Gothenburg The Language of the City 2025 01 05

in #gallery2 months ago


Gothenburg Today
A little snow and cold have come to Gothenburg and winter is becoming more and more reminiscent. During the next week, the cold will take hold. At least in northern Sweden with temperatures down to -30 degrees. Here in Gothenburg, the temperature will be around zero.
Something else I noticed is the new security features in the Haga district. Strong poles and surveillance cameras have been installed.
All to avoid something similar to what happened recently on the famous Bourbon Street in New Orleans.
So, a positive news. The author and writer Christian Lanciai has now come out with his new collection of poems. The book October Harvest, first Part describes various poems about love, philosophy, art, music, literature, travel and life in general.
I asked him what inspired him to write this book and got the following answer.
"-I have been writing poems in English for a few years, in 2017 I collected some of them from 2006-2009 to form this selection. They are all more or less improvised and spontaneous but true and sincere".

Göteborg idag
Lite snö och kyla har kommit till Göteborg och vintern gör sig mer och mer påmind.
Under nästa vecka kommer kylan att få fäste. I varje fall i norra Sverige med en temperatur ner mot -30 grader. Här i Göteborg kommer temperaturen att ligga runt nollan.
Något annat som jag lade märke till är de nya säkerhetsdetaljerna i stadsdelen Haga. Kraftiga stolpar och övervakningskameror har installerats.
Allt för att undvika något liknande det som nyligen hände på den berömda Bourbon Street i New Orleans.
Så, en positiv nyhet, författaren och skribenten Christian Lanciai har nu kommit ut med sin nya diktsamling.Boken October Harverst, first Part beskriver diverse dikter om kärlek, filosofi, konst, musik, litteratur, resor och livet i allmänhet.
-Jag frågade honom vad som inspirerade honom att skriva den här boken och fick följande svar.
"-Jag har skrivit dikter på engelska i några år, 2017 samlade jag ihop några av dem från 2006-2009. De är alla mer eller mindre improviserade och spontana men sanna och uppriktiga".

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Christian Lanciai with his book October Harvest, first Part.

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original front page(1).jpg

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Previous Promotional Activities (e.g. Radio interviews, TV Interviews, Events Attended): *
There are some podcasts of my lectures on YouTube:

Author’s Website: *;;

There are others as well, but these two (the first entirely in Swedish) are the most important and comprehensive.

Book Link: *

Text and photo Morgan Carlsson @scc664
You can also follow me on Instagram;

Thanks For Watching!

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