Snubbull Limited Research event recap

This past Saturday we had a Snubbull Limited Research event. Normally these Limited Research events last for 3 hours and every PokéStop gives a Research Task that gives the featured Pokémon as an encounter reward. However due to the whole lockdown thing where a lot of players can't really go out to play, Niantic has made this one a play from home edition.
That's why they started it at 8 am local time this time, and let the event last through 10 pm local time. We were given a Snubbull Limited Research that showed up in the new "today" overview section. This contained a total of 20 steps, with 3 tasks per set that gave us one Snubbull encounter each and then 8 of the step rewards also had a Snubbull encounter. Which led to a total of 68 Snubbull spawns if you completed the whole Snubbull Limited Research. These tasks were quite easy to do so that people could definitely do them from home. Especially with an Incense activated. Although I personally didn't activate one. For this event they also increased the Shiny chance for Snubbull over what it normally is.
Early on in one of the first steps I was already able to encounter a Shiny Snubbull, which is the first time I encountered one. As I had not encountered a single Shiny so far since its release. After I got 2 Shiny Snubbull from these encounters, I managed to encounter a Shiny Dunsparce!! That one came as so much of a surprise to me! Later on I was able to get a total of 3 more Shiny Snubbull from the encounters, for a total of 5. You can see screenshots of all the Shiny encounters and an overview screenshot below.

The highest CP Snubbull that I got from the encounters was 527 CP, more than once. Which was either 96% or 98% IV depending on the stats. A 530 CP would've been a 100% IV. I do already have one 100% IV Snubbull that I encountered in the wild a while back, but it would've still been great if I could've gotten one from these encounters so that I'd have a full set.
One thing I disliked was that there was no display of which step you were on, to have a proper indication of how far you're into the Research. I feel that would've been a nice addition to it, for people to keep track of where they're at. I started pretty late in the afternoon with it since we had time till 10 pm. Which went really great, the tasks were pretty easy overall so I still had more than enough time starting late afternoon. Overal this Limited Research was definitely planned well.
Wow what an amazing Snubbull! Can't leave out that Dunsparce either!.
We the PokeSTEEM Battle League love content like this! Please keep it up !
Thank you! Will definitely try to! :D