The Divine Move (Game of Go series) #7steemCreated with Sketch.

in #game8 years ago

Hello Steeamians !

Today is a day where I review my Go game, here is one that I played today. I wanted to improve myself and gain at least the rank 9kyu in order to be a simple digit kyu player. I hope you'll enjoy this game !

Just know that this game is simply amazing ! If you like strategy game like chess, it's even a better game, simpler but deeper.
I made a post with the basic rules, you can find it here.

So I really encourage you to check out the game and here are more links that could help :
A site where you can easily play.
An amazing Youtube channel
Some playlists for beginner (FR)
A playlist for beginner (EN)
A post about Go vocabulary

Now, back to the game !

As usual, I was black against a 10 kyu Japanese. I opened with the two first moves of the Chinese opening and then approached his bottom left corner.

Capture 1.PNG

We did something there that wasn't joseki I think and the result was good for me. I basically was correctly installed and alive with my 4 stones while he gained some influence. I think it's important to say that his corner is still open for an invasion. Then, I approached high his other corner.

Capture 2.PNG

Again, we did some exchanges but this time he got a great result as the entire left side is almost points for him. I thought that it was a good time to play a big move so I played Q9, a high extension for influence.

Capture 3.PNG

We did a joseki there and I immediately played J17 even if it's a small extension from my wall around E15 to attack his top group.

Capture 4.PNG

He didn't respond to that, instead, he invaded with R6 and managed to created influence (the big wall at P9) by giving me some points on the right side. Then, he nicely escaped his group by playing forcing moves. I also made a mistake in the sequence after M5, he ended stronger than he should be.

Capture 5.PNG

As you can see, he roughly reduced my bottom side while escaping, which is really nice for him. After that move, I decided to come back to my first idea which was to attack his upper group !

Capture 6.PNG

I reduce his space from the left, closed the corner with R18 and then tried to enclose him with K13.

Capture 7.PNG

Bad for me, he read better than me and managed to escape with a nice connection, eating two black stones at J15. However, it's not that bad for me as my failed attack gave me some strength with a nice shape at L13. I'm now ready to switch target and go for his huge group near P7.

Capture 8.PNG

After a long fight and a lot of thoughts, I killed it ! At that point, the game is over, that capture worth too many points. I think that if I didn't succeed, I would have lost the game so I was quite lucky to win this one since it's very hard to kill a group and you shouldn't rely on it for your game

Capture 9.PNG

After some end game moves, he resigned. One more win and I'll be 10 kyu+ !

Capture 10.PNG


I hope you enjoyed this little game review, tell me in the comment what do you think about this content.
Here is my profile page on OGS, add me as a friend and we'll do a game !
Check out another of my Go review here

See you tomorrow !



Total Views: 6
Total votes: 41
Earning : 55.55

I Made a great post here: no vote?


Weeww,, look so cool, i like it
How many time you spend to do this post?

I'd say that half the time goes for the game itself and the other half is for writing the post :) So a little less than 2hours :)

intersted info

nice info

good sharing

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