The most popular games played by the whole worldsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #games4 years ago

The most popular service that connects gamers around the world is currently Steam. This is a whole gaming platform that Valve successfully created more than ten years ago, and throughout its existence, it has managed to gain incredible popularity. A list of the most popular games within this service, played by the whole world, has appeared on the network. This ranking was published by user TheRankings, who took data from open sources and calculated what gamers around the world play the most.
As you might expect, the most popular game in terms of the number of users on Steam is PUBG (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds), which became a hit first in China and Japan, and then it moved to Europe and the United States. In second place in popularity is Dota 2, which has been one of the most popular video games in the world for many years now. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive closes the top three. This game has recently become completely free, and this not only increased its popularity, but also led to the appearance of millions of cheaters.
The list of the most popular games for computers based on various operating systems on which the Steam service is installed includes Grand Theft Auto V, Rust, Team Fortress 2, Civilization VI, Garry's Mod, Warface, and a number of others. As you can easily see, users for the most part prefer to play video games where there is full multiplayer. This is not surprising, because you can usually go through a single-player company in just a few days, but playing online with other players is possible for many months until you get bored.
At the same time, as you can see from the study, it does not matter at all whether the game is paid or free. Gamers actively play what they love, being willing to pay cash for quality content. At the same time, the games Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive were created many years ago by Valve itself, which owns the Steam platform.
What do you think? Or do you play games and which ones? Share in the comments)))


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