Acquaintance with World of WarCraft.

in #gaming7 years ago

In this post I would like to give you representation of World of WarCraft. More than 8 million people play this wonderfull game. Some people are just thinking to try playing World Of Warcraft and this post will be very usefull for them.

Ok, let's start. What is World of Warcraft?
It is the MMO game where you have to create your own character. You have to choose race of the character, its specialisaton and of cource name.
There are 2 fractions in this game "The Horde" and "The Aliance". Each fraction includes different races which are connected to each other by histrorical events in the game.
The Horde includes such races: the taurens, the unded, the Blood Elfs, the throls, the goblins, the orcs, the pandarens.
The Aliance includes suc races: the humans, the gnomes, the dwarfs, the night elfs, the drainei, the worgens, the pandarens.
When you've choosen the race of your character you had to deside what specialization is good for you.
In World of Warcraft there are a lot of specializations but there are 3 roles that your character can fulfill they are: Tank, Healer, Damage dealer.
Each class can include from 2 to 4 ways of playing. For example the druid can be healer, tank, range damage dealer or melee damage dealer.
You can easylly swich to the specialization you like.

Warriors!!! ARR-RRRR!!!
As long as war is waged on Azeroth, there will be men and women who fight those wars.
Warriors are no mere sword-swingers; they are skilled combatants, combining strength of arm, knowledge of weaponry, and practiced maneuvers to slice or bludgeon
their foes into little red bits. Warriors are the most versatile of the combat classes, and they supplement their fighting prowess with the ability to rally their
allies and spur them to victory.
They charge into the heart of the battle and survive the most grievous of wounds. Warriors are common in dwarf, Forsaken, human, and orc societies,
but many other species also fill their ranks with warriors. Masters of swords, spears, and weapons of all kinds, warriors share a common way of life on Azeroth.
Using their abilities to deal pain and cause bloodshed, warriors are deadly adversaries and welcome friends in violent times.
Anyone willing to take up arms to defend their people can be classed as a warrior.
This melee class icludes 2 variants of damage dealer and tank specialization. Main resource is Rage.
This resource you can gain when you hit the target of the target hits you. This class if for those who likes rage, blood and rough combat.

"The Arms" - Battle-hardened masters of two-handed weapons, using mobility and overpowering attacks to strike their opponents down.

"The Fury" - Furious berserkers wielding a weapon in each hand, unleashing a flurry of attacks to carve their opponents to pieces.

"The Protection" - Stalwart protectors who use a shield to safeguard themselves and their allies.

Paladins are virtuous defenders of the weak, and tireless, unfaltering enemies of the undead. Mixing elements of the warrior and the clerics of the Holy Light,
the paladin is a tough melee fighter. The paladin is a "warrior of the Holy Light". They uphold all that is good and true in the world and revile all that is evil
and sinister, especially undead and the Burning Legion. They offer succor to the beleaguered and smite their enemies with holy fervor.
They are particularly potent against undead, as these creatures threaten the goodly races and the Holy Light burns them terribly. The presence of any evil is
reprehensible to paladins, but they focus their efforts on destroying undead and demons.
These warriors uphold the tenets of the Holy Light and defend their factions from the predations of any threat.
Found in almost every corner of Azeroth fighting the forces of evil and barbarism, these stalwart warriors of faith ceaselessly uphold their vigil against
demonic forces from beyond the Dark Portal. Paladins are the embodiment of good and selfless dedication to the protection of their peoples.
They help the innocent and punish the wicked. As such, paladins are generally of good alignment. A knight is the warrior elite among humans.
This melee class includes healer specialization, tank and damage dealer. Main resource is Mana.
This resource is constantly renewed but slowly, you can use food and drinks to increase this process.
Paladins are good for those who wants to fight and defend for the sake of light, good and justice.
"The Holy" - Invokes the power of the Light to protect and heal.

"The Protection" - Uses Holy magic to shield him/herself and defend allies against attackers.

"The Retribution" - A righteous crusader who judges and punishes opponents with weapons and Holy magic.

Death Knigths!
The death knight is the first hero class in World of Warcraft. Death knights start at level 55 in Acherus: The Ebon Hold over the Eastern Plaguelands,
with multiple spells and abilities ready to use, and a set of uncommon gear. When departing Ebon Hold, they have a full set of rare gear ready for Outland.
Through the death knight-specific quests in this necropolis and the surrounding areas, they learn to master the power of the death knight and learn
to use this new power for the will of the Lich King.
This melee class icludes 2 variants of damage dealer and tank specialisation. There are 2 main resouses: runes and the runic power.
Death knights were resurrected to bring death, diseases and destruction.
"The Blood" - A dark guardian who manipulates and corrupts life energy to sustain himself in the face of an enemy onslaught.

"The Frost" - An icy harbinger of doom, channeling runic power and delivering vicious weapon strikes.

"The Unholy" - A master of death and decay, spreading disease and controlling undead minions to do her bidding.

Hunters are stalkers in the wild, living on their knowledge of survival and skill with a bow or rifle. They are deeply in tune with nature and some
of its mightiest beasts are their allies. Of Azeroth's many creatures, few can resist the hunters' call, and fewer can survive their fury. Hunters are
as varied as the world's many climates, but they are universally renowned for their amazing abilities to find their prey and bring it down. They come
from any race, though certain races naturally excel at the hunter's profession. Most hunters seek to aid the balance of nature along with their druidic allies.
This class is a range DD in 2 specialisations and a melee DD in 1 specialisation.
Range DD specializations names are "The beast mastery" and "The Marksmanship", the melee
specialization name is "The Survival".

The main idea of the "beast master" is to deal damage with the help of the beasts which you can tame.
There are a lot of beasts and animals all over the World of Warcraft and you can tame almost all kinds of beasts.

In "Marksmanship" specialization you have to damage using only your weapon.

"The Survival" gives you an opportunity to use traps and a spear.

Shaman are spiritual visionaries of tribes and clans. These gifted warriors can see into the world of spirits and communicate with creatures invisible
to the eyes of normal beings. They are beset by visions of the future and use their sight to guide their people through troubled times. Although shaman
may seem wise and serene at first, they are formidable foes; when angered, their wrath is as fierce as those who have a connection to Eternals or nature.
This class includes melee ("THe Enhancement"), range ("The Elemental") and healing ("THe Restoration") specializations:

"The Elemental" gives you the possibility to play for a spellcaster who harnessed the destructive forces of nature and the elements.

"The Enhancement" gives you the possibility to play for a totemic warrior who strikes goes with weapons imbued with elemental power.

"The Restoration" gives you the possibility to play a healer who calls upon ancestral spirits and the cleansing power of water to mend allies' wounds.

Druids! Defenders of nature.
Druids are keepers of the world who walk the path of nature, following the wisdom of the Ancients and Cenarius, healing and nurturing the world. To druids,
nature is a delicate balance of actions in which even the smallest imbalance can create storming turmoil from peaceful skies. Druids draw their power from this
natural energy, using it to change their shapes and command the forces of nature. Traditionally, druids chose the path of a specific animal totem. Since the invasion
of the Burning Legion, however, most druids have undergone a number of reforms, including encouraging the study of magic from all totems. Druids who do this are
known as druids of the wild.
The druid is a shapeshifting, hybrid class and also one of the most versatile classes in the game. As with other hybrids, druids need to specialize
in a single role for the best results. Due to their need to shape-shift to fulfill roles, they can only perform one role at a time; they must switch
between the different shapes to adapt to changing situations.
This class has 4 specialisations: Healer, Melee DD (damage dealer), range DD, Tank. Resources are different for different specialisations.
Druid is interesting class, every specialisation has its own shape: tank is a bear, melee DD is a cat (big cat),
range DD is a moonkin (owlface beast), healer can take a tree shape.

"The Feral" - takes on the form of a great cat to deal damage with bleeds and bites.

"The Guardian" - Takes on the form of a mighty bear to absorb damage and protect allies.

"The Balance" - Can take on the form of a powerful Moonkin, balancing the power of Arcane and Nature magic to destroy enemies at a distance.

"The Restoration" - Uses heal-over-time Nature spells to keep allies alive.

The rogues of Azeroth are the masters of subterfuge, skilled and cunning adversaries of those who dare not look into the shadows to see what lurks there.
Roguery is a profession for those who seek the adventures of stalking in silent forests, dimly lit halls, and heavily guarded strongholds.
Using trickery in combat and able to vanish at the slightest distraction, the rogue is a welcome addition to any group of adventurers. Ideal spies,
deadly to those they can catch unaware, rogues have no problem finding a place in the world. Deadly masters of stealth, rogues are the whispers in shadowy
corners and the hooded figures crossing dark fields. Skilled with daggers and the art of silent death, these vagabonds and bandits skulk about Azeroth seeking
targets and profit.
For as long as there were dark alleys and needs for dark services, there have been rogues, and thus they are one of the oldest professions in Azeroth.
Rogues are a diverse class, and they are typically made up from the dregs of society — cutthroats, pirates, robbers, and lowlifes. The only code rogues
live by is the contract, and their word is only as good as the money their services are bought for. The diverse aspects of their trade requires rogues to be well
versed in lockpicking, toxicology, rudimentary alchemy, and brawling. In combat, rogues rely on the element of surprise and tactics which are regarded by most as
vile and cowardly. They are rarely seen entering a fight without weapons laced in poisons and ample supplies of everything from bombs to elixirs in their backpacks.
Their attacks concentrate on weak points in the body in an attempt to finish fights brutally and quickly. Rogues play prominent roles in every aspect of society.
They will rarely be written into history books because their involvements will be largely unknown to the common person, but they are always there, greatly
affecting the flow of events from the shadows.
From the high-contract assassin hired in secret by respected noblemen to the lowly street mugger, rogues are the ones called upon when maintaining the
status quo requires a questionable solution — and by fulfilling it, they are branded as outcasts by the very society that calls upon their service.
In Azeroth, rogues are largely free agents, though some prefer to join an organization for safety and ease of employment. Ravenholdt and the Syndicate are examples.
There are 3 melee DD specializations in this class:

"The Assassination" - A deadly master of poisons who dispatches victims with vicious dagger strikes.

"The Outlaw" - survive in such a world, outlaws must become master swordsmen in toe-to-toe combat—and they can’t shy away from fighting dirty.

"The Subtlety" - A dark stalker who leaps from the shadows to ambush unsuspecting prey.

Demon Hunters
This is the second heroic class after the death knight and to start playing this class you have to have at least one person of 100 level.
Drawing on fel forces to fuel their attacks, demon hunters pursue their prey with uncanny agility, dodging away from danger and closing on enemies in the blink of an eye.
These melee-focused assassins unleash pent-up fury in the form of devastating attacks—even metamorphosing into terrifying demonic forms in moments of great need.
There is a tank and a DD specialization in this class:

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Tank "The Vengeance" - Embraces the demon within to incinerate enemies and protect their allies.

Melee DD "The Havok" - A brooding master of warglaives and the destructive power of Fel magic.

When the Pandaren were subjugated by the Mogu centuries ago, it was the monks that brought hope to a seemingly dim future. Restricted from using any type of weapon
by their slave masters, these Pandaren instead focused on harnessing their chi and learning weaponless combat.
Pandaren masters have chosen to share their ancient martial arts with young fighters in both the Alliance and Horde. Harnessing their inner strength and
potent "chi" energy, monks are extremely capable in every role: damage, defense, and healing.
Monks include 3 specializations:

Tank "The Brewmaster" - A sturdy brawler who uses liquid fortification and unpredictable movement to avoid damage and protect allies.

Melee DD "The Windwalker" - A martial artist without peer who pummels foes with hands and fists.

Healer "The Mistweaver" - A healer who mixes traditional herbal medicine with Pandaren martial arts.

Priests practice a complex, organized form of spirituality. It can be built around moral philosophy, the worship of a particular deity (such as Elune), and/or idol worship.
This is in contrast to the reverence of the elements that shamans practice or the close divine connection with animals and the wilderness that druids maintain.
Priests serve not only as influential religious figures in their respective societies, but also as powerful practitioners of divine magic. They use this to heal
and protect, or harm and weaken.
Devotion to the faiths of Azeroth leads many priests to the paths of courage and heroism. In dark times, priests carry the Light of faith with them as a reminder
of the powerful forces at work beyond the comprehension of the peoples who walk the land. Powerful healers with an intimate connection to the divine, priests are
empowered with abilities that aid them in times of dire need.
Priests comprise quite a varied group in Azeroth. Many are followers, in some manner, of the Holy Light. Some priests choose to be pyremasters or High Priests,
while some of the most experienced become epic priests.
Priests incluse two healing specialisations and one range DD specialization:

Healing "The Discipline" - Uses magic to shield allies from taking damage as well as heal their wounds.

Healing "The Holy" - A versatile healer who can reverse damage on individuals or groups and even heal from beyond the grave.

Range DD "The Shadow" - Uses sinister Shadow magic, especially damage-over-time spells, to eradicate enemies.

Warlocks are magical practitioners that seek to understand darker, fel-based magics, including destructive spells. While many warlocks willingly follow the Burning Legion,
there are those who work against it, using their magic to fight against evil. Warlocks have proven themselves to be powerful allies - as well as powerful foes.
Warlocks can ignite distant enemies in searing flame, send them fleeing in terror and pain, or afflict them with corrupting diseases and curses that steal the victim's vitality.
These practitioners of the profane are feared across Azeroth, and many who have felt their wrath now prefer to fight alongside a warlock than against one.
Warlocks burn and destroy weakened foes with a combination of crippling illnesses and dark magic. While their demon pets protect and enhance them, warlocks strike
at their enemies from a distance. As physically weak spellcasters bereft of heavy armor, cunning warlocks allow their minions to take the brunt of enemy attacks in
order to save their own skin.
This class includes three range DD specializations:

"The Affliction" - A master of shadow magic who specializes in drains and damage-over-time spells.

"The Demonology" - A master of demons who compels demonic powers to aid her/him.

"The Destruction" - A master of chaos who calls down fire to burn and demolish enemies.

Magi, the most common of arcanists, are found all over Azeroth. They focus on magic that creates and changes things, most often with the purpose of damaging their
enemies and boosting the power of their allies. Such beings can obtain a familiar, which is a normal animal that gains new powers and becomes a magical beast when
summoned to service by a mage, while others choose to become a focused mage.Magi also understand the workings of arcane energy so well they can counter most magic with
great effectiveness. Those who have dedication to and natural predilection for one of the schools of specialization becomes more entrenched. At this point they choose
either evocation or transmutation as a preferred school. The magi of the Kirin Tor first mastered the art of casting spells using the elements of ice and fire. Magi are
also known for being able to summon elementals, usually water elementals, but can also summon air, earth, and fire elementals.The greatest mortal mage ever to have
lived is the naga, Queen Azshara. In fact, she may no longer be mortal.
The first known magi on Azeroth were elves. They existed before the breaking of the Well of Eternity and the Exile of the High Elves, who lived on the shores of the
Well of Eternity and wielded its tremendous magic powers.
Magi as Warlocks are range DD class with three DD specializations.

"The Arcane" - Manipulate the arcane, destroying enemies with overwhelming power.

"The Fire" - Ignite enemies with balls of fire and combustive flames.

"The Frost" - Freezes enemies in their tracks and shatters them with Frost magic.

After you've done all this steps you adventures will begin.

You will find yourself in starting location and level of your character will be 1. In the very begining the main idea is to increase this characters level up to 110.
There are a lot of ways to do this:

--- You have to do quests all over the world in many locations and when you would fulfill the quests you will be rewarded.
The reward will be the expirience for your character, money (silver, gold.... ingame currency), weapons and clothes.
The more difficult quests you can do the more presious reward you will gain.

--- It is profession. In World of WarCraft for each character you can take 2 primary professions and 4 secondary.
Secondary professsions are "The First Aid", "Archeology", "Fishing", "Cooking".
Primary professions are "Alchemy", "Leatherworking", "Blacksmithing", "Tailoring", "Skinning", "Mining", "Herbalism",
"Enchanting", "Engineering", "Jewelcrafting", "Inscription". Professions can be taken in capitals of races and in diffferent villages. Special professional teaches are usually situated in this places.

--- Dungeons or PvE (player vesus enviroment). You can find a group of players from 5 to 30 and go with them to dungeons filled with enemies and powefull bosses.
You will gain money, experience and rewards (clothes, weapons) if you can stay alive.

--- PvP (player versus player). There are special PvP grounds for big groups and special arena mode for small groups.
You will gain honor, experience and rewards (honor can be changed to clothes, weapons).

--- You can gain experience just discovering new locations all over the world.

This is very short acquaintance with World of WarCraft. I hope this information will be useful for those people who wants to start playing this wonderful game.




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