7 false topics about Galicians

in #galicia6 years ago

Welcome to our little class about Galician culture. Today we come here to deny everything that is said about us. Well, not everything. We are aware that there are topics that are true, but most are not. If you are interested in the subject, keep reading our list of seven topics until the end.

1. The Galicians have always had that reputation that we are closed. And surely it's not the first time you hear it. Closed in both directions.

On the one hand, it is said that we are closed minded. It means that our behavior and way of thinking do not accept other values, principles or beliefs that are not ours. And it is clear that it is not like that. You can find yourself inside a Galician city, people with a very open mentality as people with her very closed; and in a town exactly the same. Because of course, the older there is another topic about rural that we will talk about later.


With the other meaning of closed they mean that we are reserved and that we distrust others. It is something completely wrong, since surely you have heard that we are hospitable and welcome others in our homes. If there is something that describes us well, it is that word: hospitable. We invite our friends to meals (which lasts until dinner), to churrascadas in family, to sleep in our houses ...

And this cozy affection, you can find it all over the world. Why? Read the following

2. Morriñentos.

Rosalía de Castro showed the world that word that we use so much here. And we can not say that it is a 100% false topic. On the one hand, here we are very reminded of Galicia when we are away, but it is also true that we adapt easily to new sites. In general, because each person is a world. This is where we wanted to get to when we say that you will have cozy affection around the world.

As a general rule, wherever you go you will find a Galician who emigrated, or a child of these. It works 9 out of 10 times. This is influenced by history, since, unfortunately, many had to emigrate to America, Switzerland, France ... to try to get some money.

  1. In relation to the first topic, we can start talking about one of the most widespread and most commonly held: Traditional / rural. We are tired of thinking that Galicians are "catches" to live in the countryside. And is that, in addition to that has nothing to do, we are not catches.

Starting at the beginning, living in the countryside does not imply what it was years ago, and we must demystify once and for all the idea that by living in it one is going to dedicate himself to livestock and agriculture. And yes, it is a very important economic activity in the community, but not the main one. In addition, it is often said that we are too traditional. Although it is true that we like some traditions and want to keep them, this is not always the case. We adapt to the new generations just like the rest, and to the technologies.

One thing does not influence us in the other, and we are able to adapt the traditions to the technologies and live with both.

  1. We continue with a similar theme when talking about the following false stereotype: esotericism. Hundreds of mythological legends flood every corner of Galicia. From legends such as the Tower of Hercules in Coruña, or that of San Andrés de Teixido, to talk about meigas. And, what are the meigas? Here it is known as such to the witches who make and undo spells and cast evil eyes. This type of magic of the XIII is related to the Holy Company. The latter is a legend about the procession of hooded ghosts who come to announce death.

Today we can say that we are not esoteric. There will be people who can believe in these legends, but usually not. They are included within our culture, but we do not take them as true or believe in magic.

  1. Something that characterizes Galicians is the party. Yes, we admit that we like them a lot and we have a gift to organize so many festivals in the summers. But at the same time we know how to differentiate and define our priorities. That we like the party does not imply that we are all day to it. And of course we will know the name of all the orchestras of Galicia and the dates of the festivals in the area, but we break the topic that we are only partying. We are "festexeiros", we like it, and that's enough.

  2. Last we have left one of the most known and typical. But this has nothing to do with Galician culture and society. It has to do with the weather. Behind the topic of legs, this is what tires us the most. Rain is our friend and lives with us, but it is not always raining. Yes, it rains, it is usual, but it does not influence us. We have adapted our life to the rain and it does not bother us. In addition, we have a saying: "never choveu que no escampara".

True topic

  1. Indecision is real, it's very real, so we're going to be fooled. We like to answer "depends" for everything, but the truth is that, who does not? We do not always use it as a doubt, but sometimes it is a preamble to be cautious when answering a question.

    Do you go up or down?
    It depends

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