I could not walk by when I saw this post, but you know what I thought, you are a great manipulator, you manipulate people. You last post brought you a lot of comments praising nature, trees but when I read the responses to this post it frightens me a bit, I hope people just joking when they say: "just cut them down... damn trees and so on..." but on the other side in every joke there is a little of truth, like you see the real personality. Anyway, I believe you have had your fun and as a proverb says: you played your tune, you made the Steemians to dance to it. I would say you are good psychologist.
Never mind everybody else. Do you feel manipulated?
Me not, at least not with this post :)
Oh, so you are just worried about the other people who are much more easily manipulated than you. Such a kind heart you have :-)
cut down trees is better than crashing your ferrrari into them tbh