A1 Fighters launches first ever Airdrop Battle Royale

in #gaming5 years ago

Stuttgart, Germany: October 1st 2019 marked the day of A1 Fighters presale launch.
A1 Fighters is an upcoming free-to-play airdrop battle royale game from the makers of the critically acclaimed Chibi Fighters. A long lasting blockchain sensation.

For A1 Fighters they are taking a different approach to Chibi Fighters. While still wrapped in a game, their main purpose is advertising other projects, games, and blockchains.


Airdrops are already in progress. Players can buy tiles, each tile grants access to a certain airdrop pot for life.
There is a 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% airdrop pot.
Whenever A1 Fighters create ad revenue, a considerate amount is added to these pots and in the end to the corresponding tile owners.

See it like websites. And the airdrops like ads. Display an ad on your website you get paid. Exactly same deal with tiles. Someone pays for an airdrop, the project gets exposure, you get a share.

Until game release (Feb 2020), A1 Fighters offers up to 10 ad banner slots on their website. Whoever pays most is #1.
This is done via so called airdrop tickets. Each day one ticket is burnt. This keeps ads rotating.

In Game Airdrops

Due to the vast experience team Chibi Fighters collected with blockchains Ethereum and Tron, they will be integrated first. Anyone will be able to start airdrops of ERC20, ERC721, TRC20, TRC721 token, or plain ETH, TRX. Followed by NEO and EOS and their corresponding token and NFTs.

Making airdrops a fun experience for players, A1 Fighters wrapped them in a savage battle royale.
Token can drop in chests in game or as loot afterwards.
A1 Fighters believes that this way of introducing token will increase the likelihood to investigate further in these token. Token are supported by banners, links, descriptions of the project making it easy to follow up.

A1 Fighters has a working product, airdrops are already running, and as tile owner you have access to the tech demo of the battle royale. It will be fully playable long before February 2020.
The game will be plugin free and will run in your normal browser. Neither dapp browser nor app store approvals required. While this approach only allows for a 2D game, it's overwhelming benefits will be a huge win for gamers.

Referral Program

Of course A1 Fighters offers a very interesting referral program as well. It will be running until the end of the year 2019.
While you receive a percentage on each sale, at the same time an extra pot is filling with a beefy extra percentage, and every 10 referrals flushes straight into your wallet.
And best of it all, it's real USD. Payout in ETH or TRX.
A1 Fighters claims that this is the highest rewarding referral program currently active.

Chibi Fighters

While Chibi Fighters is put on development pause, they are not forgotten. A snapshot will take place October 31st of all player accounts owning FCF, CBE token (ETH/TRX), Founder Chibis and Early Bird Chibis.
10% of all income A1 Fighters makes until December 31st 2019 will be put aside and shared among Chibi Fighter accounts qualifying by any of the above.

This presale and concept is expected to be one of the hottest topics of 2019/2020.

See you on the battlefield fighter.








Is there any footage of the gameplay and people in combat?

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