Hero Gossen Comes in Mobile Legend [ENG- CHINA] 英雄戈森进来的移动传奇
JAKARTA - After releasing some of the latest Hero, Hero Jawhead, Hero Lesley, and Hero Angela, this time Mobile Legend again present another new Hero in Server Advance named Hero Gossen.
With the nickname of Holy Blade, Hero Gossen is a member of Hero Assassin with the advantage of Burst Damage or Charge. Gossen's ability is more complete with Ability Effect, Difficult, and High Durability.
No less than the other Hero, Gossen has a passive skill that is a capable Dagger Specialist
Gossen has three skills: Sword Spike, Shadowblade Slaughter, and Incandescence (Ultimate Skill). His first skill, the Sword Spike, was mentioned as the coolest ability.
Gossen will throw an arrow to the enemy, if targeted then the enemy will get a physical attack 50% total physical attack and 100% increase. If reused, it also can reduce enemy mobility up to 40%.
Mobile Legends Game: Bang Bang is busy playing in multiplayer mode by the current gamers. In the game, Diamonds become one of the most valuable currency possessed by gamers.
To be able to get Diamonds for free may not be easy, but users can be patient and follow the following steps.
Gamers can demonstrate the ability to play Mobile Legends games via Live Stream feature. This feature also allows gamers to watch other people who are playing.
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When watching live streaming, gamers can award Diamonds directly. The diamonds are divided into several levels, Flower 2 Diamond, Diamond 6 Jewelry, 250 Diamond Roadster, Yacht 1000 Diamond and Airplane 5000 Diamond.
By running this live stream, there is the potential gamers will get Diamonds for free by other gamers. In addition to trying the Live Stream feature, gamers can also try their luck by following the tournament.
雅加达 - 在释放了最新的英雄Hero Jawhead,Hero Lesley和Hero Angela之后,这一次Mobile Legend又一次展示了另外一个名为Hero Gossen的新服务器版Hero。
通过运行这个直播,有潜在的玩家将得到其他玩家免费钻石。除了试用Live Stream功能之外,玩家还可以通过参加锦标赛来尝试运气。