Being one day a hot chick
What if.. you switched the gender and also be hot for one day?
Imagine... you wake up the next morning and walk, like always, half-blinded around until you take a look in the mirror and see.. god dammit, you're a hot chick (or hot doode if you like).. what would you do?
So since this is a question everybody asked themselves one time or more often, I'll write down what I'd do if I was a hot chick for one day:
- Choose the sluttiest clothing I have in my closet
- Try to master make-up
- Grab dicks of the guys and leave them that confused
- Find another hot chick and do some crazy lesbian stuff
- Get as many noodles in my google as possible
- Gonna try getting away with stuff for free
- Dildo. Enough said.
- Doing a camchat stuff and get rich for one day
I think the possibilities are endless with this. So what would you do?