My First D&D Campaign in Nearly A Decade Comes To Steemit!

in #games7 years ago (edited)

At work, there's been this little but growing population of gamers that joins together on wednesdays for board games, magic the gathering, and the like. Recently, a game of Dungeons and Dragons started up, but I was hesitant. Even though one of my closest friends and coworkers was playing, I'm not the kind to cross my socialization time with my work time, and even less inclined to stay in the office during my lunch hour, often opting to go to the park for a brisk walk to stay in shape.

However, all of that ends today, as I've finally been roped in to playing. I haven't played since version 3.5 (apparently we're on version 5.0 now) and I haven't been a PLAYER in much longer. The DM has been getting mad reviews though, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, so it's been harder and harder to say no.

Finally, it came down to a head. The DM himself came by and asked if I wanted to join, with a huge grin on his face. He said he knew that I had a history of playing, and would be willing to make a few adjustments for me to get me in. Most of the players were fairly new, and everyone was playing pretty standard races and classes. He was welcoming and willing to bring something new to the table in exchange for my experience, if it would convince me to join.

Yeah, I'd say I have a bit of a history....

And it just so happened that I've been wanting to play a warforged (a living construct built for war, but with a conscious mind) for some time. Well, I hauled out the dice, looked around at some home-brewed rules, and spent two days slaving over difficult choices (on top of learning all the new changes) to make a character for 5th edition. My first session with the group is this wednesday, and I thought of no better way than to chronicle my time there on Steemit!

So before the adventure begins, I'll post my character's backstory, and I'll follow it up with weekly posts of our adventure as it develops!

Background Lore

I’m a pursuit model, imbued with heuristic problem solving skills and specializing in investigation, exploration, and reconnaissance, so my designation is P.H.I.E.R, but my adopted name is Phi.

I spent little time on the front lines in the last great war of my realm. My model designation was becoming outdated in favor of heavier, more specialized machines of destruction that fought on the front lines, so few of my type were created near the end of it all. In the beginning, I led others on scouting missions, but as time progressed I was often assigned in the aftermath of battle, searching the remains to gather recyclable parts, magical items, or just to eliminate stragglers. Much of my time in the war was spent in introspective disdain, not for the loss of fallen comrades or the fallout caused by supernatural weapons, but for the fact that my potential was never exploited to its fullest potential. I was built for speed, for battle, but I was under-utilized and rarely appreciated.

After the war, many of my kind were looked down on. We had outlived our purpose, and were a constant reminder of the misdeeds of our creators. Those that achieved some sort of acclaim in the war were tolerated, and many of the later models had the strength and size to find new work as builders and guards, but my smaller frame was an unwanted relic in many of the commonwealths of Khorvaire.

As such I traveled, always in search of work befitting my build. I was taken in by a small sect of sorcerers and thieves calling themselves “The Torn”, a group of misfits and troublemakers searching for lost relics of their respective pasts. They taught me mathematics and introduced me to the arts, and I offered them guardianship, finally proud to be on the front lines when the need arose, and able to offer my enhanced senses to those who were born without the gift of darkvision. For many nights I guarded their sleep.

However as the group grew in size and infamy, the Torn soon found themselves with the spare coin to hire more specialized professionals, including a more battle-hardened warforged. I was once again outclassed, and found myself being regulated to minor duties. I expressed my desire for purpose to the oldest members of the Torn, the friends who first took me in, and they took pity on my misfortune agreeing to offer a ritual in exchange for the unpaid years I spent in their service.

My last night in Eberron was a celebration of life, purpose, and magic, and at the end a circle of the oldest members formed around me, donned a necklace with a faint blue gem over my neck, and opened a gate to another place. Standing tall I walked through, and as I stepped foot in a new world I felt something different inside of myself, a tingling sensation I had never before encountered. The small gem of the necklace glowed faintly before returning to its natural color as the sensation faded Could this be the gift of magic so many of them spoke of?

Background Traits:

Personality: Inquisitive - I was built with a mind that seeks information. I’m always curious about how things work, and seek to know more about everything I can.

Personality: History of War - Although I spent little time on the front lines, I was built for, and participated in, the great war of my realm.

Personality: History of the Scoundrel - After the war, I found myself welcomed by thieves, acolytes, and miscreants, and spent a great deal of time exposed to their culture (Bonus: proficiency with thieves tools, stealth, arcane, and language: undercommon.)

Ideal: Purpose - Everything has a reason for being, and should seek to fulfill that reason (although that reason may be dying at my blade). As much as I seek my own fulfillment, I am also dedicated to helping those around me become the greatest at what they do. My vast knowledge of the world allows me to give advice to those around me.

Flaw: Brutal Honesty- I can be honest to a fault. Though I may give advice, I don't sugar-coat things. I won't always answer a question asked of me, but when I do, I do so with a “truth hurts” kind of honesty.

Flaw: Under Fulfilled - After many years of trying to find my place, I can try TOO hard to “be useful” This can cause me to over-act in some situations to prove my worth to myself or those around me, causing me to test my limits even when it may be to my detriment. I may often “bite off more than I can chew”. Although I won't walk blindly into a deathtrap, I might rush a situation if I think it could prove my worth to others.

Bond: Gracious Purpose - I will do almost anything for those that appreciate me. Tokens of gratitude are worth more to me than gold.

Equipment Change: Without the need for rations or torches, I have opted to take a scholar’s pack to aid me in recording my travels. It is a backpack that contains a blank journal for me to record my thoughts or draw maps, an Ink pen, a bottle of ink, and 50 ft of rope. I have also taken a pouch of thieves tools which contain a selection of items to help create or disarm traps and locks.

Character sheets all printed and sleeved. I'm in love.

Join me next time, when the story REALLY begins!

When's the last time YOU'VE played D&D? Let me know in the comments below!


DAMMIT! I wish this was a game on Steemit so I could draft a character and play. I haven't played D&D since 3.5, and that was years ago!

I mean, there's always discord, I'm sure you could get a random dice generator bot!

I played a few months ago for the first time. It was magical. The feeling of playing within a collective imagination is really fun.

I'm really stoked to be playing again. It's been too long since i've last been able to let my imagination run this wild!

That Brutal Honesty Flaw reminds me of someone I know..... :-p

You gotta play what you know to have an effective (and believable) character! XD Plus it helps cover for when the real me peeks out too much in game lol.

Good to know. Im sure Wednesday night will be filled with fun stories for a while to come.

We can only hope!

I haven't played D&D since college...about 20-something years ago. :P Good times!

I feel ya, but we shouldnt let the past hog all the fun!

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