RE: The Divine Move (Game of Go series) #3
Ok, thanks. My first question, which might lead to the answers for the rest of my questions, is what/where is the best online resource for getting to grips with some real strategies? I know the basics but, much like in chess, I lack any sort of grand strategy. I'm half decent at taking pieces and preventing my pieces from being taken but when it comes to keeping/taking territories I'm fairly blind. I know that's pretty basic stuff but I just haven't figured it out yet, I mean, I even find it a little difficult to follow the games you've shared on here. I guess what I struggle with is knowing why I should place a piece in one spot over another.
I've mostly played on a smartphone app on a small board a few years ago. More recently, one of my friends brought back a Go board from his trip to Asia so I've played a game or two against him and another friend but they haven't played nearly as much as I have so I was beating them fairly easily. The more popular game among my friends is Gomoku, or connect 5 as I call it, haha.
Anyway, I hope that wasn't too much to read. Oh, another question I thought of, is there a handy little glossary of Go terms?
Ok so to answer your first question it's a easy concept to see but hard to understand :/ It's just a feeling that you get by playing and which lead you to see big move that you want to play. It's not a big deal if you don't see exactly which move, it's more important to see the location of the move more or less.
But all that will come with some practice :)
I really encourage you to play on the site I gave, it's a good one ! :D
For the glossary, I don't know, I mostly learn that by watching and reading stuff about Go :)
I hope that I answer your questions :D
Thanks. You did answer my question but it seems to be as I thought, haha. I'll make an account on that site when I have some more time.
Sensei has a good dictionary.
Thanks, I'll check it out.