Steemdya Testlab v.0.0.1
This is an unity testlab intended to test assets, how they look / are animated and how they are displaying under unity it's not really what i would call playable.!n1QxxRaa!JIw1wjUDdFV-ukLqOB0YwlCzwij7FASuYJtiykJrT0Q
You can use W to move forward and push shift to run / space is used to jump, since last demo i made running and jumping a little better but it's still buggy most of the time. ( i'm not a coder unfortunately ^^" )
le plus facile c'est d'avancer avec W (oui w parce que clavier english grosse merde que je suis haha xD pardon. )
et shift pour courir
espace pour sauter
et souris pour tourner la caméra