Difficult In-hit! Hero Dota 2 Collection It's Hard to Attack It Can Make You Gregetan!

in #gaming7 years ago

Dota 2 primary is exciting, but can make greget too! Especially when you meet hero Dota 2 hard to attack for various reasons!
Although the back end of Dota 2 has ensured that the hero hits container has a uniform size, but the ranks of Dota 2 hero is difficult to attack it can still make you emotion because it is difficult to land an easy hit without encountering any problems at all

primary Dota 2 memang seru, tapi bisa bikin greget juga! Apalagi bila ketemu hero Dota 2 sulit diserang karena berbagai alasan ini!
Walaupun secara back end dari Dota 2 telah memastikan bahwa hit container para hero memiliki ukuran yang seragam, namun jajaran hero Dota 2 sulit diserang ini tetap bisa bikin kamu emosi karena sulit mendaratkan easy hit tanpa menemui masalah sama sekali!

  • Very Small Hero


For players who just tried Dota 2 must sometimes confused when about to make this hero because of its smaller size than the other Dota 2 hero!
Some Dota 2 heroes are hard to attack because of their small size including Sniper, Clinkz, Bounty Hunter, darkish Seer, and Riki. But the most deceptive is Pugna! In addition to its small size, it also has almost the same color as the Radiant creep.

Bagi para pemain yang baru mencoba Dota 2 pasti kadang kebingungn saat hendak menyarang hero ini karena ukurannya yang lebih kecil dibandingkan hero Dota 2 lainnya!
Beberapa hero Dota 2 sulit diserang karena ukurannya yang kecil diantaranya adalah Sniper, Clinkz, Bounty Hunter, darkish Seer, juga Riki. Namun yang paling mengecoh adalah Pugna! Selain karena ukurannya yang kecil, ia jugamemiliki warna yang hampir sama dengan creep Radiant.


No wonder that for new players Pugna is often regarded as Radiant creep because the size and color are almost the same! Not to mention the ability Decrepify that can not be attacked using physical assault! KZL really!

Tidak heran kalau bagi pemain baru Pugna sering kali dianggap sebagai creep Radiant karena ukuran dan warnanya yang hampir sama! Belum lagi dengan ability Decrepify yang membuatnya tidak bisa diserang menggunakan physical assault! KZL banget!..

  • hero as many villagers

Well the ranks of hero Dota 2 hard to attack next have problems with the amount. Often these heroes come with very many troops! Make confused want to attack which, finally even the wrong attack!
Hero-hero phantasm primarily based like Terrorblade, Dragon Siren, Chaos Knight, Phantom Lancer, Meepo, and Shadow Demon often make players confused to attack the hero of the opponent because there are many illusions of the hero!

Nah jajaran hero Dota 2 sulit diserang berikutnya memiliki masalah dengan jumlahnya. Sering kali hero-hero ini datang membawa pasukan yang banyak banget! Bikin bingung mau menyerang yang mana, akhirnya malah salah serang!
Hero-hero phantasm primarily based seperti Terrorblade, Naga Siren, Chaos Knight, Phantom Lancer, Meepo, juga Shadow Demon kerap kali membuat para pemain kebingungan untuk menyerang hero lawan karena terdapat banyak ilusi dari hero tersebut!

  • Slippery hero like a thief


Just like a thief, Dota 2 hero is hard to attack is also very slippery and can make you gregetan to chase him, especially if you intend to attack him in the usual way!
Hero like Weaver, Anti-Mage,%, Slardar, Mirana, Slark, also Windranger can make the new Dota 2 players confused to do the hit because it is very agile and can move here and there very quickly!
To land a clean hit on the Dota 2 hero is hard to attack this type, first you need to make sure your screen resolution is wide enough to be able to see the map more leverage.

Layaknya seorang maling, hero Dota 2 sulit diserang ini juga sangat licin dan bisa bikin kamu gregetan untuk mengejarnya, apalagi kalau kamu berniat menyerangnya dengan cara yang biasa!
Hero seperti Weaver, Anti-Mage, %, Slardar, Mirana, Slark, juga Windranger bisa bikin para pemain Dota 2 baru kebingungan untuk melakukan hit karena memang hero tersebut sangat lincah dan bisa bergerak ke sana ke mari dengan sangat cepat!
Untuk mendaratkan clean hit pada hero Dota 2 sulit diserang tipe ini, pertama-tama kamu harus memastikan bahwa resolusi layarmu cukup luas agar dapat melihat map secara lebih maksimal.

Then do not forget to buy object applications like Ward and Sentry to track the existence of these slick heroes! Finally use items with Root effects like Rod of Atos or objects with Silence effects like Orchid Malevolence! the object can make the thief dead lice!
Well that he guys some type of Dota 2 hero is hard to attack! Do you also experience the same problem when dealing with the heroes above? Or there is another hero that makes you greget because it is difficult to attack? proportion in comment field yes!

Kemudian jangan lupa membeli object application seperti Ward dan Sentry untuk melacak keberadaan hero-hero licin ini! Terakhir gunakan item dengan efek Root seperti Rod of Atos atau object dengan efek Silence seperti Orchid Malevolence! object tersebut bisa bikin si maling mati kutu!
Nah itu dia guys beberapa tipe hero Dota 2 sulit diserang! Apa kamu juga mengalami masalah yang sama saat berhadapan dengan hero-hero di atas? Atau ada hero lain yang bikin kamu greget karena sulit diserang? proportion di kolom komentar ya!

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