Daddy's daughter

in #future7 years ago

I took some photos today but, I have had to trim them on the laptop and I only have the Microsoft photos app to edit. They are shot in RAW format and when the program converts them to JPEG, it absolutely destroys the images. I will have to spend some time later editing in Lightroom instead but while my daughter is asleep in the office, this is the best I can do.

My daughter turns two years old tomorrow and she is the inspiration for much of what I do, as well as the motivation. She is inspiring because of her mind and attitude toward life, she is inquisitive and resilient and doesn't mind trying new things and then trying again when she fails. That is something I hope she never loses as a large part of success in this life both personally and materially comes down to being able to overcome all sorts of failures, to fall, get up, dust off and give it another best effort. I watch her do that every day.

She motivates me because it lands squarely on the shoulders of her parents in order for her to have the space to be able to trial and error in life and, the support required to feel safe enough to do so. She tests our limits and patience as do all children but, she also seems to have learned when it is time to listen and, when she is free to push.

We celebrated with family at our home and our wife made cakes and muffins as well as some special cupcakes suitable for our daughter. It was actually pretty cool because my wife is part of a Facebook group for allergies and asked if anyone had a recipe and listed possible ingredients. One mother spent three days trialling and erroring with mixes and cooking methods to build a recipe. she added pictures and tips and the final product was really, really good. Considering what went into it at least. Our daughter loved it anyway and that is all that really matters.

My wife also made a decent set cheesecake with lime in the core and a raspberry topping which turned out really well. Perhaps I can convince her to post the recipe sometime so people can give it a go themselves as It isn't too difficult but looks relatively good, the fresh raspberries help with that too. My wife cooked way too much considering the number of people we had visiting so I guess, the diet has to wait. I did the manual labour, I cleaned.

My daughter however was super excited about it all and loved having people coming to visit her. She also enjoyed blowing out the candles (with mummy's help) because she has seen her cousins do it and has always wanted to give it a go. Today was her day and she was really happy to see the candles burning and clapped and laughed after being sung to in both Finnish and English.

We are pretty simple people and even though my wife went to a lot of cooking trouble, most of it was low key and just coffee and chatting while our daughter played with the toys that she got. Even though presents were pre-arranged, her grandparents decided to surprise her with an extra gift that came in wrapped. I looked at the size and already knew that now, our daughter wasn't getting a present from her parents today, they had bought the same thing, an umbrella stroller for her doll. We can't return it so, we might sell or give the one we bought to charity.

What she was very excited about was the amount of new books she got as gifts. Some were new but, my friends who have a dual mother-tongue household too and much older children, gave a pile of English language books to her. I think recycled gifts are great and when it comes to books, a very valuable give because these days, quality books are hard to find in shops and, it is even harder to find English ones here. I have bought old children's books from amazon that were from closed down libraries.

It has been a long day and actually, a tiring weekend but my daughter who even though said she was tired, went to bed talking and then sung herself to sleep. She is growing up so fast and although I am looking forward to being a part of whatever she is going to one day be and do, I wish I could also hold on to these moments forever. If there is anything in the world that teaches about the march of time and the importance of both being present and letting go of the past, it is having a small child who loves to learn.

As said, she is my inspiration and motivation for many things and although every parent may feel this about their child, I think she is going to do a lot for this world given the opportunity. There are more of her out there who deserve a chance at realizing their potential and perhaps some of my work along the way will help them have the space. When it comes to a healthy community, I think it is one which is willing to do what is right by those who have no other choice but rely on them. Globally we are a long way off from this but, that can change.

[ a Steem original ]

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Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter, @tarazkp! One can observe in every picture that she is a very curious girl and that she enjoyed the celebrations. Thank you for sharing these unique moments. Blessings for your little one and for the whole family :-)

Your daughter is absolutely adorable!! I think she will make her father worry so much when grows up and guys start lining up on the doorstep!! 😉

Happy birthday to the princess, may God bless her a lot ... She must have enjoyed it a lot ... Congratulations to the mom who worked hard cooking especially for her princess and for the guests ... Parents always us do everything possible to give the best for our children. They are our greatest treasure. God bless your home ;)

They are beautiful images because you have a beautiful model! How quickly children grow up. I realize how proud you are and all you do to be an exemplary father. She'll appreciate that when she grows up. Right now, like every girl in her childhood world, she's watching the game and happy that her parents are there for her. Enjoy every day, every day is a gift for you. Nice Sunday, @tarazkp.

she's watching the game and happy that her parents are there for her.

She watches everything. She is incredibly observant, much more so than either myself or wife.

Hi taraz. What a bummer. The same gift, I have never experienced that .Surely they should have checked with you guys first. Quite right things can change and change quickly.

Not the end of the world, she loves the one she got so that is all that matters. It isn't the most expensive thing either so if it goes to charity and makes another kid happy, it is a win still.

That is all what counts at the end of the day.

While I'm sure the technical quality of these photos may have been better if you'd have had the chance to edit them in RAW format what's really important is the content and the artistic side. They turned out great again. Congratulations on your second birthday @smallsteps! That you have such a good relationship with her shows in these photos. By the way, my favourites were the last one and the one where she's eating the muffin. It's such a large muffin for her. This is where all the patience, resilience and whatnot will play a crucial role.

While I'm sure the technical quality of these photos may have been better

For some reason, the photos program crushes them immensely and bleeds the colours. I am actually looking forward to seeing them on the other monitor and having a go in lightroom.

By the way, my favourites were the last one and the one where she's eating the muffin. It's such a large muffin for her. This is where all the patience, resilience and whatnot will play a crucial role.

Mine too as well as the lead photo. She loves playing on our bed with me and now that she can "jump", I have to be more careful.

I need to buy an entry-level DSLR or a mirrorless as soon as the money is there. (By the way, what is "järjestelmäkamera" in English?)

(By the way, what is "järjestelmäkamera" in English?)

I think it is just SLR but, now with mirrorless (i have an Olympus EM-1) it doesn't cover the range. The Finnish word covers the range though because I think it just alludes to the complexity/capabilities of it.

Flashes are another class of component in addition to lenses make up the set of interchangeable camera components. Single lens reflective cameras are the most common type these days. So, a mirrorless camera shows the view you're about to take a picture of on a screen whereas the SLR has a mirror to direct the image you get from the lens to a viewfinder? Is there any reason to prefer one over the other? Is it easier to keep the camera stable if your eye is against the viewfinder? Or is it sometimes an advantage to be able to look at a screen and see the view if want to take your camera someplace so narrow you can't put your head in there? :D

wEll, even on an SLR these days you don't need the viewfinder and can use the screen. The benefit for me having mirrorless is the size and weight. My 40D with lenses was my complete carry on allowance. My Olympus is a couple kilos and much smaller overall. It is convenience. However, if I am shooting a wedding I will borrow a friends canon with full prime lenses as the feel of the image and quality is superior. At this point, I don't think you will find many real professionals using a mirrorless for more than a run around.

oooh @smallsteps is really beautiful,My prayer too is to be there for my kids when they need me. My parents were not close to myself and my siblings at all, but I want to be the closest friend to my children. It is really an emotional moment.

Happy birthday to your little one! I love seeing her pictures (edited or not, I really don't care about that!).
I love the look in her eyes, so much determination in them. I love to see that kind of sparkle in a child's eyes. Every baby is cute in its own way, but not all of them have that kind of spirit in them!
Have a great day tomorrow, too and maybe keep the stroller for some other time - things like this break, another doll might need it as a bed - you never know!
Oh, the cake looks delicious - we would appreciate the recipe - especially if it's easy!

I love the look in her eyes, so much determination in them. I love to see that kind of sparkle in a child's eyes.

I have a feeling that one day she is going to learn to use them and destroy worlds- :)

Oh, the cake looks delicious - we would appreciate the recipe - especially if it's easy!

I will convince her to put it up :)

Happy birthday to the little wonder <3 May she live a long, happy life,in which she acheives anything she sts out to. <3
She's adorable.

I am pretty down to earth except when it comes to what I think she can do :D

Ah, in that you should dream and think big, my friend. I'm sure she can do anything she sets out to do!
Happy birthday again! <3

"I looked at the size and already knew that now, our daughter wasn't getting a present from her parents today"

Murphy's Law, dammit. Though like you said before, a two year old doesn't do days of the week, and won't mind who did or didn't give a gift either.

Now 3 year olds, that's when you gotta get those grandparents on the same page lol.

The pictures are superb, and I don't believe anybody but an expert could spot see the raw to jpg difference. In fact, the cake looks so irresistible that I'm glad it's just a picture. :)

Now 3 year olds, that's when you gotta get those grandparents on the same page lol.

We had it arranged and they broke rank...

The pictures are superb, and I don't believe anybody but an expert could spot see the raw to jpg difference.

I might do a post with comparisons when I have a chance :)

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