opinion about pokemon go, pro and contra are welcome

in #games8 years ago

Anyone know this game? Most of you, certainly not knowing her, unless you are gamers, or at minimum observer development of online games in the world.

The concept is the same as Pokemon Go, because this game is the first game of the Niantic that use mapping like Google maps and GPS. So if the saying "Pokemon Go is very dangerous, because the GPS and mapping functions jg camera, able to spy on the circumstances surrounding" The common opinion is reasonable. But on the one hand idiot ... How can I know? Checking system / Do not even try. This opinion eventually become figment opinion, and unfortunately this opinion arises from the people who should have been well aware of IT and security.

Then if any Pokemon Go regarded as a spy, you are opinionated wuuuuih are Heroes oversleep ...

Inggres already 6 years or less, but there was no protest whatsoever. And if you want to be just, but unfortunately could not.

Why ? Because the data is sent to the server, as very little weight to obtain good quality images, what video, what with the internet speed in Indonesia which is still often Lag. So do not be idiot deh

Then why Pokemon Go in protest? Well, the big name Pokemon was very unusual, when the game is planned to be made alone there are millions of people waiting, it proved when the rate of downloads in the first week were up to 10M downloads.

And Indonesia is a nation talkative mouth kagetan (it was not me goes to the player game), but to the contrast yg gk play but panicked and shocked with the state, so the issues of stupid like Pokemon in the nation Syriac means I Jews that would be swallowed crude, why? Because of the tendency brain barrier / antivirus filter in the brain that lazy entrant information.

Let's take the example of the most simple, ancient before the era of information developed, perhaps in the days of the medieval age, let's say for example that ...

At that time, those who master the science of medicine that could be in for 2, between he considered a physician, or considered witches and eventually die burned alive. How come?

Since the problem of information disclosure and want to analyze. While the rest assume and swallow raw uncooked issues.

The physician actually be called a doctor at that time, but those who do not understand how the physician works, will immediately accuse that physicians are magicians who use magic powers, supernatural etc. Because they are shocked, panicked, and his brain is not able to analyze, what else is the first time that people feel such a phenomenon.

This is why, overseas children aged 14 years was so pinternya can directly study, being right in our country children aged 14 years is still busy nyari tuyul.

Back again to Pokemon, appears another opinion, that this game enslaving player for the way out of the house, man should not be in permainkan game.

Well, the concept of this game is, it invites the player Android game that clogged sit stuck in the house, so that they would come out and reminded that "hey out there is no real world, there are real people who may know, or even multiply the links of friendship mu ". And this Pokemon game invites us to why not do both simultaneously? , You play the game, and you can still socialize with new people, there is a sense of fun laugh together, which may gk earned by users who stuk Android game at home sofa.

Then came the opinion that this game is also dangerous, until some accident etc.

Pak bu, whose brains ngerembes, the gun is dangerous, it is also dangerous kitchen knife, the problem is who its use? And as wise as what?

charity box at the mosque also dangerous if raised continuously thrown into other people's heads. Who be smart ...

No more danger than that, given the small child on a motorcycle who even wrote Keith nyampe feet, why do the people we're not restless?

#trending #games #pokemonGo #nintendo #nianticLabs #life

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