You know what? Starting over is actually an indication that you are a strong individual!
Have you made mistake(s) you so wish to correct, and the only correction to it is starting over? Please go ahead. Have you failed at a particular thing (or some things) and you wish to try again? Please do! Don't let your errors or not getting it right of the past define what you can achieve, or define who you are. I believe with you (if you don't believe enough) that you can still make it work. No need to mind or fear the 'limitations'...
So, bend down, buckle your shoes (or tie your shoe lace 😃), look up, give it a smile, raise your shoulders a little bit high, and do what you gotta do! Because at the end of it all, you only have this one life to live dearest! ❤❤ I believe in you, and I know you can. YES, YOU CAN!!