Reflections on the future. In which direction humanity moves.

in #future7 years ago

 Remember the time you went to the first class. It seems to have been recently, and in fact it has been 

 many years (For me 20 years). Could you then, in the first class, imagine that in the future, mankind will 

 open incredible, amazing opportunities. 

Quantum computer, the first steps in the field of teleportation, the development of artificial intelligence

(with the possibility of self-learning) to the human level and above, human genome editing, the

 application of nanotechnology in various fields, the discovery of exo planets, Bio printer, magnetic 

 cushion transport, flying drone, blockchain technology, cryptocurrency and much more it's all there 

 now. Could you then, in the first class, imagine that in the future, mankind will open incredible, Amazing 


 With the development of science and technology, heavy human physical labor is not needed, because 

 this work is performed by a man-guided machine. Soon and the direct participation of the person is not 

 necessary, because machines now do with the possibility of self-learning. Many professions disappear, 

 new ones appear. 

We are accustomed to the fact that we are paid for physical work (we pretend robots, performing

similar, boring, monotonous tasks). You disagree with me?

 You are a taxi driver? In some countries, already tested unmanned cars. This is not surprising for the 

 next decade. Of course, in civilized countries. 

Аre you a seller of any products or services? -You will be replaced by a robot with a specific set 

 of instructions. If you think you can make a sale better than a robot, I will upset you, already now AI has 

 developed to learn from afar to determine the emotional mood of a person in the face. He is an 

unmistakable psychologist and a bestseller who will find the approach to the buyer, and you-not.

Whether you have 20 years of experience as a seller, a huge quantity of awards for the first place in sales, you concede to the AI. Are you a cleaner? Replace the robot. loader? replace robot.

 Are you a construction worker? -You will be replaced by a robot. (yes already there are technologies which allow to erect buildings in three days) You're the cashier? -Replace on the robot. Easy to work with which cope well virtually anyone, and even a robot. Are you a prostitute? -Replace the artificial intelligence. (Only VR is worth it. turn on porn and you will be surprised. Further will only get better. Computer simulation, holograms and a lot of gadgets for the feeling of real pleasure) Are you a policeman? -Replace with AI. The first prototypes that will be improved have already appeared. The main advantage of a police robot in front of a policeman-it can not be bribed, he does not feel fear, and he will not kill a man for nothing. Are you a priest? -Replace on the AI. Yes, already started to appear such robots. Are you a bank employee? -Replace on the AI. I will not explain how it happens, just look at at least the number of terminals in the city. People will soon not be needed in banks. Oh, yes. If the banks still remain. The whole world begins to move to cryptocurrency and this trend is rapidly evolving. You pilot, bus driver or other vehicle? -you too will be replaced. So it will be safer for everyone. Are you a surgeon? -You will be replaced by AI. In Holland created a robot conducting operations 5 times more precisely any surgeon. Even if you are not a surgeon, but let's say a diagnostic (yes, your mother! The robot will not prescribe you shitload cloud useless drugs and will not make an erroneous diagnosis) or any other medical worker-you also replace the robot. Psychologist? -Replace the AI. This profession is interesting, but even with it cope robot with the loaded algorithm of actions, the definition of emotions and all works on philosophy, psychology and many different controversial life situations with the possibility of self-learning. There's nothing complicated about that. 

Soon all listed professions and their similar will disappear as unnecessary. They obsolete in a short time. Not all of them will survive the 50-year period The longest lived of the profession where inclusion would be required from the human imagination, non-standard approach, critical thinking, etc. Creative professions will live longer, and during this period they will be highly paid. Artists, musicians, etc. Scientists are always in demand. The discoveries will now get all the glory. It's fair I guess.

 Here's my prediction for the next 50 years. 

In the nearest decade will be strongly demanded crypto specialist. 

 Naturally, their wages will be very high. 

People will open some more exo planets. Will make new discoveries in with their own solar system (for example, find a new moon at Jupiter or Saturn) people re-land on the moon. Mars is still closed, but a few rovers will be delivered to the red Planet.

 Develop a rocket engine and fuel twice as powerful than that which is used now. 

 Print Live organic fabric. In some countries, mortality will be reduced by some% in the next decade, the blockchain technology in all areas of life (banking, health, etc.) would be actively developed and implemented. This is essentially a new advanced and secure Internet. More and more people leave their jobs and work on the Internet or through the Internet.Freelance gets a second burst of activity. 

 The blossoming of virtual reality. 

It will be used not only in the gaming and entertainment industry.

After 20 years, unmanned vehicles are fully operational.

 Already appeared flying taxi (almost as in the film "5 Element") On the Moon build base. 

 Human genome editing is in full swing. It was possible to prolong human life three to four times. (Up to 200-250 years) payment for purchases and other services is made Crypto money this is the norm and no one is surprised. The cash's almost gone. Who pays cash he's like an African savage with his 

 grandfather's bone in his nose. They are bypassed. Plastic cards will almost disappear along with cash. The payout with gadgets will remain... 

 Chipping people the usual thing. You implant yourself different kinds of chips under the skin for some advantages or just for fun. You can implant yourself a chip in your hand which will be the built-in address of your ewallet with the technology Paypass and you pay for the purchase by simply attaching a hand with a chip to the device for payment. Or you can implant the chip for fun or to soothe (do not know exactly how will work it, but think it will definitely) chips will be a lot. Even too much. 

 The man's Landing on Mars. Construction on Mars (or under it) and its settlement will occur rapidly. Low gravity would greatly contribute to this. The problem on Mars with radiation radiation scientists will decide by this time as the problem with its atmosphere. Artificial climate creation will be available to man. 

 There will be invented new sports that we would not understand now. 

 Bioprosthetics are a common thing. There are almost no disabled persons as such. Lost limbs are either replaced by a bioprosthesis or grow anew. Some people begin to voluntarily deprive themselves of their true limbs that would modernize their body with a bioprosthesis. 

Any body can be replaced. including even the eyes. I will not describe it too long, but many will choose cat's eyes. Can see they will not be like cats, but look like they are.

 6-7G Internet is available anywhere in the world. It is impossible to muffle by any signal and no cannon. Laptop you carry on your hand wrapped it around your arm. Charging for gadgets is not needed. Any gadget is charged from the clothes when you move. 

 30 years later. Man prolongs life expectancy up to 500 years in his body. But if you constantly replace organs, blood, and Invest rejuvenating nanopreparations, then in fact you can live forever. 

 A symbiosis of man and machine will happen. It will be possible to embed your consciousness in the car. Stupid and inadequate people will almost remain. To survive, they just have to smarter. Prisons will disappear. Rather, they are renamed and will be a completely different approach to people flying crimes. 

 The subway will disappear. Rather it is simply modernized beyond recognition.Security will be above all. Full control of each person will be performed by AI and unerringly identify terrorists.New professions in demand will emerge. It will be possible to invent the profession (and its name) and work on it, even if you are so unique in the world. It will not be funny, because you will earn as representatives of other professions, if of course your services are in demand.Blockchain technology will play a key role in all areas of human life. The game industry has evolved to unprecedented heights. You can get the diploma of the pilot/cosmonaut without leaving the house thanks to the simulator. You can pass the exam for physical training and knowledge right on it. Cheat not work because at this point you will be connected to a multitude of sensors reading your pulse, breathing, etc. + Live broadcast to the examiners and other things precluding the possibility of cheating. 40 years later. Man came close to immortality. Opportunity to live 1000 years. This achievement will happen when the great minds and technologies are combined, namely, genome editing technologies and powerful advances in nanotechnology.Man continues to master Mars. The new Martians rejoice in the good harvest of vegetables. The vegetables have gone larger than earthly times in two or three. To taste are not inferior terrestrial. Earthlings are jealous. Space tourism is thriving. The Martian city is growing with the arrival of new settlers. Ai greatly helps a man in the development of Mars and not only. People are seriously thinking about flying to Europe and Enceladus.The Amusement museum is to be built on the moon. A flight to the moon at a cost will be equal to the cost of approximately the cost of now plane ticket from Moscow to New York. Flight to Mars is ten times more expensive. But you can save money for this flight because you can live 1000 years. Traces of extraterrestrial mind's presence on the planet Mars are discovered. AI helps in deciphering hieroglyphs on found artifacts.People discover the terrible history of Mars and its former inhabitants.A device for monitoring and recording dreams is in every family. 

 New musical instruments are appearing. Making music moves to a new plan. Artists write pictures of tasty edible paints. To eat a picture it is possible only after purchase, but to smell it is possible and not buying it. The concept of religion will disappear forever. Religious fanatics will become very little and they will be equated to crazy, because in the world of science and progress there is no place obscurantism. Those who were ready to burn the witches at the stake himself will be persecuted.50 years later. Man acquires immortality. All diseases are defeated and if there is something viral, it cured in a moment. There are no hereditary diseases. You can pump your body and then sell it or exchange for another. Surgery to change the body by cutting off the head and sewing on the new body.Teleportation becomes available, but moving through the use of teleport is not the most pleasant process, so it is used very rarely.Cryogenics is no longer in demand as before, but still it finds application for those who do not want to stay awake in long interplanetary flights and waste resources. The new rocket engine capable to disperse a rocket up to speed of component 1/5 from speed of light is developed. The number of the colony on Mars reaches 250 thousand people and continues to be replenished. The new Martians have their own internet and currency. The man goes to study Europe, Enceladus and Titan. The best place for research and settlement is recognized by Titan.A person will be able to "live" in the virtual world. I mean, it's as close as possible to life in the matrix. The number of people on the Earth is growing rapidly and the places are small. The demographic problem is solved by prohibition, fines, etc. (as it is now in China) but it does not work, people are sent to Mars and the moon, but this also does not solve the demographic problem. It was decided to create a matrix to deal with this problem. Life in the simulation of life. All people agreed on such symbiosis, are located in cocoons which provide them with all necessary for life and are in the highest buildings. The earned money in the simulation is transferred to the purse in the real world when a person wakes up. The company did not stingy to pay its batteries. You can download something entertaining, but here already earned funds do not go to your account. The choice is yours. 

 P.S. I know that the article is not ready and similar to the reasoning of the baby, but roughly so I imagine the future) thanks for reading and for criticism) 

My article in Russian 

Article my friend has translated Zarxis Breik

Thanks for attention)


Awesome artical! I agree with all the points you made! Its gonna be an awesome time to be alive! =) Upvoted and Resteemed! Followed you as well! Look forward to reading more!

wonderful, a most enjoyable read & insightful - yes!

Thanks) To me is what to add to article, but I didn't begin to change anything.

nice , goodd post bro

I like that very much the timeline issue of when things will happen all the seems to get in the way of the ideas about what can happen some may happen sooner some may happen later it seems like it might be more useful for predictions 2 help the Manifest in reality by not having an actual time Associated when when they will emerge but by talking about the ideas themselves that are products of the connected world and emergent properties thereof just my two cents keep it up keep up the writing

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