Grandpa Horrified by New Technology in the Kitchen
”Grandpa, tell us about Grator again!”
The old carrot looked at their little fleshy faces. The baby carrots clearly enjoyed being frightened by his tales of kitchen terror, and Grandpa obviously liked scaring them with his morbid stories of insane vegetable graters, told in the most horrifying Grandpa way.
Grandpa carrot looked like he’d been dug up, chewed on, then crammed back into the soil a few times.
Climbing and squealing around on his battered head, the baby carrots didn’t seem to notice these old scars, and Grandpa realized that they were still too young to hear the real stories about Grator, the deadly kitchen appliance that had made the countertop so dangerous in the past.

”Shring, shring, shring!” Grandpa finally burst out, and the baby carrots screamed and tumbled in delight at the sound.
Giving his voice a raspy, metallic ring, Grandpa continued; “I’m Grator, and I’m looking for little baby carrots to eat!”
As he played with the bouncy little carrots, one of Grandpa’s ears was trained onto the TV blaring from above, one of his eyes occasionally darting towards the flickering screen.
The little ones rolled and giggled, but Grandpa’s eye was captured by the TV again; a haunting roar was suddenly pouring down from the sleek appliance, and now there appeared a near-ripe banana reporting live from a horrific scene, weeping a late-breaking story straight into the cameras with all of his heart.
Feeling a ghastly hush from the basket of potatoes next to him, Grandpa knew that all eyes were now on the TV, as a tragedy seemed to be unfolding before them. He focused on the screen above.
The baby carrots and the insane vegetable grater seemed far away now, and Grandpa watched as the banana reporter sniffled between words, yelling out over the grinding roar which still laced the air;
“I don’t know if you are measured in ounces or grams, gallons or liters, but none of that matters anymore, this tragedy is going to affect us all... nobody will be excluded.”
The world was becoming insane. Gone were the days when the darkness of the refrigerator protected the fresh carrots from the certainty of the countertop, and looking at the innocent baby carrots gathered around him, Grandpa Carrot knew that their world was going to be much different than his had been.
What had happened? Grandpa wrinkled at the thought; there had been rumors. Tales of a glass bowl full of living knives had been reported from nearby kitchens, and it was said the this technological monster could devour dozens of carrots at once in a sharp metal whirlpool of color.
The baby carrots bounced at Grandpa’s head, oblivious to the world around them. His old reality of the cold metallic grater would become ancient history now that electricity was powering these dark forces in the kitchens of the world. But what stories these baby carrots were going to have to tell to their grandkids, if they even survive through lunch!
Grandpa listened to the fear in the banana’s voice on the television, and indeed, the quickly yellowing banana seemed unwilling to say the name, as if reality would disappear if not spoken into the world on live TV, but Grandpa knew the horrible name, and as he looked away from the TV, away from the bouncing baby carrots, he whispered the name out loud to himself with a tremble: Blendor.
artwork above, 'Grator' by me, colored pencil and ball point pen on watercolor paper. For more variety, art and stories, click below these birds:

hahaha, what a story - you had me glued!
Hope you are keeping well?
Hey @breezin, I'm glad you saw this bit of silliness. Yes I'm keeping well, thank you for asking, though I realize that my drawings might sometimes suggest otherwise!
ohh that carry the feeling bro shring shring
Grandpa knows how to scare the children!
Excellent use of the creativity ;)
Thanks @cutiepie!
haha i feel for grandpa
He's shriveling up, trying to avoid the blender.
And this is the sort of thing that turns people into fruititarians, ha! It reminded me of the beginning of a Tom Robbin's novel, I can't remember which one at the moment. Also the cartoon Brave Little Toaster.
Though the blender has been replaced already by things such as food processors and the next time I go to use one I'm going to have this in my head. Thanks! ;)
Love the drawing.
They may have to become breatharians when they hear the sorrow in that poor banana's voice! I probably read the TR novel long ago, but the details are long lost now.
According to the movie Notthinghill (if that's a reliable source for such things-Hugh grant, Julia Roberts lol) a fruititarian is someone who only eats what has fallen from the vine, or is already dead. Not someone who only eats fruit, which is what you would expect considering vegetarian ;)
I did not know that detail about fruitarians-- til! That premise would actually eliminate some common fruits, like strawberries, they'll dry up before they think of dropping from the plant. Bananas would be out too.
Cool drawing!
haha thx, cruel photo!
Great story!!!How do you think these stories? Actually I do not know how to write such stories.You are a brilliant one
This one was written while I was drawing the Grator image, I looked at the drawing from the viewpoint of a an old carrot on the counter top in a kitchen, and while I drew I let the story write itself from there. That's how this one came about. Cheers!
wow what a great have presented the change in the technology by a very beautiful creative story..that is great..i am wondering about your creativity..that is far beyond my thinking sir :) excellent
Thank you- I let the stories write themselves, I rarely know what will happen, so the creativity is beyond my thinking too, until I think of it.
perfect day to enjoy your post with cool mind in the crypto crash
Everything red, but you are cool-- I believe you!
I love the expression on the faces of the carrots! and Blendor is the stuff of nightmares!
They look a bit stressed out for some reason! Yes Blendor deserves at least a sketch, but if my scorpion/blender hybrid plans were to get into the wrong hands...