The Trump of God
A great shaking is upon us ‘the Trump of God’ – Is on going within the singing together of stars sons of morning this new song, all the sons of God shout for joy sounding! And the hand of God is resonating, brooding as a prelude to His ascension within His Sons!
Bringing us up into a new place in Him, quickly! by His righteous! A place of new ability manifesting amongst all mankind as a sign! And shall all see with their own eyes and bear witness of the manifestation of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost resident in man on this Earth (The Son of Man is come in the flesh. As in Heaven So on Earth!
Eph 2:15 Having abolished2673 in1722 his848 flesh4561 the3588 enmity, 2189 even the3588 law3551 of commandments1785 contained in1722 ordinances; 1378 for to2243 make2936 in1722 himself1438 of twain1417, (1519) one1520 new2537 man, 444 so making4160 peace; 1515
The on going manifestation of the marriage supper of the Lamb is come
As the carnal mind slowly surrenders and calms to the mind of Christ which is in us now! So, why wait for Christ to come! He is come and is for eternity
Imparting unto man again! ‘Dominion’ over ALL things! Is it not the gift of the Father whom He gave unto man? Who in turn ‘named all life on Earth’ over the entire of His creation! In fact!
This time perfected by fire of trial, complete in Him
Job 38:7 In the singing-together of stars of morning, And all sons of God shout for Joy, For the joy of the Lord is my strength?
`And immediately after the tribulation! Of those days,
Those days are theses days the sun shall be darkened darkened by the enclosure of the lust of the flesh, and the moon
The present day church and its teachers of spiritualism/humanism
Shall not give her light,
For the darkness of the flesh
And the stars
The major leaders of the modern corporate church giants whom is worshiped
Shall fall from the heaven, and the powers of the heavens
Their empires which lust built shall be shaken!
And then shall appear in us His sons the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven within the whole host of His Sons innumerable, His chosen, His offspring and then shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory;
And he shall send his messengers with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his chosen from the four winds, from the ends of the heavens unto the ends thereof.