Funny conversations that this father leads his four daughters
Being a father of four little girls is not easy and James Breykuel knows it well. But he became famous precisely for its entertaining dialogues with his successor who shared his Twitter account .
Me: Be nice to me stepfather would not have.
She: Do not be so sure mom is nice.
Me: Do you understand why you punished?
She: I ate sweet.
I: And what did you learn from this?
She: That I'm good at eating sweets
She: A boy in the kindergarten said she liked me.
Me: And you like him?
She: He turns better pictures, need to grow.
(see CPR on television)
She: Why did he kiss her?
I do not kiss her, saving her life
She: Ugh, I prefer to die
She: Will I one day I can have a baby in your belly?
Me: Yes, if you want.
She: No, thank you, put there sweet.
She: Where people go when they die.
I: In Paradise.
She: I do not want to go there.
Me, why?
She: It's full of dead people.