Drive-in dentist office now open.
Two days ago a dentist office in Santa Ana California became the first drive-in office ever in the United States.
Miraculously this story is not about this patient's outfit.
There was only one problem, it was not intentional.
While most people try to avoid the dentist like the plague, one would-be patient was so excited, he decided to drive right in.
If that isn't weird enough, the office is on the second floor of a building.
According to reports, a driver who allegedly admitted to be under the influence of narcotics (go figure) was traveling very fast when he hit a raised median. This caused the car to be launch in the air and get logged in the building's second floor.
According to fictitious witnesses, the driver was also eating an entire package of Oreo cookies because he is really into his dental hygienist and wants to spend as much time as possible with her.