I have uncovered the surprising reason behind steemit's bot problem.
In case you haven't noticed, many steemit bots stopped working earlier this week. Some, including steemvoter have not returned.
Everywhere you turned, people were looking for answers as to why the bots suddenly disappeared.
The staff of Weird News decided to meet the challenge head on. They sent reporter (that is not a typo) to every corner of the internet to find the reason behind the steemit bot disappearance.
We have succeeded.
It seems that this is the cause of the absences.
That's right, for some bizarre reason, robotics geniuses have decided to use their collective brain power on creating stripper robots that still look like robots.
So it looks like all of the bots are on a bender in Vegas. I hope they keep enough votes to pay for a ride home.
Aside from the bots of steemit, who was clamoring for this invention?
The creator of the robots Giles Walker, a British artist, actually made them as a way to draw attention to how absurd the idea is. He has fears that the creation of robots for sexual purposes will lead to a "really dark area."
He makes a valid point.
On an unrelated note, has anybody seen @wang lately?