OK, Steemit, you win: here's my Manboobs, Circlejerk, Travel story!

I've been posting various kinds of original content, with my latest and greatest one getting a whopping 16 votes.
While I realise I'll never be an amazing writer, or a cute girl, I always had high hopes for my posts. No longer. I have seen the light: the whales want boobs, Steemit fantalk and random travel ramblings, preferably with bikini or "yoga" pictures. For the sake of staying marginally politically correct, I will not tell you what I think of the yoga-picture posts. No, I won't.
Anyway, enjoy the view, whales. I have gone as low as I can go. And probably will get stuck at 16 votes again.
The writer of the 10th comment gets to choose what I show you in my next post!
Game of Thrones Spoiler!

Father of Dragons revealed!
how to not upvote this??
I will personally say that I understand people's frustration but have to admit that Sex has always sold.
Go show me top tier advertisements that don't use one of these 3 things: Sex, Fear, Love/Inspiration...and I will show you an advertisement that is 1 in 1 million (that is likely unsuccessful).
You guys are here during the early days so everything will not be as smooth and as perfect as people might want, but it will even out over time. During these days though, the ones who work hard can definitely find ways to make lots of money---if they learn a bit about how to advertise themselves and their content.
Try not to look at it as a lack of idealism---look at it as the reality of what sells in the world. You will never hear marketing people say "we need to omit those sexy swimsuit models in this beer commercial and add a girl who is talking about helping cancer patients" or HBO saying "lets take the softcore porn out of our otherwise solid content".
Do you think Game of Thrones will listen to people telling them to take out beautiful naked women (or men)? They would laugh at us and say "go back to flipping burgers because you don't know what people want until they order it from the menu."
Not worth blaming the platform or whales for what is human nature. Sometimes we just have to roll with it and try to improve things in any way we can! Changing the world though is rarely easy and if we really care about the Ideals, we should consider the fact that we are fighting an uphill battle because we are battling the more raw and engrained aspects of human consciousness. And those parts of human consciousness respond to Sex, Fear and Inspiration (pretty much all advertising can be broken into those categories). Not saying it can't be done---but most times idealists have to be especially good Strategists to make the changes they want to see in the world. And they often do not make money for doing it. But when they do it without asking for money---they INSPIRE people (wait...that is the 3rd of the 3 most important advertising themes!). Yes Humor and other factors come in, but you will always see one of those 3 used in addition.
Wish that wasn't the nature of the world, but it is (at least until something proves me wrong).
Wow, now that's what I call a comment!
You, Sir, get to choose what I will show to the world in my next post!
show me new cool things added to steemmeta.com
I'll try. For the record, it's Steemitmeta.com
I upvoted and commented. Just pretend you are not here to make money, then its not duch a let down.
then you will focus more on bringing value! and that extra bit of energy might be what it takes to get noticed! Remember even if 1 out of 365 posts gives you 10k, it is FAR more than you have ever received from any other social media platform--and also will increase the chances that future posts will be upvoted :)
True. It does hurt though, seeing fake introduceyourself posts get $5k while your carefully crafted masterpiece gets 8 votes, 4 of which are bots...
Yeah thats kind of a stinger. I guess a good way to look at it is this. You could go buy a $5 scratcher at the liquor store and probably never win the $500 jackpot. Or you can make a post on Steemit and have a much better chance of winning that $500 or more jackpot
Yeah, I understand. Just like it would hurt to see people with boobs getting truckloads of winning scratchers for free ;)
Wise words, but EVERYONE is here for the money. I don't believe there are any idealists left...
You may surprise the world.. you never know
That's so deep. Thanks!
So thanks, much appreciate, wow!
Holy Mosses
That's lot of STEEM coming out there
Haha, thanks!
Now with Dragon????
Will caught in flame 💥⚡️⚡️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
This is now too HOT
Can you guys handle this??
It is a refreshing combination, my boobs with a dragon. Would've never thought of that.
:D Good boobs!
I upvoted and commented.:)))))
Thank you!
Out of everything you've wrote so far, besides that Bitshares article i see your boobs got the best attention. Nice. Lesson learned...
you should have combined the two ;)
bitshares symbol on your nipples?
maybe other cryptos too?
Actually i might hire you as my model for beyond bitcoin. I'm actually kind of serious here...
I'm very willing to model for cash. In fact, besides being a celebrity gyneacologist, that's one of my life goals!
Hahahaha :D