ADSactly Game Review - Tom Clancy's The Division

in #gaming7 years ago

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Tom Clancy's The Division

This one comes all the way from my bottom drawer, it is rather old, but I thought this would be a nice game to review.

I use the term old loosely here. In the gaming world a few months can make a game part of the elderly, due to developers pushing the boundaries of game visual capabilities. This also happens to be why I can't get myself to play games on PC, every few months you need to upgrade your machine in order to play the latest games at maximum settings. I'm getting carried away here, let's get back to the game at hand.

The Division feels pretty much exactly like that movie with Will Smith, I Am Legend, only a lot more people survived and there are no skinless zombie creatures. The game is a third person shooter and is set within a mid-crisis Manhattan, with an open world environment. If you're asking what the hell does that all mean, well the perspective from which you view everything, is from behind the person you control. It's almost your typical action movie plot, where the world is turned upside down and the government is here to save us.

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What exactly is The Division all about you may ask, well the story takes place in New York City, in our current day and age.

A terrorist organization is believed to have planted a virus on banknotes, and on Black Friday a catastrophic smallpox pandemic breaks out across New York. The disease which is called "Green Poison" or "The Dollar Flu", causes widespread chaos and the government has to step in and placed the city under quarantine. The Strategic Homeland Division of the American government then activates their sleeper agents, who need to assist emergency responders in restoring order. Our main character, one of these agents, known only as "The Division" finds himself in Brooklyn and about to evacuate the area with fellow agent Faye Lau. Just as they are about to board, a vertical take-off aircraft is destroyed in an explosion, killing the Division Commander and seriously injuring your partner. You commandeer a news helicopter along with Faye and regroup with the other Division agents to reclaim the Post Office, where they establish a base of operation. From here the agents undertake assignments to rescue important people and combat criminal groups in an effort the reclaim the city.

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The Division starts with a pretty epic opening which sucks you into that all too familiar post-biological-disaster world.

Visually the world is beautiful, but at the same time the winter cold with snow everywhere creates an added survival feel to it. The streets and surroundings creates a memorial to all those who have died combating this epidemic, I could feel the similarity between this and the real life events of some actual terrorist disasters in our historical past. Though everything is stunning to look at, the world does really feel rather deserted, I found myself doing quiet a bit of walking with almost no interactions taking place at times.

Your character is able to carry a maximum of three main weapons which are easily cycled through, along with arsenal of explosives and other needed gear. This is very much your standard cover and fire game, where they try make it as real as possible when it comes to tactical assaults. I think this is one of those games where they brought in a real life military expert to advise on tactics used.

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"What we need to do is assess our resources and define our mission statement. The statement is clear: we must retake control, and with the resources we have left it's also clear that we can't afford any half-measures. Every soldier counts. Every soldier is a critical resource. There are no reinforcements being deployed. There is no air support. We work slow and steady. We secure the city sector by sector, and we hold them for dear life. I need you all to be on your feet, ready to make some quick decisions. It's better to shoot someone innocent than to let someone guilty get away, and it's better to shoot first than to risk getting shot, even if you're not a hundred percent sure. That's how we will win this war. That's how we will save this city. Collateral damage is to be expected." - Charles Bliss

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Now here's the part where I need to be brutally honest, I probably wouldn't recommend you buy this.

I originally got the game a few months after the launch date and it was pretty fun to play, because there were many other people online playing it. So just to refresh my memory I popped it in a few days ago, and it was pretty lonely in there. It took almost forever to join a game due to very few people still playing this.

Another little sore point I had was that enemies were like bullet sponges, you would need to unload an entire clip before they go down. The character progression is pretty standard and you need to spend your experience point to upgrade. The only big down side to this, was having to be at a base to upgrade anything, and the fast travel loading time sucks. I did however enjoy that the smallest alteration to your gear could be felt immediately in the next gun fight. The best place to get gear was the Dark Zone, which is a separate player versus player as well as player versus everything, all mixed into one area.

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Tom Clancy's The Division is an online only action role-playing game, so make sure you don't buy this without a decent internet connection.

This was developed by Massive Entertainment, who recently created "South Park: The Fractured but Whole" and the 2012 game "Far Cry 3" to name but a few. They announced last year that their next big title will be based on James Cameron's Avatar movie. Published by Ubisoft for the PlayStation 4, Windows and Xbox One. The game now almost 2 years old, and that means you will definitely pick this up for next to nothing, just a few loose SBD you might have lying around.

As I have said before, due to this being a very co-op orientated multiplayer game, and the fact that not so many people have moved on to other newer titles, the Dead Zones are pretty empty.

I give The Division a rating of 6/10

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In case you missed it, here is the previous game review

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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Game review for ADSactly by MorkRock

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the official policy or position of ADSactly

✯ ✯ ✯


It's like everybody forgot how ubisoft tricked us the last few releases with awesome trailers.
The players should stop buying games before they're out!
don't you remember all the shitty starts of games with thousands of gamebreaking bugs, day one patches, glitches and performance problems ?!
We should learn and buy games when we're informed by gamers about the state of a game...
But nobody wants that. better play an unfinished game instead of waiting. Like that, nothing will ever change...

Buying unfinished ubi games pre-release? Smells like watchdogs.....

For me the setting makes me dream, browse the streets of NYC during the Christmas period and under the snow!
good news side:

  • no or very few loads
  • the evolution system
  • the freedom to play alone or up to 4 in coop;)
  • being able to replay the missions
  • the physical engine which is not exceptional but which makes pleasure
  • the Uplay system which makes it possible to use collected points other than to compare our kikis

For me this game is in direct competition with Destiny because it gets very close to it, I like both games but I still have a clear preference for The Division which will bring me certainly more happiness with its future DLC than did not do it Destiny.

I’m not sure that’s really Ubisoft’s business model, refurbishing old titles with DLC’s they just bring out a sequel standalone. Well let’s see 2018 is gonna be a great year for games.

thanks for the review... I was still wondering whether it was worth getting this... I pushed it off because the reviews are that great either... I will just need to stick to overwatch for now... " the world could always use more heroes "

I agree with you on this one, it's a pretty bland game. The pictures make the game seem more exciting than it is. That, and the post-apocalyptic scenario is getting old. If it ever happens at this point I'm going to be bored already lol.

Hahah yeah was pretty bland, At launch it was a little better being able to play with more people.

Honestly at first the game was #sicknasty, it tends to became very repetitive, and quite boring! Buyers Beware of getting it, and being disappointed. Played for a good week before I said, NEXT! @adsactly @morkrock

Yeah I totally agree with you, I got over it pretty fast.

Hmm.. where the characters worth exploring tho in your opinion?

Tom Clancy's The Division is simply a great game because it brings together suspense, fear and joy in each of his quests, alone or with friends. In other words, this game can only do you good! :)

I loved this game when it first came out. Played it non-stop for months...But then the hacks came. And the cheaters. And the silence from Ubisoft and its developers.

I'll never buy another Tom Clancy game and that's hard to type because I thought the Division was brilliant when it came out. Was going to change the way I played and even thought about RPG-based games.

They ignored their early adopters. :(

Nice post...
Thnks for your work

Here’s looking at you kid.

Hi I am new in steemit. Happy to know you. :)

I should say that this game has some bass AF graphics, though I do not play games like this it still seems like fun. Great review BTW seems like it's worth sticking around to see more from you. Have already checked out other game reviews of yours. Keep it up, loving it so far.

Thanks for the words of encouragement and endearment.

The game is very nice. I played. I recommend. you will not regret it

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