Don't Mess with NASTY SANTA.
An elderly gentlemen that I met at the local watering hole in town, American Legion Post 1478, has been nicknamed Nasty Santa. He's rather short in stature, barrel chested, carrying around a keg of beer held in place by his belt. His grey beard would give the real Santa a run for his money.
I hate to stereotype people, but in this case the best way to characterize this fellow would be Hillbilly.
I met Nasty Santa when my best friend Pete, who basically runs the place, and is the Grand Pupa of Post 1478, asked me to stop by. The old sign at the Post needed to be replaced, and he wanted me to craft something different to replace the old one.
I met this character the evening we went to hang the new sign I had made.
When we had the sign hung, and Nasty Santa was no longer gracing us with his presence, I asked Pete how this character had gotten his nickname.
Pete told me a few stories about this guy as we were en-route to one of his more infamous nasty displays.
This is not his picture, you should be able to tell, he looks to happy to be NASTY SANTA.
As we proceeded down a dirt road, and came upon Nasty Santa's house, this 40 foot container sat on Nasty Santa's front lawn.
Pete explained to me that the guy who lived up the road a piece was in need of a car, and Nasty Santa had provided him with one.
Some how there was a misunderstanding about price, and the guy supposedly returned the car.
Whatever the real deal was who knows, but Nasty Santa has had this message, painted very nicely I must say, there on his front lawn since 2008.
I wonder if Gregory Huzinec still lives up the road.
I'm sure that if he had moved, Nasty Santa would have changes the BILLBOARD
You don't want to get on the bad side on Nasty Santa.
Not only will you be getting coal under the tree, you may become his next victim.
This is just another reason I love living in this area, people have a very different way of doing most things.
Hope you enjoyed!
That is absolutely funny right there!!! There is a local guy around here that piled up trailers, tractors, pipe, and whatever other junk he had, all in a big line across his property. Once he saw/herd they wanted to put a pipeline through his property. It’s about a 20 foot wide line of “stuff” that runs across a couple acres just off the highway. Rumor has it that he told them they would have to move it all and haul it off and pay him for all the stuff they haul off and pay an increased price to run the pipeline through his property. This ol’ boy wasn’t having that.
I wonder is nasty Santa and this guy are distant releatives. Lol
Got to love his spunk.
Your sign is great. I wonder if every area has a nasty Santa type. I heard that ours died, but the last sign that he put up out along the hiway remained for a long time before the wind blew it down. I think a county road crew cleaned up the pieces. I think that one had an angry message about paying taxes. But many of the others expressed anger at various neighbors. It must be painful to be angry for that long
I think Nasty Santa will pass away before this sign is erased.
ha! oh man, don't cross Nasty Santa! Great story sir bigsweed! gotta love these eccentric characters, although it's easier to love some of them from a distance!