The Daily Challenge - Game #2 - Pirate Questions

in #games8 years ago (edited)

Arg matey, let's play a game!  And I swear by me mizzen mast that I won't keel haul ye for any typos.

And today there be a twist!  Ye must phrase your replies in the form of a question.  This fine video will demonstrate:

Here's how it works.

All you need to do is upvote and reply, and then upvote on some replies.  What could be easier?

In your reply make sure to say it like how a Pirate would say it.  (Each day this game will have a different theme, today it's Talk Like A Pirate Day, with the extra twist that everything needs to be written as a question.)

When this game reaches its first payout (in 24 hours), I will give all of the Steem it gained to whoever wrote the reply with the most votes.

So, just to recap:

Step 1 = Click the UpVote button below.

Step 2 = Write a reply to this game in a style like a Pirate.  (Rule of the day: Make it a question)

Step 3 = UpVote as many replies as you like.

Step 4 = PROFIT!  The writer of the highest rated reply will get all the Steem from this game!

(Even if you don't end up writing a reply for yourself, please consider UpVoting some of your favorite replies to help curate.  Oh, and video credits go to YouTube and Whose Line Is It Anyway) 



Ahoy seven seas! I don't usually speak like a scurvy pirate but when I do 'tis on Steemit!

What be th' forecast this day cap'n?

Congratulations @keverw ye have won the Pirate Challenge, arg!

Oh wow :) Thanks matey!

Shiver me timbers! Be ye askin' if he be three sheets to the wind? Savvy?

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