0xUniverse: Corporations are Live!

in #gaming5 years ago

New life has been found in the Flat Universe

Upon closer examination, the beings or entities discovered, are actually several smaller organisms, acting as one. Some are loosely-clumped, balls of chaos. Others arrange themselves as precision-formed works of beautiful architecture.

From head to toe, or in this case, from head to single 0.001% holder, they are interesting creatures, to say the least. Of course, we are talking about 0xUniverse's newest update. The long-awaited addition of Corporations.

Deadlines: Software development's worst enemy

"Corporations", was a buzz word often heard around the 0xUniverse community. Without many details on who, what, when, where, how, and even why, the update was slated for mid-February. But after development challenges proved to be more than the team had bargained for, it was postponed indefinitely.

After a minor update moved some of the in-game menu tabs around, a corporation's tab was added and labeled "coming soon".

Anyone who has been in crypto for a while has heard the expression,

"When Moon?"

If you've been around 0xUniverse for the past few months, you've undoubtedly heard,

"When Corps?"

When trouble ensues at work, there's nothing better than a perfectly timed vacation

Not since Donald Trump, has a world leader doubled as their own social-media press secretary. In like manner, The United Earth Government's Prime Minister Alex, both leads and manages the media. But when the news of the corporations' update arrived, he was conveniently out of town and away from the internet, on vacation.

On June 4th, the website was down for updating. Shortly after, the confirmation came in over discord:

"The game client is stopped for a couple of hours. Corporations are coming... Finally!"

...And now there are three

  1. Forge
  2. Eternity
  3. Dominion

The game's corporation's tab now gave players these 3 options above. Priced at 50ETH each, who was going to be the proud new owner of 10,000 some odd ERC20 tokens? Cryptificates of authenticity, if you will?

The games most powerful of power players, SpigUniverse managed to scoop up Forge, as well as Dominion. While Eternity was purchased by SnowWit. Discussions commenced, filling up 0xUniverse's discord server like never before.

Some folks were excited, others confused. A few 0x explorers were downright fed up with waiting for the damn update. Before your very eyes, some were transformed from cordial, avid players, into FUD-ranting, frothy-mouthed trolls.

There wasn't enough notice about the update!
The initial price was too high!
There are no clear rules to the game now!

Meanwhile, 0xUn'ers were wheeling and dealing left and right. Hoping and praying they could secure themselves that perfect portion of the corporate pie. A few frantic players sold their planets for the ETH to buy into corps. Some soured explorers said they were done with the game and they were selling and not looking back.

When in reality, 0xUniverse, the game, just launched itself into the next level of depth and strategy. It has become a microcosm of the palpable Universe. And now has become one of the most interesting social experiments in crypto and gaming of all time.

included in the update, directly quoted from Discord:

MAJOR UPDATE is out! What’s new in version 2.0.0:
1) Corporations! We’ll update the game rules soon where you’ll be able to read about all the details of that part of the game
2) A new and more user-friendly wallet - Arkane. It will be most suitable for the users who’re not familiar with how blockchain works, also for mobile version users.
Our old and experienced players can keep on using MetaMask

3) As requested by the community, we added a light game UI that doesn’t display the 3D planets and ships. You can switch it on in the Settings
4) Everything is ready for the new referral program now. We will keep you posted about and share more later on

But wait, there's more...

And now there are threefour

Hello Discoverers! Our initial plan was as to create 3 corporations and then create one corporation in a month if the previous is sold. However, we hear your feedback.
And the United Earth decided to create another one and sell it not with one 100% part, but divided into 20 parts, so more people can participate. Sale will begin tomorrow at 20:00 GMT

Clearly, the demand was there and a 4th corporation had been added to the mix. It was not your typical week in the flat universe by any means. Several new topics and discussions were added to the discord server, including a channel dedicated to each corporation.
Speaking of 0xUniverse's discord server...I would highly recommend joining it, even before playing the game.

Many planets changed hands for strategical purposes. After much public discourse, some closed-door dealings, some corporate Heads appointed, and a rebranding, we are left with these first 4 corporations of 0xUniverse.

  1. Forge
  2. Eternity
  3. TheLibrary
  4. Shadows

Next up...War of Corporations.

Thanks for reading
Have a great day and God Bless


Looking forward to whatever they have in store next! This game can only get better!

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JST 0.029
BTC 61956.82
ETH 2417.96
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.62