Surviving Mars S1 E8 Scanning Scanning... Nothing again (275%)
Surviving Mars Season 1 Episode 8 --- Scanning Scanning... Nothing again (275%)
still scanning for rare metals, used for electronic parts and selling, still nothing
concrete shouldn't be a problem that stuff is everywhere, but im still sitting on only 1 water source if that goes out its bad...
the shuttle hub is an quite important building, makes expansion / resupply easier, because research is random its already quite expensive
and will take some time
( also the first render for i think 7 parts for "Streets of Rouge" are done, need to do the 2 render / edit still )
Surviving Mars S1 E7
Surviving Mars S1 E9
Video Infos:
Video should be in 1920x1080 ( Source ) 60FPS using OBS and Elgato HD60 S
Recorded on 19.3.2018 @ 23:50 ( Part 8 of 10 split into 20min parts )
Duration 20:15
Rendered and a little Editing (Start and End ) via Filmora on 21 / 22 / 23 .3.2018
Uploaded via Dtube (Brave Browser)
Size 1,02GB
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