Miss. Opinionated : You know what really grinds my gears?
There are some things I just don't find agreeable.
I'm usually a person of few complaints, but, Miss. Opinionated is my judgemental, opinionated and full of complaints alter-ego. And she has more than a few things to say about the injustices of the world.
Sometimes, the best way to solve a problem is to add grease. (加油)
But what about when that doesn't work? Well then, it really grinds my gears!
Apparently we sent man to the moon nearly 50 years ago..
But we still can't for the love of god, figure out how to control shower temperatures!
In my life, I've found very few showers that have worked exactly as I expect. Whoever figures this apparently difficult problem out is going to become very rich. My money will be with them atleast..
It's not just shower temperatures though..
The Air Conditioners will have you believe room temperature is 20°C
You leave the air conditioners to maintain temperature at 20°C and yet all night, you go between being too hot, and being too cold.
19°C is too cold, and 20°C is too hot.
My solution is to sleep with one leg under the blanket and one out. But then I get sleep anxiety because of the boogie man under the bed.
Someone give me 19.5°C
Online reviews are unreliable
In-fact they can be outright scams.
It's pretty normal looking up online reviews of places you might want to visit, or foods you might consider eating. Hell, you might even find a pleasant looking Doraemon cake take your fancy. But like most things you see online these days, you have to take it with a pinch of salt. Even if it's meant to be a sweet cake.
How many times have you seen some nice food on the menu, and for it to end up looking completely different when served?
Me? Too many times! And it really grinds my gears!
So, I'm interested to hear what really grinds your gears?
我平常是一个不怎么爱抱怨的人,但是Miss. Opinionated 是我的另外一面,她非常有主见又爱抱怨。人类可以把人送到月亮去,但是却没办法控制好洗澡的水温。如果有一个人可以克服这个问题,他会赚大钱的。空调也是很难控制温度的,听说最佳温度是室温在20度的时候,而你让空调保持20度,总觉得忽冷忽热的。19度太冷,20度又会太热,我就把一只脚露在外面,一只脚盖着被子,但是我又怕床底下躲着怪兽。所以不能让我调到19.5度吗?网络评论不靠普,甚至经常是骗人的,例如这个哆啦A梦的蛋糕,网络上的样图是这样的,但是买回来怎么是这个鬼样子,严重的图片与实物不符啊...你们有经历过在菜谱上吸引你的菜,但是点了之后,端出来的却看起来不象一道菜吗?我想知道关于这些,有什么东西是让你特别愤怒的?
Good day. I can tell you why the shower faucet problem hasn't been solved, but it is really technical/mechanical.
But, basically, the valve goes from 100% cold -> 50% cold/50% hot -> 100% hot. And the useful part of that is (depending on the temperature of your water heater) between 60%-40%. So, only 20% of the valve range. But, if you water heater was almost broken, you will be glad that you can go to 10% cold/90% hot... and so, that part of the valve needs to be there.
The problem is easy to solve, but the valve then becomes very much not simple. So, you have your normal handle, then you have an adjustment knob for your water heater temperature. Which makes everything complicated.
Maybe I should make a faucet, that behind the wall, is all electronic, and adjusts to the temperature of the hot/cold, and the pressure of each, and adjusts both so the simple faucet works as expected. I could do that. Probably only cost like $500.
What youre talking about is called a thermostatic mixing valve. they already exist you can pick one up at home depot for like a hundred bucks (and btw, i have one in my castle's shower and its awesome)
Why not faucets with settings (grooves, notches, whatever) that you can select and be done with it.
Because things change.
If someone goes and turns up the water heater temperature, they would need to go and adjust the faucet. There is also timing of shower; is the water heater full of hot water or empty?
And the biggest frustration as an installer, is that the non-technical minded have no idea how to adjust it. But, they try anyway and usually make a big mess of it.
My family and I have lived where we live for over seven years and have never adjusted the water heater temperature, simply because we have never had any reason to. But if, for whatever reason, we did have a reason, surely it would be so infrequent as to making an adjustment of the faucet a simple matter.
So it's like trying to solve a partial differential equation on the fly with mechanical controllers?
Ah.. the third term of the freshman year. Memories, memories. Although I could never found any use for them in real life. Did you?
If i were that good at maths, I would probably have solved this problem already instead of rant about it!
The tap hole is round, it would make more sense if it was oval. Smoother transition from cold to hot. I guess they haven't figured that one out yet. :)
The tap hole is usually also about 1/8" in diameter. (3mm) We can only drill round holes. Machining an oval hole needs to use a smaller bit. That's getting small and intricate. Although CNC could probably do it just fine.
3d printing or laser cutting also comes to mind.
I do not know if sintered brass is strong enough (Laser sintered fast protoyping)
And laser cutting is not what you think. (damn, I am not thinking of an easy way to explain it, so I will just give up. A laser melts brass, not burn. Other metals that can be cut you use a gas that will react with the heat and oxidize the element.)
That's interesting. I figure this might be a cool problem for someone to crack. :) I'd really like to see an oval shaped tap hole some day.
It's best to just let the boogie man get you , once and for all, and be done with it :-)
But then i might disappear from Steemit, and that doesn't agree with me either!
Or............................................you would attain enlightenment in one lifetime and bestow upon us here at Steemit your boundless wisdom!
"The chod practitioner seeks to tap the power of fear through activities such as rituals set in graveyards, and visualisation of offering their bodies in a tantric feast in order to put their understanding of emptiness to the ultimate test" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C3%B6d
Chod looks like some kind of sado masochistic ritual, probably sounds a lot worse than it actually is..
Ha ha! But is it more masochistic to face the Boogieman, or to face away from him (knowing then that he's right behind you, lol)?
Water: what you want is a thermostatic mixing valve. You can pick one up at home depot and any plumber can install.
AC: More proof that the metric system is some bullshit. Switch your thermostat to Fahrenheit and get almost 2x finer control 19c =66.2f 20c=68f so what you probably want is 67f
i got nothing for the cake
Always an entertaining read, @sweetsssj - thank you. You could do a whole series about things which get under your skin - have done 5 on Jargon! My source of content is never far away!!
Thanks ebryans, will have a good read of your series too! :)
Up-voted, followed.
Lol that doraemon example is terrible. I'd laugh when i see that in the store
That's my reaction too! Very un-agreeable!
Upvoted and resteemed!!!
much appreciated, thanks!
You're still rocking that moustache girl! I love the articles from Miss. Opinionated!
Haha thank you! Miss. Opinionated twangs on her moustache as she writes .. it's really quite agreeable :D
Like Hercule Poirot?
Come to think of it, very much so! haha
Thank you sweetsssj!
You're welcome !
Hahahah! This is great @sweetsssj :D You perfectly describe two of the Things that daily gets to me, the shower situation and the one leg out of the covers. Thanks for making me laugh! :)