular shield, electric shield, bubble shield, and flame shield
  • Special stages will be entered through secret bonus rings hidden throughout stages like in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Sonic 1 Arc will use Sonic 1 special stages but will feature 7 stages. Sonic 2 Arc will use Sonic 2 special stages, Sonic 3 Arc will use the Sonic 3 special stage while the Sonic & Knuckles Arc (after the Knuckles cutscene of him sneaking out of his secret chamber in Mushroom Hill/Valley) will use Sonic & Knuckles special stages if all 7 emeralds are collected.
  • All title cards would use S3&K format and instead of just only the palm tree logo, each zone would have their own theme-fitting logo. See title cards in Sonic Classic Heroes and Sonic 3 Complete. Tilesets for them found here (logo for "The Doomsday" zone to be used for Hidden Palace instead).
  • Title cards utilize Plaza font for main title and Satyr font for the banner title. (Sonic 1 and 2 arc title cards below are mostly edited by me to show concept. Most of Sonic 3&K title cards are only minor edits by me.)
  • All clouds in Sonic 1 and 2 level portions will be moving.
    -Green/Red bars on side of some WIP background concepts to represent parallax layers.
  • For spitballing ideas sake: Possible unlockable playable players (all in Sonic 3&K format) I would think about including for their game playthroughs asides from the traditional Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles: Amy, Mighty (for ending cutscene emerald releasing sprites), Ray, Espio, Charmy, Vector, Bean, Bark, Fang (with some abilities like in this fan game), and Feels.
  • And just a fun fact. There's not a single zone that uses the letters "j" or "x". ;)


Sonic 1 / South Island Arc

Boss Music
Sub-Boss: Sub-Boss Theme 1
Major-Boss: Major-Boss Theme

Green Hill Zone - Morning/Midday

01  Green Hill.png

Act 1 (OST. Soundtacks are in links like these.)


Act Description: Opening scene similar to this except also with the scene starting off a little ahead in the level then pan back to Sonic. Level design and background is practically the same and original except the original Acts 1 and 2 level designs would be combined into one Act 1 in a seemless design (kind of like Green Hill zone in Sonic Mania). The ending of the "Act 2" portion of Act 1 will feature the sub-boss arena.

Sub-Boss: Ramp Roller

Arena: A large half-pipe arena with a floating platform in the center of it.
Boss Description: A metal wheel like badnik.
Boss Action: Ramp Roller roll along the half-pipe changing direction after it completes a roll along. Sometimes would jump in the air and circle back around on the other end. Simple jump attacks at it can beat it.
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-Act Transition: Continue on to double "s-curve" tunnels to a side of the mountain portion level design, then reach a part where there's a tunnel up and spring upwards (similar to Sonic Mania's transition to Act 2 to Green Hill) to the fan created Act 3. (This portion of the act could use some polish and removal of none zone theme designs.)


Act 2 (OST by Tee Lopes. 16-bit remix by Dischu, Youtuber)


Act begins with the transition to a custom "Act 3" portion that will combined with "Act 4" (the original Act 3) in one Act 2. The background would use the Sonic Mania Green Hill zone Act 2/Beta Sonic 1 Green Hill zone background but revised in genesis 16-bit format. Act will end normally like the original Act 3 of Green Hill zone to the boss arena.

Major-Boss: Egg Mobile-H

Arena: Original Green Hill boss arena.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Sonic crosses a large waterfall bridge that along side a mountain, Eggman rolls a giant rolling ball towards Sonic from on top of a large hill, knocking Sonic back to and off the waterfall bridge.

Labyrinth Zone - Midday

02  Labyrinth.png

Act 1 (OST)


Act Description: Level design and background is practically the same and original except the original Acts 1 and 2 level designs would be combined into one Act 1 in a seemless design (kind of like Green Hill zone in Sonic Mania). The ending of the "Act 2" portion of Act 1, instead of the normal flat walkway where the goalpost was located, it'll have a drop down underwater path that's blocked by a switch controlled door. A checkpoint will be just before it. After the drop down and a walk over to the right, there will feature the sub-boss arena.

Sub-Boss: Sharkpedo (Tileset by

Arena: An underwater chamber with a bottomless pit in the middle of the arena and two holes in the ceiling, one on the left and the other on the right. Designed similar to this boss arena from Labyrinth Zone in Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit). There will be a breathable bubble pile on the right side of the arena.
Boss Description: A submarine like badnik similar in design and shape to this machine (and 16-bit example) by Eggman also from Labyrinth Zone in Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit). Will have the appearance of a robotic shark face on it.
Boss Action: It would launch torpedoes when appearing from the top holes, and shoot projectiles from left and right ends 3 times when appearing from the bottom. It would randomly appear from different holes. Similar to Labyrinth Zone boss in Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit). Simple attacks will beat it.
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-Act Transition: Water drains out the area and player continues on to Act 2.


Act 2 (Music by Karl Brueggemann, Youtuber)

Rough example of cavern portion scrolling background.

An example concept of the Act 2 background. It will be a looped background: Labyrinth Act 2 BG.png
"Act 1" Background Source

Labyrinth Act 2 BG Tiles 1.png
Tileset Source Edits and gif by me.

Act Description: Level background design somewhat like the 2nd act of this. The "1st part" of Act 2's level map design will be uniquely designed while the "2nd part" will utilize the Act 3 of the original Labyrinth zone design.

Major-Boss 1: Eggman Retreating

Arena: Original Labyrinth boss arena.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: N/A

After chase, player jumps on prison capsule but it is a booby trap as it explodes and you fall down to the real boss battle in a column chamber.

Major-Boss 2: Egg Mace

Arena: Floating platform on water in a column chamber.
Boss Description: Egg Mobile will two maces 180° from each other. Simple jump attacks will beat it.
Boss Action: Egg Mobile swings the maces in circular motion periodically
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Spring to ceiling in a small columned chamber with some ceiling in foreground the player launches up behind. (Similar to Scrap Brain zone Act 3 ending.

Marble Zone - Afternoon

03  Marble.png

Act 1 (OST)


Act Description: Level design and background is practically the same and original except the original Acts 1 and 2 level designs would be combined into one Act 1 in a seemless design. The ending of the "Act 2" portion of Act 1 will feature the sub-boss arena.

Sub-Boss: Flamebot

Arena: 3 sections of stone block arena: far left, middle, and far right platform; with 2 magma pools, one of each on the sides of the middle platform. Lava spout periodically in alternating pattern spout from each pool.
Boss Description: Relative round silver metal badnik with a flamethrower on it's bottom. can only be attacked from the magma spouts as it gets caught in it trying to maneuver over platforms.
Boss Action: Flamebot will move over platforms to track the player to shoot its flamethrower at the player. Flame bot can't be hit by simple attacks but can be lured over lava pits to be blasted by the magma spouts to take a hit.
Number of Hits: 4

Inter-Act Transition: Continue on to Act 2 walking past a big background wall to transition to Act 2 environment.


Act 2 (Music by Karl Brueggemann, Youtuber)

Marble Act 2.pngMarble Act 2  Parallax.png
Rough concept WIP by me

Act Description: Setting take s palace inside a lava filled castle. The view of the mountains and trees can be seen in the distances behind arched pillars of the castle with a darker gloomy sky.. A few parallaxing cobblestone ceilings on top and the floor is a parallaxing lava floor. About the ceiling is outside of the castle. Act 2 utilizes this level layout from this "Act 3" to the first portion of Act 2 then seamlessly combines to the original Act 3 as normal to finish out Act 2 to the boss arena.

Major-Boss: Fireball Weapon

Arena: Original Marble boss arena.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Lava blast platform to sky.

Spring Yard Zone - Evening

04  Spring Yard.png

Act 1 (OST)


Act Description: Level design and background is practically the same and original except the original Acts 1 and 2 level designs would be combined into one Act 1 in a seemless design. The ending of the "Act 2" portion of Act 1 will feature the sub-boss arena.

Sub-Boss: Bumper Machine

Arena: Flat surface arena.
Boss Description: Round red badnik with a ring of 6 bumpers surrounding it. Bumpers eventually mostly replaced with spike balls.
Boss Action: Bumpers rotate in clockwise motion. Player must bounce off the bumpers to hit the botnik. Each hit retracts the bumpers and reemerges them with one less bumper replaced with one more spike ball until the 6th hit.
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-Act Transition: Player controlled continues on into a "building" and traverse a little inside until going back outside into the main portions of Act 2 with the background changed.


Act 2 (Music by Karl Brueggemann, Youtuber)


Spring Yard Act 2.png

Spring Yard Act 2 Tileset.png

Act Description: Will utilize the Spring Yard beta background with some revisions to it to add black silhouetted building behind the lit buildings and then dark/navy blue mountains behind the buildings with stary midnight blue evening sky. The signs and stars will flash like here only a little slower and also except the buildings will not flash. Star sparkling tilesets and buildings can be found here. The "1st part" of Act 2 level map design will be uniquely designed while the "2nd part" will utilize the Act 3 of the original Spring Yard zone design.

Major-boss: Spike Weapon

Arena: Original Spring Yard boss arena.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Player goes inside of a building to a spring, then jump on it to spring to top of the screen.

Star Light Zone – Night

05  Star Light.png

Act 1 (OST)


Act Description: Level design and background is practically the same and original except the original Acts 1 and 2 level designs would be combined into one Act 1 in a seemless design. The ending of the "Act 2" portion of Act 1 will feature the sub-boss arena.

Sub-Boss: Mine Dropper

Arena: Same arena as the original Star Light boss arena.
Boss Description: Similar the original Star Light boss except a botnik design.
Boss Action: Established original.
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-Act Transition: Player simply continues on to Act 2.


Act 2 (Music by Karl Brueggemann, Youtuber)
Star Light Act 2.png
Star Light Act 2 Tileset.png

Tileset Source. Tileset edits by me.

Act Description: All black colors of the background will transition to corresponding shades of dark dawn blue. The "1st part" of Act 2 will be uniquely designed while the "2nd part" will utilize the Act 3 of the original Spring Yard zone design.

Major-boss: Egg Chaser

Arena: Moving screen with flat surface straight away.
Boss Description: Egg Mobile with a mine dropper in the back of it.
Boss Action: Eggman will race away from the player as he drops mines behind him, bouncing in different patterns. Red mines bounce lower and regular mines bounce higher. Simple jumping attacking can beat it. (See example clicking the name.)
Number of Hits: 8

Inter-Stage Transition: Eggman in his mobile reappears from back behind then races off forward and Sonic automatic chases after him off-screen.

Scrap Brain Zone – Dawn/Morning

06  Scrap Brain.png

Act 1 (OST)


Act Description: Established original but would be a newly customized longer act than currently to be designed. Parallaxing depth of clouds like in this. (Taking note of the game dev notes.)

Sub-Boss: Zapbot

Arena: Flat surface arena.
Boss Description: Botnik with electrical probes for arms.
Boss Action: Float above the arena out of range of the player's normal jumps then quickly drops closer to the ground and sticks it's probes into the ground to zap the whole floor for 2 seconds. Simple jumping attacks can beat it.
Number of Hits: 6

Inter-Act Transition: Player run into a transport tube that transports the player down into Act 2 like this.


Act 2 (Music by Karl Brueggemann, Youtuber)


Act Description: Established original but Act 3 of the original would be incorporated as "Act 2" (Similar to Lava Reef Act 2 transitioning the scene to boss arena.)

Inter-Act Transition: Eggman destroys bridge to send Sonic down to "Act 3" part.


"Act 2.5" (Music by Karl Brueggemann, Youtuber)


Inter-Act Transition: Established original: Spring up to ceiling.

Major-Boss: Egg Pistons (Funtioning like this)



Arena: Original Scrap Brain/Final boss arena.
Boss Description: Established original.
Boss Action: The boss fight operates in 2 phases. First phase of the boss fight operates exactly like the original Sonic 1 final boss. For the 2nd phase, pistons operate like the 2nd phase in Sonic Mania's Egg Pistons boss. Before the 4th and 8th hits in the 2nd phase, pistons operate like the first method in this example where outside pistons will enclose the player and player must hit the piston with Eggman before getting crush. Phase will trigger after 3rd and 7th hits and player moving inside the outside pistons zones.
Number of Hits (Phase 1): 8
Number of Hits (Phase 2): 8

Inter-Stage Transition: The level shakes to imply something being lauched. Sonic rushes outside of the factory to see the Death Egg and Wing Fortress take off over Scrap Brain and then Sonic runs off screen. Then a quick cutscene back in Green Hill zone of Sonic running until he reaches his plane. Then he jumps into it to fly off screen to transition into a sky chase scene only to be shot down by one laser blast from the Wing Fortress. Sonic loses the collected chaos emeralds which would get scattered on West Side Island. Then a quick cutscene shows a sparkle falling towards West Side Island pictured above to represent Sonic's plane falling towards the island.


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