ni is also very necessary once in this game (Lords Mobile) the heroes that we have also always we have to upgrade to get extra strength with various efforts we do to get trophies to do pengupgretan hero in the list list location of the hero, One way to get a trophy is to attack the quest for a new hero like I did. at that time I was attacking some gates led by Greta or dubbed the Red Flash.
this adventure took me 2 days to get Greta because the gatekeepers can say high quality in its level. in every we managed to defeat the gatekeepers we get the trophies in need of the hero we have itupun if we can save all the hero that was during the attack, we are given the in some other missions we also have to see the development of the soldiers we have, because when we make the attack and defense of our kingdom if our soldiers are weak then our warriors will be reduced so that in the future continue the mission we will lack strength.
now I have about 8 thousand mixed soldiers of archers, swordsmen and horsemen in addition to army heavy weapons army. when there is an opportunity to attack other kingdoms we must first see how our strengths are whether or not to support them.
and in every bonus we get we have to upgrade the existing soldiers to our kingdom, the way we go to the barracks of training soldiers who are in the kingdom area we lead and if we are given the opportunity to practice directly just carry out the order, and if in the barrack hospital there is a red cross marker on the roof of the barracks that means our troops are wounded and we must directly heal the soldiers and take them to the training barracks in the area as I write above.
fellowship with other kingdoms

in every we are at this game lords mobile game developers give us to do fellowship with other kingdoms that are around us and this I have done. we make a team that keep each other to each other then our kingdom was also neatly paralleled. this we can see on a forest map located in this game then we are among other kingdoms even around us there are moster-moster we can attack even surrounded by fields of wheat, mine and wood that can be we collect for the needs of the kingdom that we lead so that when we are in love of war and even if we have a shortage of soldiers and maybe our soldiers are weak then here can we muster the soldiers to collect what the kingdom needs. in this case if we can make a strategy on how to get a moster attack because we will do regular attacks when we occupy good fellowship.

in every attack done against another kingdom we must first see the power that they have so that our soldiers will not die, and victory will side with our kingdom, in addition to each of us upgrading our heroes to make it easier conquer the gatekeepers and also we will be easy to attack the moster that is in the territory of our kingdom sempai the devil kingdom will be easy to submit and it is done in a team with the alliance that we do is to upgrade the soldiers we also benefit if our allies ask for help we will not be in vain even our troops are also not many who will stay the name.
so my review today about the continuation of Lords Mobile game that I describe in this 23rd edition. if friends like high quality android games we can even get for free this is the right game for you let's get ranks please insatal this game on playstore android you and please join our kingdom barzah tumpas the evil demons that will bring us into a bad dream. samapai meet again in the next edition and thanks a lot I say on your visit to my post hopefully useful and can be a reading material you guys. may be useful and see you letter.

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Yea @ivan2018 I am very glad and thank you for bringing very interesting information