Tech Update: Morality in the Age of Sex Robots, Meet Solana!

in #future7 years ago

In this article I will talk about one of the most disturbing ways that technology is changing human relations. I'm talking about the new wave of sex robots being designed and sold to consumers worldwide.

Only a year ago Abyss Creations created Harmony, RealDoll's first sex robot. This robot took the world by storm and is the subject of a lot of controversy. This event brings up the idea of the uncanny valley, a theory presented by roboticist Masahiro Mori, nearly half a century ago.

The uncanny valley attempts to explain the feelings of revulsion and eeriness in which human onlookers experience when they encounter an artificial life-form that appears nearly, but not quite human.

When I first met Matt McMullen, Harmony's creator and human chaperone, he planned to launch what I've called the world's first commercially viable sex robot in late 2017. Harmony's AI would be customizable via an accompanying Android app, but with limitations. While he had plans for a male version and mused about other gender variations, Harmony would launch as an artificial female with porn star proportions.

McMullen clearly has ambition and drive but his unfortunately his dreams of launching in 2017 didn't materialize. Even though Harmony failed to launch in 2017, McMullen and team are still making improvements to Harmony's AI and the robotic head it's housed in.

He's now targeting the end of this month for a release date, and while he's says he's still refining the pricing, Realbotix modular robotic heads should cost between $8,000 and $10,000 at launch.

So, one has to ask what is so special about these modular robotic heads? Are they really worth $8,000 to $10,000?

If you want to get into the ethics of the matter we could move on to questions like... What is the difference between a sex robot and a sex slave? Should human beings be going down a road that could potentially eliminate procreation entirely?

But lets get back to the matter at hand shall we?

Sex-robots have become a trend in the entertainment world with popular ones even featuring an artificial G-spot and numerous modes of interaction as well as newly-introduced pole-dancing robot strippers, however, the 2018 International Consumer Electronics Show revealed that there are more extraordinary toys being developed.

Certainly this trend is heating up and at the 2018 International Consumer Electronics show people saw some transformative technologies including a brand new sexbot.

On stage at CES for Engadget’s After Hours, creator Matt McCullen showed off their new sexbot named Solana and gave a demonstration which illustrated her ability to switch her very life-like face for another.

“The face is actually modular, the same way that within the app you can change the personality settings and create a separate profile and separate avatar, you’re able to remove and attach a different face to the same robot very easily,” McMullen said.

Words can't describe this event accurately so take a look at this video...

I'll leave it to my readers to decide about the morality of sexbots. What do you think of this new Solana robot? Are we looking at the greatest feat of modern robotics engineering of 2018?

Please leave your thoughts and opinions below...


There’s a new sex robot in town: Say hello to Solana - Engadget

Meet Solana: New Sex Robot With Swappable Face Unveiled (PHOTO, VIDEO) - Sputnik News

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Amazing how realistic these robots are getting. But honestly, if I was single and had $10,000 lying around, it would be much easier and probably more enjoyable just to get a real girl.

I imagine virtual reality sex apps will become an increasingly big business as well... "honey I can't come to bed just yet I need to get past the Taylor Swift level!"

Absolutely! These current models will look like prelithic objects compared to whats ahead of us in the coming months and years. They are just getting going with the sexbot production line. I also agree with your estimation that virtual reality sex apps are going to take the world by storm so I'll be keeping my eye out as to where to park my money to get a piece of that currently non-existent but sure to be booming industry!

I'd keep an eye on Playstation VR for that. I got one for Christmas and tried out a couple games; they're amazingly immersive. I haven't checked to see if there are any adult entertainment titles for it but I wouldn't be surprised.

Probably will be good to stop population growth.

I won't lie, the same thought crossed my mind while writing this article. Population growth is scary if left unchecked.

That's why people like YOU need to be deleted from the gene pool....since you are so keen to stop others from living......UNFOLLOWED

Robots are going to make a great number of humans obsolete and sex robots is just another niche and a very disturbing development at that.

Seriously, anyone that has sex with a robot needs psychological help.

Some may argue that sex robots may stop some people sexually abusing humans. In some cases it may but I think that they will do much more harm than good.

If one has sex with a robot they are escaping from reality and the further that one escapes from reality the harder it will be for them to operate in the real world and function as a healthy human being. Putting a bandaid on the problem will not solve the problem, it will come back to bite someone down the track.

Sex robots are a sad indictment on where we are heading as a society.

I'm glad that you posted this - it is something that we need to talk about.

Very good points made here. It is a sad state of affairs when people would prefer the company of sex robots as opposed to real human connections. Lets keep this discussion going here!

it was inebitable that sooner or later it happened, but it still sounds very weird XD

nothing will beat sex with a fellow person, they can go ahead and make all the bots they can think of, and i still don't know why one would think it morally ok to have sex with a machine, sounds like shagging my computer to me

Which do you prefer shagging, PC or MAC? Thanks for dropping by and weighing in on this topic!

Macs are sexier but i love windows, its a tricky

I'll still choose a lady over robots anytime any day. It's really weird that people are actually liking this idea.

I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way about this (myself included). Good point.

I think sexrobots are a real Problemen(already)
A lot of people try to prohibit them for a good reason, why should some try or put work to hook some1 up when you have a robot and get sex whenever you want? In Japan people have less and less sex, their relationships are virtual already and that problem hasn’t even to do with the opposite sex. They are unwillingly to put effort in making friends and that’s pretty sad to me.
When Elon musk said we should fusion with robots I don’t think he had sexrobots in mind.
Not a bright future we/I am looking to

Where would the morality issue arise? If someone chooses to have sex with a doll or their hand or any non living creature, it might be weird AF but not really harming anyone. And just a note.. the guy who goes after a doll probably wasn’t doing much “procreating” in the first place 😋

As long as the robot is not deemed as 'sentient' having a soul and true verifiable feelings I'm not morally opposed. I think its a bit strange but I'll keep my opinions to myself and not engage in judging people either way. Thanks for your thoughts!

This robot is not cute...It looked like a old woman!

Sounds scary but what if one day real androids with human emotion, flesh and almost everything ( like it can intercourse ) exit in the future? I can't imagine what I would think the world has been if that is to happen.

Here's my latest post @gvincentjosephm. Feel free to visit

I Hope you like it too.

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