Mobile Legends
I care and thoughts
We have been playing ML speaker of doing things, we are careful, however, to attend a rank to be delayed, we are not careful ...
We know
- Game enter the event ..
- Free box was opened ..
High - Emblem - I want a little skin syrup
To play - rank data will invite - click the rank
About this player will be the day after the end of a day's time ..
I recommended playing the game a week you want to finish clearing away what I want you to learn to understand the Game
Studying sure you will have to work a lot of the Game
We have to learn what?
- Emblem Talent final effect
- Item passive
- Hero Play style
- Top player's live steam
- Update patch note .. (Hero buff and nerf)
- touch hero's skill ability
- Hot hero skill ability
This week, at a regular player studying hard to say, "noob"
Learn why?
Emblem Talent final effect
in game Battle Peso enemy's battle spell and see the final talent icon
I do not know anything battle spell the end of the ... final talent can be seen a player violations syrup .. Talent hit several Hero battle .. Talent knew one hero can play to support counter ..Item passive
Battle is the only player in the hero and try not to add any item if you're the hero and that's why the item because I do not know the item's passive enemy then add an item because the bottom edge
Each item counter, recounter moba game .. enemy and the other way to return the castle ..Hero Play Style
If you learn this from your hero to many experts, one hand on the enemy hero holding a battle spell to see what about you as well as how to potentially play ..lTop players Live Steam
Learn Hero youtube and top players live steam, we have always found the word "item"
The bulk item finally defeated because the event's status without the top player so I can so the data are actually deny ass: 3
This Gear top player item build then use .. This is a top player you do not see the live steam visit ... that's a top player and a item gear number 3, scoring only 1 full top player elaborate status .. enemy hero status on what the item shop recommend playing already time for this item available to be mixed thoroughlyUpdate Patch note
Always update notice ML .. 15 mins to play was not enough time to read then consider the patch note delete 😂😂 .. (they do not) hold the body of a nerf even with wet battle when the enemy bull dog type data each data update buff and nerf so hot, you can always change hero hero training needs
A couple of days at a time in a week
Your skill will be significantly changed
We Do not Want Star Safety Card!
Now, for those who want to star Rank likely ...
Come to the protection of the stars of the Star Safety Card (card). How much the price is unknown.
In view of this card is out completely hated. Previous Emblem set, Talent Point, Magic Dust Skill rarely if ever been higher Acc Level ACC levels were low at the beginning of the event, which has not been able to space the next model built since Game console getting here.
Game makers are in Game Skin, Item at Game will continue to increase improved knew. Skin like itself, like any Event and compact, and are able to use the money to Buy. Those who can not buy it. This did not affect the essence of Game.
Many stars were outlined what cards are protected material. This card is actually out playing Game (Free To Play) Free from the game that can be able to pay (Pay To win) happens.
Especially Rank Star and get a sense of how difficult Player. We also get a star just understanding, we will try and get all the stars to pay even if I should not have lost. Just to name around Karachi diamond တာက် will not accept responsibility
I can Rank event is too little frog. Moonton laughter ...
Marked the end of the Game Play affected sooner think will soon become ...
(Share this post card from an upcoming unveiled
Rafaela Revamp
Ralaela incredibly ability to heal everything from an Angel.
He was hurt when he suddenly disappeared injury almost immediately became Sunrise out of the clouds had disappeared evil anywhere.
Rafaela now descended to the Land of Dawn and her unique abilities, though with much hope for peace would not get back to talking big. (S.A.B.E.R. Skin) 😏😏😏
Skill 1 [Light of Retribution]
CD: 4.0 Mana Cost: 70
Using the power of the Holy Light 120% three nearby enemies will bring Magic Power Magic Damage 225 1.5 sec Movement SPD 60% reduction.
If a single target within 5 sec If you use the skill 1 will result in additional damage 10% can be applied up to five times in a row. (Skill 1 by the use of up to five times the use is applied to a series of + 10% damage)
Skill 2 [Holy Healing]
CD: 10.5 Mana Cost: 100
Holy Light of her own blood from the edge of the fill 370 HP blood ally reduced blood back from the edge of the fill. Teammate 90 will be returned to HP Blood Movement SPD will send 1 sec. (Lvl their blood full rate)
Skill 3 [Holy Baptism]
CD: 42.0 Mana Cost: 150
The front, using the power of the Holy Light Enemies, as written, will be penalized. (A) 120% will be applied to Magic Power Magic Damage 460 will be 1.5 sec Stun.
Passive [Sacrificial Spirit]
After Spirit becomes 4 sec should be no movement. (Like Diggie but can not use Skill) *
Although it no longer has access to Skill 920-2600 point back allie blood, leading to the near Movement SPD.
4 sec later by Rafaela Ture Damage 500-1200 point located near the bomb Enemies will bring damage. (Skill Lvl to fill in their blood, and increases Damage)
- {Skill pillars are known as such, returned} *
S.A.B.E.R. Will emerge as the team's fifth Revamp Rafaela which Skill Team reach the kind of form that can Support additional software.
S.A.B.E.R. Will be joined in the Team Support Type Rafaela Skill Adjust Sell Your Skin
Involving a prominent tear.
Nevertheless, the use of ML Support Type less.
Season 8 Skin Support Type Estes generated from the use of the current metas Rafaela Angela Team that will be useful enemies Revamp to make the cell phone.
Skill 1 in five consecutive within 5 sec and offers additional 10% damage reduced by up to 60 percent of the Movement SPD's configuration. (Same Target UK) CD 4 sec and click straight through to a release,
Skill 2 Holy Healing received Allie Movement SPD 50% increase on the cell phone.
Skill 3 offers effective and faster than ever before to make Smooth available.
Passive dead Diggie will travel up to 4 sec (can not use any skill set) *
They will be full of blood near his Allie 4sec will then explode with True Damage. (Double-angel)
For example, to fill with blood 1 sec x 500 to 4 sec = 2000 HP will be up by Lvl Max Amount of 2600 HP .True Damage explosion Max Amount 1200 terminal.
True Damage Could Extend Magic power item will continue to explode. Diggie mix surfaces.
Although close to a blood Enemy Kill still being filled blood Teammate Support Angle can be rough to fill .passive blood.
Now S.A.B.E.R. Team and the expected revival unexpected angel rafaela writing about the revamp of how poorly they're never found here .New hero players must use any item she does not handle my 🤗🤗🤗
Now Squad thousand must I do? For those who asked ...
Mobile Legends will play Squad Only a new Game Mode:
"Conquest of War"
Once a week with the Challenge Cup tournament squad won Game Mode will be contested in the club Mobile Legends
The prize will be awarded gifts,
Scoreboard can also subscribe honored .Rank Star.
Team Leader will be a list of the clubs, the players (5) can not be allowed to compete.
Details that will compete and,
Will know in the next few weeks.
Now Gold Coast Squad successful milestone to aim for the team's best all of the time.
Look Coming soon ....
(The above-mentioned information may be slightly different when released Game Mode.)
More Mobile Legends Coming Event
A new.
Because Bane Event Quest, anonymous Minotaur Hero Skin Let's Get Free!
(BP Fragment people already are available.)
Hero has purchased a reservation, let's say ...!
Though, it's Mino Revamp Mino contemporaries because they pinch ...
Lucky Spin
Lucky Spin and then about a kid who will tell .. As ..
Lucky Spin gives skin more than 300 are from dia 200 skin and never having time ..Moontoon ရူံး inserts do not grow ... so not really sure how available visit, you can expect there to be achieved if I 😉😉😉
The first visit to the inserts and the skin between two and click the opportunity to grow very likely to test rainwater YSS Rotation Rotation Peter called to 200 ticket has played next to the skin twice appointments, then the chance to work if called gust black ticket will have less chance to test rainwater previous lolita free Rotation ..Theory 2 time 1 chance 😉
Try as I may be wrong if the wrong rainwater layla skin and other skin will vote ss characterized .. rich bro .....
More Coast Dec 16, 2017, was written on the Coast. Still an active defunct gp do you see because I wrote the first Coast streetcars ..😊😊😊 Wall
crd by@Saungnwe