A Sims life- gaming with Alex

in #game7 years ago

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Its not everyday one gets to have control over every details of another's life, but on those specific days that such power happens to tickle my hands, I switch from my usual self and become mr alex the supreme. You can take it as the ultimate form I take when I am in front of my laptop, an I open up Sims 4.

What is Sims?

While every gamer out there might know what Sims is, It can be shocking whenever I come across a non-gamer who becomes confused and asks if I am running a 3D-program(especially those engineering boys).

Well sims is a game, but unlike any game out there, it is an interactive life simulation game developed by electronic arts(a video game developer, top one infact). They are sandbox games like grand theft auto, that is the characters can roam freely around a large space or area without encountering a very defined barrier that marks the boundaries of the game. It also means that the goals and objectives of the game is not so easily defined. For example you may want your character to be a painter, and end up making him a drink mixologist.

Anything is possible in this game and that is what makes it so fun to play! - Alex the supreme gamer.

The characters in the game are called sims and you act as a de facto God within the game. You're the one that constructs the houses in which the sims live, you're the one who develops the sims world , you even control their needs, you can decide the time of day they sleep, you decide the time they go to the toilet, the time they die.

Although all these things can be done without the input of a supervisor or god, but what fun would it be to watch a sim develop and become a full fledged adult without toying with them with your power?
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So lets jump on to the sims world and begin turning things up.

Setting things Up

I set up my sim home in a residential area called Oasis spring, the very first world available. I decided to play this session without any cheats and start from fresh, so my sims could only afford a small two bedroom flat near the south of the map, infact taking the cheapest house in the whole game.

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I created a household named the Samuels, just having a mom and a teenage son named John.
Both mom and John are music lovers.

I created John to have a knack for creativity and he naturally gravitate towards music, mom on the other hand wishes to have a big and successful family.

In sims, your character gets tired , needs to sleep, needs to eat, but following all those needs is left to you, after all you are the supreme being right? O wait, that's me hahahaha.

Well sims speak a language called simish, its a weird language which rumours say was brought from the underworld to make people enjoy the game. That last sentence there was a joke of cause, but simsish is actually very weird. It sounds like a backward combination of multiple languages, which it probably is.

Your sims needs appear on the bottom right of you screen. There are 6 core needs that you need to watch out for with your sims.

The need to toilet (bladder), the need for fun (fun), the need to clean up(hygiene) the need to feed (Hunger), the need to sleep(Energy) and the need to interact ( social)

These needs go down over time, and disastrous or hilarious things happen each time a bar goes down completely.
A helpful notification pops up even without opening the drop menu that shows the most pressing needs of an individual sim.

Sim needs and skills

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As a supreme being in charge of your sims, you can decide to hide the toilet and make your sim embarrass him/herself,there is no limit to what you can do.

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here is John, playing the violin

When your sim does something, like interact with an object, he levels up some skill or another. here the sim is playing a violin, the yellow bar represents an increase in skill. When the bar gets full, the skill upgrades and you can do other things with the skill.
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here is John, repairing the electric cooker.

A thought bubble may also appear over your avatars head in the bottom left corner of the game indicating that a need there can be fulfilled. Fulfilling these independent needs gives small tokens that can be used to buy items. A sim character can also have his mood affected by several objects and events.

A sim who walks in on another sim taking a leak in the toilet, or sim who is bad at playing an instrument in front of others will get embarrassed by the event and special interactions like hiding under a bed becomes available.

Getting to talk with a sim that is energized can lead to your sim also getting energized. The ''go jogging'' interaction becomes active when your sim is energized. These moods however, last for brief periods of time.

Some of the moods your sim may experience include anger, happiness, sadness, flirt, embarrassment, inspired, focused, etc etc, these moods are perhaps one of the interesting features in the game because they bring up certain interactions only possible within these moods. - alex the supreme gamer

Sims lifestyle

Sims have different attributes that define them and their characters. A sim may be a neat freak, or a raging maniac, the magic all happens in the select a trait screen when you start up a new game.

adults can be given up to 3 traits which mixes up to form the core personalities of a sim. For example a sim could have the materialistic, ambitious and insane trait combined, and that sim would be quite literally insane, but also be very focus on making money.

Sims go through 5 main phases in the vanilla version of sims 4

Baby, Child, Teenager, Young Adult, Adult , Elder

Babies take 3 days to age to children, children can take up to 12 days in normal gameplay to age up to teenagers, children have 4 aspirations to choose from. Creativity, motor, Mental and social.

Teenagers take the look of younger young adults, they appear like adults, except that they are still teenagers, they can doo all an adult can do except of cause WhooHoo.

Young adults, Adults and elders have almost the same interactions, except that elders have gray hair, walk more slowly, perform tasks at a slower speed, and have a mood called Dangerously tired appearing if too much activeness is allowed.

With the elder stage, comes the last stage of life for the sim. Elders who reach the end of their lifetime die and go to sim heaven or become a ghost.

I cant talk about all the parts of sims 4 so ill break it into bits, but for now, its been your favourite gamer man, alex the supreme.
Thank you


Nice one man you did good

try using the gaming tag and not game there is a curation program going on for gamers.

If you do more quality post and use the gaming tag

Nice one once more

thank you sir, i will take your suggestion

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Hi most respected Sir.
Please tell me how my post will approve on curie.My post was original. I shall be thankful to you whole life.
This is my email address [email protected]

wow, i am not the one who voted, write a quality post sir, any your post will make waves.

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