Agoes Gaming - Learn To Understand My Favorite Hero, Invoker Game Dota 2 (Vol.88)[Billingual]

in #gaming7 years ago


Hallo Steemian ....! How are you all....! I hope you all are fine Amiin ...! Okay come back with me @agoesdeuge which is super kece and consistent with writing or discuss about Game Dota 2 that I enjoy the most and I love it hehehehe. Finally arrived at the most terrible and very cool Hero in Dota 2. Which has a very powerful magical skill to become a hero in the team. This is my favorite hero and often I play it, and do not let me, @jodipamungkas also this may be her hero pride hehehe. From @jodipamungkas I learned a lot and taught how to master the very very difficult hero to be played on Game Dota 2, no need to lengthy I will mention the Hero, the Hero I most anticipated to discuss and share, how to master the hero. Hero that I will discuss on this occasion is INVOKER.

Invoker is hero intelligence, which has a type of attack (ranged) and has different skills than other heroes. Invoker is often positioned to keep MIDLANE, because, if the invoker is late to get level up or build items, it will be a burden or a waste in the team. Need a very sharp skill and agile to play this Invoker hero, do not ever try before you master all the elements of skills owned Hero Invoker. Right ......! The Invoker skill seen in the game is only 4 skills, but from the 4 skills it can be 10 skills that make the enemy powerless. But every hero who has surplus would have no shortage of hero, then below I will explain what are the advantages and disadvantages possessed Hero Invoker.


The advantages possessed the Invoker hero is very complete and very useful for your team at War Fight, with the most skill of all Heroes available. No need to explain again to the advantages of this Invoker hero, he is a very tough Hero and respected the enemy team if you use Hero Invoker.
The drawbacks of Invoker hero is from the way you play it that is very complicated, with many skills you have to master and need fast fingers and mind to be able to perfectly play the Invoker hero. And Invoker hero will surely be the main target of the enemy team, that's for sure.

Roles Hero Invoker

  • Carry
  • Hard Nuker
  • Disabler
  • Escape
  • Pusher

Invoker Have 4 Skill; Quas, Wex, Exort, Invoke.

Quas; Skill that produces Regen Hp for Invoker.

  • Ability: No Target
  • Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
  • Hp Regen per Instance: 1-3-5-7-9-11-13 each level

Wex; Skill that generates Move Speed and Attack Speed.

  • Ability: No Target
  • Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
  • Attack Speed Per instance: 2-4-6-8-10-12-14 each level
  • Move Speed Per instance: 1%-2%-3%-4%-5%-6%-7% each level

Exort; Skill that produces a Damage that makes Hero Invoker to get Gold when last hit.

  • Ability: No Target
  • Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
  • Damage Per instance: 4-8-12-16-20-24-28

Invoke; Skill that makes or combines all the elements of Quas, Wex, Exort which become a very deadly skill. Before you build Aghanim's Scpeter item, then Skill delay is 5 seconds, if you build Aghanim's Scepter item, then delay Skill becomes 3 seconds.

  • Ability: No Target
  • Max Spells: 2
  • Scepter Cooldown: 2
  • Scepter Mana Cost: 0
  • Cooldown Skill: 6 Seconds
  • Mana: 60

Well now I will take you to the point or essence of the Skill combined with the 3 elements, then below I will explain it in more detail.

Cold Snap; skill that produces Mini-Stun against your enemy, when directing to your target or enemy.

  • Ability: Unit Target
  • Affects: Enemy Units
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Yess
  • Cold Snap Duration (QUAS): 2-3.5-4-4.5-5-5.5-6-6.5 Each level
  • Freeze Duration: 0.4
  • Freeze Cooldown (QUAS): 0.77-0.74-0.71-0.69-0.66-0.63-0.6-0.57 Each level
  • Freeze Damage (QUAS): 7-14-21-28-35-42-49-56 Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 20 Seconds
  • Mana: 100

Ghost Walk; skill that produces disappear (Invisible) to yourself (Invoker), but if adjacent to the enemy or creep, then the enemy and creep will be affected slow move.

  • Ability: No Target
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
  • Duration: 100
  • Radius: 400
  • Enemy Slow (QUAS): 20% - 25% - 30% - 35% - 40% - 45% - 50% - 55% Each level
  • Self Speed (WEX): minus 30% - minus 20% - minus 10% - 0% - plus 10% - plus 20% - plus 30% - plus 40% Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 45 Seconds
  • Mana: 200

Ice Wall; skill that produces a line or a wall of ice, which makes your enemies move slow when they are in the line or the ice wall.

  • Ability: No Target
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
  • Wall Duration (QUAS): 3 - 4.5 - 6 - 7.5 - 9 - 10.5 - 12 - 13.5 Each level
  • Movement Slow (QUAS): 20% - 40% - 60% - 80% - 100% - 120% - 140% - 160% Each level
  • Slow Duration: 2
  • Damage per second (EXORT): 6 - 12 - 18 - 24 - 30 - 36 - 42 - 48 Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 25 Seconds
  • Mana: 175

E.M.P; skill that produces to eliminate Mana your enemy and have damage when the skill is in exit.

  • Ability: Point Target
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Charge Time: 2.9
  • Radius: 675
  • Max Mana Burned (WEX): 100 - 175 - 250 - 325 - 400 - 475 - 550 - 625 Each level
  • Burn Damage: 60%
  • Cooldown Skill: 30 Seconds
  • Mana: 125

Tornado; Skill that produces hurricanes that make the enemy fly up and when falling damage is very painful.

  • Ability: Point Target
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Yes
  • Travel Distance (WEX): 800 - 1200 - 1600 - 2000 - 2400 - 2800 - 3200 - 3600 Each level
  • Radius: 200
  • Lift Time (QUAS): 0.8 - 1.1 - 1.4 - 1.7 - 2 -2.3 - 2.6 - 2.9 Each level
  • Base Damage: 70
  • Added Damage (WEX): 45 - 90 - 135 - 180 - 225 - 270 - 315 - 360 Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 30 Seconds
  • Mana: 150

Alacrity; Skill that produces 115 speed attack speed at enemy attack and creep, and this skill can you switch to your team to produce attack speed too.

  • Ability: Unit Target
  • Affects: Allied Units
  • Pierces Spell: Yes
  • Dispellable: Yes
  • Bonus Attack Speed (WEX): 10 - 25 - 40 - 55 - 70 - 85 - 100 - 115 Each level
  • Bonus Damage (EXORT): 10 - 25 - 40 - 55 - 70 - 85 - 100 - 115 Each level
  • Duration: 9
  • Cooldown Skill 17 Seconds
  • Mana: 60

Deafening Blast; Skill that generates sonic wave blast towards your enemy, if it is still low level and does not take talent skill to make big circle of sonic wave blast out, it will be very small range affected your enemy, but if you take talent skill that make sonic circle the wave blast becomes enlarged, and your enemies will pause for a moment to do nothing.

  • Ability: Point Target
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
  • Travel Distance: 1000
  • Damage (EXORT): 40 - 80 - 120 - 160 - 200 -240 - 280 - 320 Each level
  • Knocbak Duration (QUAS): 0.25 - 0.5 - 0.75 - 3.5 - 4.25 - 5 - 5.75 - 6.5 Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 40 Seconds
  • Mana: 300

Sun Strike; a catastrophic skill that falls upon your enemy, but with the right feeling to use this skill. If you Pro may be very easy to use this skill.

  • Ability: Point Target
  • Damage Typ: Pure
  • Pierces Spell: Yes
  • Delay: 1.7
  • Radius: 175
  • Damage (EXORT): 100 - 162.5 - 225 - 287.5 - 350 - 412.5 - 475 - 537.5 Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 25 Seconds
  • Mana: 175

Forge Spirit; A skill that produces 2 men from hell, who can be relied upon to destroy your enemy Tower easily.

  • Ability: No Target
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Damage (EXORT): 22 - 32 - 42 - 52 - 62 - 72 - 82 - 92 Each level
  • Mana (EXORT): 100 - 150 - 200 - 250 - 300 - 350 - 400 - 450 Each level
  • Armor (EXORT): 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 Each level
  • Attack Range (QUAS): 300 - 365 - 430 - 495 - 560 - 625 - 690 - 755 Each level
  • Health (QUAS): 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 30 Seconds
  • Mana: 75

Chaos Meteor; A skill that produces a large fireball that falls from the sky with an Invoker magic skill. If your enemy follows the direction of the fireball, it will be exposed to the fire generated on the ball.

  • Ability: Point Target
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Yes
  • Impact Delay: 1.3
  • Radius: 275
  • Travel Distance (WEX): 465 - 615 - 780 - 930 - 1095 - 1245 - 1410 - 1575 Each level
  • Contact Damage Tick: 0.5
  • Contact Damage (EXORT): 57.5 - 75 - 92.5 - 110 - 127.5 - 145 - 162.5 - 180 Each level
  • Burn Duration: 3
  • Burn Damage Per Second (EXORT): 11.5 - 15 - 18.5 - 22 - 25.5 - 29 - 32.5 - 36 Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 55 Seconds
  • Mana: 200


  • Level 10 Skill talent tree : +30 Chaos Meteor Contact Damage
  • Level 15 Skill talent tree : +1 Forged Spirit Summoned
  • Level 20 Skill talent tree : Cataclysm
  • Level 25 Skill talent tree : -16s Tornado Cooldown

Skill and Abilities Hero Invoker that I have described above, may be useful for the Steemian. Will be able to understand the function and ability of Hero Invoker, then I will explain more complete again using Video below.

Now I will take you deeper to build a very useful Hero Invoker item for your team.


Starting Items And Early Game:

  • Tango Use: devour, Range: 165.
  • Null Talisman, +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +7 Intelligence.
  • ------------------------------+------------------------------
  • Boots Of Speed, +40 Movement Speed.
  • Magic wand, + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds.
  • Hand of midas, +30 Attack Speed, Active: Transmute, Cooldown Items: 100 seconds. Range: 600.

Core Items:

  • Aghanim's Scepter, +10 all Attributes, +175 Health, +175 Mana, Passive: Ultimate Upgrade.
  • Boots Of Travel, +100 Movement Speed, Active: Teleport, Mana needed: 75, Cooldown Item: 45 Seconds.
  • Blink Dagger, Active : Blink, Cooldown Item : 12 seconds.
  • Eul's Scepter Of divinity, +10 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, +40 Movement Speed, Active: Cylone, Mana:175, Cooldown Items: 23 Seconds.


  • Shiva's Guard, +30 Intelligence, + 15 Armor, Active: Arctic Blast, Mana needed: 100, Cooldown Item: 30 seconds Passive: Freezing Aura, Radius: 900.
  • Linken's Sphere, +15 All Attributes, +5.5 Hp Regeneration, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, Passive: Spellblock, Cooldown Item: 13 Seconds.
  • Refresher Orb, +11 Hp Regeneration, +3 Mana Regeneration, Active: Reset Cooldowns, Mana needed: 375, Cooldown Items: 195 Seconds.
  • Scythe Of Vyse, +10 Strength, +10 Agility, +35 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, Active: Hex, Mana needed: 100, Cooldown Item: 22 seconds, Range: 800.
  • Octarine Core, +25 Intelligence, +425 Health, 425 Mana, Passive: Cooldown Reduction, Passive: Spell Lifesteal.

Situational Items:

  • Force Staff, +10 Intelligence, +5 HP Regeneration, Active: Force, Mana: 25, Cooldown Item: 23 Seconds, Range: 800.
  • Orchid Malevolence, +25 Intelligence, +30 Attack Speed, +30 Damage, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, Active: Soul Burn, Mana needed: 100, Cooldown Item: 18 seconds, Range: 900.
  • Black king bar + 10 strength +24 damage Active: Avatar Cooldown 80 seconds, Duration 10/9/8/7/6/5, Dispel type: Basic dispel.

Game Play Hero Invoker

Newbie Player Invoker

Yupz Invoker hero is very hard to master for nwebie, I give a little picture for how to play it. at the beginning of the game try to select the skill EXORT, because the skill is very easy for you to lasthit with increased damage from the skill, go up to level 2 select QUAS skills that can add HP or Regen Hp auto with the skill. Of these 2 skills alone have produced several element skills. Q + Q + Q + R produces Cold Snap, Q + Q + E + R produces Ice Wall, E + E + E + R produces Sun Strike, E + E + Q + R produces Forge Spirit. with 2 skills that's all you can kill the enemy quickly hehehe. Not to mention the remaining elements, very many combos that you can learn, but for the newbie may try with my skill explain above. May be useful.

This is all I can share for Steemian, more or less I'm sorry, See you at the next hero.

REGARDS GAMERS @agoesdeuge

Original Skill + Ability In Game Dota 2

Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2

Follow @agoesdeuge for next post about Dota 2


Hallo Steemian....! Apa kabar kalian semua....! Saya harap kalian semua dalam keadaan baik-baik saja Amiin...! Okay kembali lagi bersama saya @agoesdeuge yang super kece dan konsisten dengan tulisan atau membahas tentang Game Dota 2 yang paling saya gemari dan saya cintai hehehehe. Akhirnya tiba juga di Hero yang paling amat dasyat dan amat keren di Dota 2. Yang memiliki skill magical yang sangat ampuh untuk menjadi seorang pahlawan didalam team. Inilah hero yang saya favoritkan dan sering sekali saya memainkannya, dan jangankan saya, @jodipamungkas juga ini mungkin menjadi hero kebanggaannya hehehe. Dari @jodipamungkas saya banyak belajar dan diajarkan untuk cara menguasai hero yang sangat amat susah untuk dimainkan pada Game Dota 2, tidak perlu panjang lebar akan saya sebutkan Hero tersebut, Hero yang paling saya tunggu-tunggu untuk saya bahas dan berbagi, bagaimana cara untuk menguasai hero tersebut. Hero yang akan saya bahas pada kesempatan kali ini adalah INVOKER.

Invoker adalah hero intelligence, yang memiliki type attack(ranged) dan memiliki skill yang berbeda dari heroes yang lainnya. Invoker sering diposisikan untuk menjaga MIDLANE, karena, apabila invoker terlambat untuk mendapatkan level up atau build item, maka akan menjadi beban atau menjadi sampah disebuat team. Perlu skill yang amat tajam dan lincah untuk memainkan hero Invoker ini, jangan pernah coba-coba sebelum anda menguasai semua element skill yang dimiliki Hero Invoker. Betul......! Skill invoker yang terlihat pada game hanya 4 skill, namun dari ke 4 tersebut bisa menjadi 10 skill yang membuat musuh tidak berdaya. Tapi setiap hero yang memiliki kelebihan pasti akan ada kekurangan hero tersebut, maka dibawah ini saya akan menjelaskan apa saja kelebihan dan kekurangan yang dimiliki oleh Hero Invoker.


Kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh hero Invoker sangatlah lengkap dan sangat berguna sekali untuk team anda saat War Fight, dengan memiliki skill paling terbanyak dari semua Heroes yang ada. Tidak perlu saya jelaskan lagi untuk kelebihan hero Invoker ini, ia memang Hero yang sangat tangguh dan disegani oleh team musuh apabila anda menggunakan Hero Invoker.
Kekurangan yang dimiliki oleh hero Invoker adalah dari cara anda memainkannya yang sangat rumit, dengan banyak skill harus anda kuasai dan perlu jari dan pikiran untuk dapat sempurna memainkan hero Invoker. Dan hero Invoker pasti akan menjadi target utama dari team musuh, itu sudah pasti.

Roles Hero Invoker

  • Carry
  • Hard Nuker
  • Disabler
  • Escape
  • Pusher

Invoker Have 4 Skill; Quas, Wex, Exort, Invoke.

Quas; Skill yang menghasilkan Regen Hp untuk Invoker.

  • Ability: No Target
  • Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
  • Hp Regen per Instance: 1-3-5-7-9-11-13 each level

Wex; Skill yang menghasilkan Move Speed dan Attack Speed.

  • Ability: No Target
  • Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
  • Attack Speed Per instance: 2-4-6-8-10-12-14 each level
  • Move Speed Per instance: 1%-2%-3%-4%-5%-6%-7% each level

Exort; Skill yang menghasilkan Damage yang membuat Hero Ivoker untuk mendapat Gold saat last hit.

  • Ability: No Target
  • Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
  • Damage Per instance: 4-8-12-16-20-24-28

Invoke; Skill yang membuat atau menggabungkan semua element dari Quas, Wex, Exort yang menjadi skill yang sangat mematikan. Sebelum anda build item Aghanim's Scpeter, maka delay Skill 5 seconds, apabila anda build item Aghanim's Scepter, maka delay Skill menjadi 3 seconds.

  • Ability: No Target
  • Max Spells: 2
  • Scepter Cooldown: 2
  • Scepter Mana Cost: 0
  • Cooldown Skill: 6 Seconds
  • Mana: 60

Nah sekarang saya akan membawa anda ke pokok permasalahan atau intinya dari Skill yang digabungkan dengan 3 element tersebut, maka dibawah ini saya akan menjelaskannya lebih rinci lagi.

Cold Snap; skill yang menghasilkan Mini-Stun terhadap musuh anda, apabila mengarahkan ke target atau musuh anda.

  • Ability: Unit Target
  • Affects: Enemy Units
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Yess
  • Cold Snap Duration (QUAS): 2-3.5-4-4.5-5-5.5-6-6.5 Each level
  • Freeze Duration: 0.4
  • Freeze Cooldown (QUAS): 0.77-0.74-0.71-0.69-0.66-0.63-0.6-0.57 Each level
  • Freeze Damage (QUAS): 7-14-21-28-35-42-49-56 Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 20 Seconds
  • Mana: 100

Ghost Walk; skill yang menghasilkan menghilang (Invisible) terhadap diri sendiri (Invoker), namun apabila berdekatan dengan musuh atau creep, maka musuh dan creep akan terdampak move slow.

  • Ability: No Target
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
  • Duration: 100
  • Radius: 400
  • Enemy Slow (QUAS): 20% - 25% - 30% - 35% - 40% - 45% - 50% - 55% Each level
  • Self Speed (WEX): minus 30% - minus 20% - minus 10% - 0% - plus 10% - plus 20% - plus 30% - plus 40% Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 45 Seconds
  • Mana: 200

Ice Wall; skill yang menghasilkan garis atau tembok es, yang membuat musuh anda akan move slow saat berada digaris atau dinding es tersebut.

  • Ability: No Target
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
  • Wall Duration (QUAS): 3 - 4.5 - 6 - 7.5 - 9 - 10.5 - 12 - 13.5 Each level
  • Movement Slow (QUAS): 20% - 40% - 60% - 80% - 100% - 120% - 140% - 160% Each level
  • Slow Duration: 2
  • Damage per second (EXORT): 6 - 12 - 18 - 24 - 30 - 36 - 42 - 48 Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 25 Seconds
  • Mana: 175

E.M.P; skill yang menghasilkan untuk menghilangkan Mana musuh anda dan memiliki damage saat skill itu di keluarkan.

  • Ability: Point Target
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Charge Time: 2.9
  • Radius: 675
  • Max Mana Burned (WEX): 100 - 175 - 250 - 325 - 400 - 475 - 550 - 625 Each level
  • Burn Damage: 60%
  • Cooldown Skill: 30 Seconds
  • Mana: 125

Tornado; Skill yang menghasilkan angin topan yang membuat musuh terbang ke atas dan saat jatuh damage yang sangat menyakitkan.

  • Ability: Point Target
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Yes
  • Travel Distance (WEX): 800 - 1200 - 1600 - 2000 - 2400 - 2800 - 3200 - 3600 Each level
  • Radius: 200
  • Lift Time (QUAS): 0.8 - 1.1 - 1.4 - 1.7 - 2 -2.3 - 2.6 - 2.9 Each level
  • Base Damage: 70
  • Added Damage (WEX): 45 - 90 - 135 - 180 - 225 - 270 - 315 - 360 Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 30 Seconds
  • Mana: 150

Alacrity; Skill yang menghasilkan attack speed 115 speed saat attack musuh dan creep, dan skill ini bisa anda aktifkan ke arah team anda hingga menghasilkan attack speed juga.

  • Ability: Unit Target
  • Affects: Allied Units
  • Pierces Spell: Yes
  • Dispellable: Yes
  • Bonus Attack Speed (WEX): 10 - 25 - 40 - 55 - 70 - 85 - 100 - 115 Each level
  • Bonus Damage (EXORT): 10 - 25 - 40 - 55 - 70 - 85 - 100 - 115 Each level
  • Duration: 9
  • Cooldown Skill 17 Seconds
  • Mana: 60

Deafening Blast; Skill yang menghasilkan sonic wave blast ke arah musuh anda, apabila masih level rendah dan tidak mengambil skill talent untuk membuat lingkaran besar keluarnya sonic wave blast, maka akan sangat kecil jangkauan yang terkena terhadapa musuh anda, namun apabila anda mengambil skill talent yang membuat lingkaran sonic wave blast jadi membesar, dan musuh anda akan terdiam sejenak tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa.

  • Ability: Point Target
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Cannot be dispelled
  • Travel Distance: 1000
  • Damage (EXORT): 40 - 80 - 120 - 160 - 200 -240 - 280 - 320 Each level
  • Knocbak Duration (QUAS): 0.25 - 0.5 - 0.75 - 3.5 - 4.25 - 5 - 5.75 - 6.5 Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 40 Seconds
  • Mana: 300

Sun Strike; skill yang menghasilkan catastrophic yang jatuh ke atas musuh anda, tapi dengan feeling yang tepat untuk menggunkan skill ini. Apabila anda Pro mungkin sangat mudah untuk menggunakan skill ini.

  • Ability: Point Target
  • Damage Typ: Pure
  • Pierces Spell: Yes
  • Delay: 1.7
  • Radius: 175
  • Damage (EXORT): 100 - 162.5 - 225 - 287.5 - 350 - 412.5 - 475 - 537.5 Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 25 Seconds
  • Mana: 175

Forge Spirit; Skill yang menghasilkan 2 anak buah yang berasal dari neraka, yang bisa diandalkan untuk menghancurkan Tower musuh anda dengan mudah.

  • Ability: No Target
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Damage (EXORT): 22 - 32 - 42 - 52 - 62 - 72 - 82 - 92 Each level
  • Mana (EXORT): 100 - 150 - 200 - 250 - 300 - 350 - 400 - 450 Each level
  • Armor (EXORT): 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 Each level
  • Attack Range (QUAS): 300 - 365 - 430 - 495 - 560 - 625 - 690 - 755 Each level
  • Health (QUAS): 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 30 Seconds
  • Mana: 75

Chaos Meteor; Skill yang menghasilkan bola api yang besar yang terjatuh dari langit dengan skill sihir invoker. Apabila musuh anda mengikuti arah bola api tersebut, maka akan terkena api yang dihasilkan oleh bola tersebut.

  • Ability: Point Target
  • Damage Type: Magical
  • Pierces Spell: No
  • Dispellable: Yes
  • Impact Delay: 1.3
  • Radius: 275
  • Travel Distance (WEX): 465 - 615 - 780 - 930 - 1095 - 1245 - 1410 - 1575 Each level
  • Contact Damage Tick: 0.5
  • Contact Damage (EXORT): 57.5 - 75 - 92.5 - 110 - 127.5 - 145 - 162.5 - 180 Each level
  • Burn Duration: 3
  • Burn Damage Per Second (EXORT): 11.5 - 15 - 18.5 - 22 - 25.5 - 29 - 32.5 - 36 Each level
  • Cooldown Skill: 55 Seconds
  • Mana: 200


  • Level 10 Skill talent tree : +30 Chaos Meteor Contact Damage
  • Level 15 Skill talent tree : +1 Forged Spirit Summoned
  • Level 20 Skill talent tree : Cataclysm
  • Level 25 Skill talent tree : -16s Tornado Cooldown

Skill dan Kemampuan Hero Invoker yang telah saya jelaskan di atas, semoga bermanfaat untuk para Steemian. Akan bisa mengerti fungsi dan kemampuan Hero Invoker, maka saya akan menjelaskan lebih lengkap lagi menggunakan Video dibawah ini.

Sekarang saya akan membawa Anda lebih dalam untuk membangun item Hero Invoker yang sangat berguna untuk tim Anda.


Starting Items And Early Game:

  • Tango Use: devour, Range: 165.
  • Null Talisman, +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +7 Intelligence.
  • ------------------------------+------------------------------
  • Boots Of Speed, +40 Movement Speed.
  • Magic wand, + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds.
  • Hand of midas, +30 Attack Speed, Active: Transmute, Cooldown Items: 100 seconds. Range: 600.

Core Items:

  • Aghanim's Scepter, +10 all Attributes, +175 Health, +175 Mana, Passive: Ultimate Upgrade.
  • Boots Of Travel, +100 Movement Speed, Active: Teleport, Mana needed: 75, Cooldown Item: 45 Seconds.
  • Blink Dagger, Active : Blink, Cooldown Item : 12 seconds.
  • Eul's Scepter Of divinity, +10 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, +40 Movement Speed, Active: Cylone, Mana:175, Cooldown Items: 23 Seconds.


  • Shiva's Guard, +30 Intelligence, + 15 Armor, Active: Arctic Blast, Mana needed: 100, Cooldown Item: 30 seconds Passive: Freezing Aura, Radius: 900.
  • Linken's Sphere, +15 All Attributes, +5.5 Hp Regeneration, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, Passive: Spellblock, Cooldown Item: 13 Seconds.
  • Refresher Orb, +11 Hp Regeneration, +3 Mana Regeneration, Active: Reset Cooldowns, Mana needed: 375, Cooldown Items: 195 Seconds.
  • Scythe Of Vyse, +10 Strength, +10 Agility, +35 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, Active: Hex, Mana needed: 100, Cooldown Item: 22 seconds, Range: 800.
  • Octarine Core, +25 Intelligence, +425 Health, 425 Mana, Passive: Cooldown Reduction, Passive: Spell Lifesteal.

Situational Items:

  • Force Staff, +10 Intelligence, +5 HP Regeneration, Active: Force, Mana: 25, Cooldown Item: 23 Seconds, Range: 800.
  • Orchid Malevolence, +25 Intelligence, +30 Attack Speed, +30 Damage, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, Active: Soul Burn, Mana needed: 100, Cooldown Item: 18 seconds, Range: 900.
  • Black king bar + 10 strength +24 damage Active: Avatar Cooldown 80 seconds, Duration 10/9/8/7/6/5, Dispel type: Basic dispel.

Game Play Hero Invoker

Newbie Player Invoker

Yupz hero Invoker sangatlah susah untuk dikuasai bagi nwebie, saya beri sedikit gambaran untuk cara memainkannya. diawal pertandingan usahakan pilih skill EXORT, karena dangan skill tersebut sangat mudah bagi anda untuk lasthit dengan bertambah damage dari skill tersebut, naik ke level 2 pilih skill QUAS yang bisa menambah HP atau Regen Hp auto dengan skill tersebut. Dari 2 skill tersebut saja sudah menghasilkan beberapa element skill. Q+Q+Q+R menghasilkan Cold Snap, Q+Q+E+R menghasilkan Ice Wall, E+E+E+R menghasilkan Sun Strike, E+E+Q+R menghasilkan Forge Spirit. dengan 2 skill itu saja anda bisa membunuh musuh dengan cepat hehehe. Belum lagi element yang sisa, sangatlah banyak combo yang bisa anda pelajari, namun untuk para newbie boleh saja mencoba dengan skill saya jelaskan yang diatas. Semoga bermanfaat.

Inilah yang bisa saya bagikan untuk Steemian, kurang lebih saya minta maaf, sampai jumpa di hero berikutnya.

SALAM GAMERS @agoesdeuge

Original Skill + Ability In Game Dota 2

Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2

Follow @agoesdeuge for next post about Dota 2


apa anda punya nama gaming anda sendiri,,,cuma ingin tau @agoesdeuge

Goes, lihat postingan ko, aku yaa cuma plangak plongok ga ngerti, tapi aku suka julukan ko "steemit Gaming"
Pengen aku laa jadi "steemit / dtube Singer"
Belom tengah malam malah dah mimpi😭

Wkwkwkwkwkw....mainkan laah san...siapa tau jalan kluar ykaaan hehehehe @muliaikhsan

information in the world of games is very good @agoesdeuge.
its good to play when bored or upset

@fajri26, Big Thanks for you brother :)

Nice Invoker...?

Yup hehehehe

every post you always detail !! ... thanks for the information @agoesdeuge

nice :V
aku repost bg ya

nice , now i can play voker 0-10-2 instead of 0-20-0 thanks man :D