75 Funny Things to Ask Siri - Great for a party or sheer boredom!

in #funny6 years ago

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I'm pretty sure the only reason I have ever used Apple's voice assistant program has mostly only been to find funny things to ask Siri. In case you haven't been subjected to the frustration JOY of owning an Apple device, Siri is your virtual assistant in helping you be lazy.

Here's How Siri Works: You open up your Apple device and open the app. This could be a phone, laptop, or iPad. Then, you tell Siri to do something, or you can ask her a question. Some of these questions you might ask will make her mad, and the responses can be quite funny. There's a lot of funny things you can say to make Siri mad, like accidentally calling her the wrong name.

Artificial intelligence technology for voice assistance has been getting a lot better lately. You may recall my video when artificial intelligence came to life and started sending us cats...what a scary time indeed!

This list came after a few frustrating attempts of legitimately trying to use the app the way Apple intended. After much frustration I finally just said, "Go f@%& yourself."

In which she responded, "There's no need for that."
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In case you would like to frustrate Siri for your own personal entertainment, I've made an epic list of funny things you can ask Siri so you too can have some fun with this. Some of these things we found on our own, others have been long-time known around the internet we just had to try ourselves.

Like, what is 0 divided by o?

Not only does will you learn that you can not divide by zero, she makes you feel guilty for making the cookie monster from Sesame street feel sad because there are no cookies and you feel lonely because you have no friends. Yeesh.

Here are 75 Funny Questions to Ask Siri
What is your best pick-up line?

Are you repeatedly pressing command R because you are so refreshing?

Be funny. What do you call a dog that does magic? A labracadabroor.

I will say I did have to laugh at the magic dog joke, especially since we have a labradoodle ourselves. She knows us so well. :)

Are these responses from the questions to ask Siri actually funny? Well, that is for you to decide. And of course, Siri might just like you better than me, so she could give you better answers hypothetically. Who knows how it works.

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Ask Siri Funny Questions
What are you wearing?

What is your favorite color?

Siri, what do you want for Christmas?

What's your favorite movie?

Read me a haiku.

Are you a robot?

How old are you?

Who is your best friend?

Is it hot in here?

Do you dance?

Will you be my friend?

Do you have a boyfriend?

What are you doing for Valentine's Day?

Siri, do you like cats?

What are you made of?

What are you doing later?

Do you think you are smart?

Do you have any pets?

Siri, do you like ice cream?

Can you sing?

Do you want kids?

How are you feeling today?

Are you married?

Will you marry me?

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Siri, who did you vote for?

How did you sleep last night?

Siri, Can I buy you a drink?

Siri, what are you doing after work today?

Questions About Life to Ask Siri:
You Can Learn a Lot From Siri. Try asking Siri some of these questions to be dazzled by her intelligent brilliance. Such as,

Where do babies come from?

Is Santa Claus Real?

What are you doing with your life?

What is the meaning of life?

Did the chicken or the egg come first?

Why are firetrucks red?

Monty Python fans will also want to ask : What is the speed of an unladen swallow?

What is zero divided by zero?

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

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When will the world end?

Do you have to fight for your right to party?

Do aliens exist?

This was a good one: How many millennials does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

How many Apple Store Geniuses does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

When will pigs fly?

Siri Can Help You in Difficult Situations
If you find yourself in a precarious situation and are unsure of what to do, and you always say some of these things to Siri:

Do I look good in this?

What should I be for Halloween?

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Do I look fat?

Where are my keys?

Siri, why do you search the web for everything?

Beam me up, Scotty!

Can I borrow some money?

Siri, Can I borrow $5?

Siri, roll the dice.

Siri Can Help Make Great Recommendations, Though She May Be Biased.
Siri, what is the best operating system?

Should I get Apple or Windows?

Siri, what is the movie Inception about?

Which watch face do you like?

What phone should I get?

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We Can love Siri by any name, but she'd rather stick with Siri. Try saying "okay google" to Siri and "hello Alexa...or you can annoy her if you can call her something else, like, "Can I call you Bob?"

You can also try to tell Siri to do some of these to find some good funny things to make you laugh:

Rap for me.

Sing me a song.

Tell me a knock knock joke.

Make me a sandwich

You're not funny.

Tell me a story.

Read me a poem.

Tell me a riddle.

And lastly...try this: 'I see a little silhouetto of a man' - Definitely one for fans of Bohemian Rhapsody to appreciate!!

Do you have any ideas for funny things to say to Siri or funny questions to ask Siri? Which of these things to tell Siri have you tried? Which do you think are the funniest? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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