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RE: This Post Is Dark And Full Of Spoilers
A brilliant synopsis of the show my friend.
I spent most of the series being confused so I wasn't disappointed at the ending. I'm still confused.
Still not sure why I watched it.
It was like a Jeffrey Archer novel.
His last chapter is always rushed as if he just wants to get it over with and move on.
R.I.P G.O.T 😶
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I saw some interview clip where GRRM said he could have seen lots more seasons of the show, taking it slow like in the beginning (and like he wrote) - but they decided to wrap it up quickly once they really ran out of book material. I think just he and the two guys who did the show have very different styles and they can adapt well but not make it up themselves without the very detailed source material to work from.
Yes the first episode was very exciting and different. By killing of a major actor like Shawn Bean it made you feel like nobody was safe.
It was a shock and very unexpected. But it didn't continue in the same vane.
There seems to be a prequel in the pipe line so let's see how that goes.
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It actually somewhat annoys me that they have all of these prequels in the works when they did such a piss poor job on the back end of the series when it really counted. Spin offs just make it seem like they are trying to milk the GoT title/brand which annoys me. Lol
I say this knowing full well that I will likely watch the prequels lol. I guess I'm just still not done venting my disappointment. I'll get over it eventually :S
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