Dependence on computer games

in #gambling6 years ago

Today, many families are faced with such a problem as dependence on computer games. It is observed in both children and adults. Manifested a thirst for the game and the lack of any other interests. Treatment of dependence takes a long time and represents a smooth replacement of life priorities.

What is gaming addiction to video games?

Such dependence, apparently, from harmless hobby is expressed by serious consequences. The problem mainly concerns young people: it is more common in adolescence. However, in the last few years, the dependence began to arise in adults who spend on online games not only free time, but also money.

Man loses control of reality. His thoughts are tied only to one thing-computer games. He has little interest in life. All days long he spends at the computer, if not playing games, then reading the thematic forums and downloading the next mod for his "toys". Its difficult to capture something different, changing the character and even the looks (and why to follow her, if it doesn't help).

What is the danger?

To understand the problem, you need to know why you should get rid of it, what are the dangers of dependence on computer games. Let's consider them:

1.Degradation. The main danger lies in the fact that a person ceases to develop in any sphere. He is not interested in learning, making money, reading books, communicating, learning something new. He doesn't care about his family. The player can be compared to a plant that is simply located in front of the computer. If we talk about a child, he loses interest in school, high scores, communication with classmates. Such people become isolated, lonely, society reluctantly accepts them. In adults, problems begin in the family.

2.Deterioration of physical health. There are problems with the back (there are pains, cuts, lumbago). Vision is deteriorating, and very quickly. Due to the irregular diet, as well as the use of fast food (during the game), gastritis and ulcer appear. The" experienced " gamers due to the lack of physical activity there is sand in the kidneys. It can also develop hemorrhoids. Often the pressure decreases, and the appearance of an avid computer gamer is similar to a drug addict – bruises under the eyes, pale skin color and lethargy.

3.Deterioration of psychological health. The game never goes smoothly, often, the player is nervous, nervous and worried that shatters his nervous system. In this state, it is very difficult to control your emotions. That leads to uncontrolled aggression, or Vice versa, bouts of depression.

4.Waste of money. This point is more about adults. In particular, men who love to play modern online games, where you also need to invest money to improve the character.

5.Waste of valuable time. Gaming addiction is dangerous because the younger generation spends their precious youth on stupid things-computer games that do not give anything useful. Instead, they could learn about the world, do sports, read useful literature, study well to get a good job later.


Now let's move on to the main features:

Losing control of time. The first sign of dependence is a simple fact: it seems only sat down to play, and it's been several hours. So, the game carries away, and, consequently, interest in the real world falls.

The unquenchable thirst of the game. The next symptom can also be clearly seen: constant thoughts about the game. Even when you sit down to play for a few hours, you still have a little, and want more. Even ready to give up food, walking, socializing-just to play your favorite toy.

The growth of time spent playing. Another indicator is the increase in time that you spend playing. If earlier it took a couple of hours to satisfy the "thirst", now may not be enough and 5 hours. Ultimately, all free and unfree time will be given to the game.

The lack of routine. Almost everyone has the wrong mode of the day. The player can go to bed in the morning and sleep only a few hours. After waking up instead of charging, morning jog, again goes to the computer. He does not eat regularly, and when forced or he will not die of hunger.

A shift in priorities (the development of irresponsibility). The game is so penetrating into the mind of a computer gamer that real things go by the wayside. He doesn't care what happens around. Adult men-do not feel a craving for their wives, and children are isolated from society and considers school, homework and walks – a waste of time.

The rejection of real communication. Almost all computer-dependent people do not want to communicate and establish contact in reality. The maximum that they can offer, to spread a few phrases on Skype or mobile phone.

No other interests. Each of us has their own Hobbies: sports, shopping, crafts, cars, etc. But a person who is addicted to PC games, all gone. With him it is difficult to find common themes for conversation, and attempts to captivate – to nothing.

Manifestation of aggression. Another very common symptom. Almost every player becomes very aggressive. Starts a tantrum or a scandal for no reason. This is especially noticeable when he has something does not work or do not have access to the game.

Sleeping problem. Unstable mentality, lack of a day regimen, physical activity and poor nutrition leads to problems with sleep. There is insomnia, headaches, bad sleep. A person can even sleep 8-10 hours, however, will feel "broken" and tired.

Undue fatigability. Fatigue can cause even an elementary trip to the store or homework on a day off. The player is very sluggish, both psychologically and physically.

Back and shoulder pain. Often suffer pain in the back, they are associated with the constant finding of the body in a sitting position, without any activity.

10 ways to get rid of addiction

Treatment of dependence on computer games is a comprehensive approach, which includes work on a change of lifestyle. It will not pass as quickly as we would like. And, of course, the refusal will be very painful. So carefully read the methods and apply them.

Gradually reduce the time spent playing games. Refuse immediately and completely from the games, an avid gamer-almost impossible, so you should start with a gradual decrease in the time spent at the computer. Try every week to play for 1 hour a day less.

Understand the danger. To want to overcome this dependence, it is possible only having understood all danger of this situation.

To understand the term. Prove to yourself or a dependent person that leaving the game, you will get much more than you have now: a healthy appearance, popularity at school, promising work, regular rest, good health, etc.

Find an alternative. Another important point is to find a replacement for computer games. It should be understood that computer addiction is mostly emotional and has grown into an avid habit (coming from school or work, sitting at the computer and getting up only when you fall asleep on the keyboard). Substitution can be the first time to act TV, watching movies, reading books and Board games with friends.

Start spending more time away from home. Being near the computer, there will always be a temptation to sit down again and start playing. Therefore, it is better to go with friends to the movies or cafes.

Increase physical activity. Having worked well physically for the day, the desire to sit at the PC is minimized, as you want to sleep or lie on the couch. Also exercise will improve sleep.

More often in the fresh air. Fresh air will improve the body and mood.

To note results. Keep a diary every day, noting in it how many hours checked for games. By reducing the time for the PC, you will see the result and will be the desire to work on themselves and further.

To avoid the society of gamers. Again it is difficult not to get involved in a relationship, if you are around to discuss and play games, so keep such communication to a minimum.

Get support from loved ones. And the last, but very important point. No one is able to help overcome the dependence on computer games, as close and native people. Let them spend more time with you, helping to forget this bad habit.


It is very important to regularly carry out preventive measures to exclude the acquisition of this dependence. Prevention includes the following items:

Trip to nature. As soon as you feel that there is free time on the weekends, then immediately plan a trip to nature: mushroom picking, picnic, beach, skiing and the like.

Happy holidays. Computer games leave a lot of emotions, replace this portion of emotions can entertainment events: birthdays of friends, new year, professional holidays, etc.

Active lifestyle. Having tasted active life, it is unlikely you will want to come back to the computer and sit in four walls.

Achieve the goals. In the game, we constantly achieve some development, however, the same development we can achieve in life: becoming an excellent student at school, to achieve career advancement, success in sports, etc.

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